2nd Edition Alter-Eco Transnational Institute - 07.12.2007 15:06
The new climate justice newsletter of the Bali climate conference, is now online It can be downloaded from:
http://www.altereconews.org Or direct download from:
http://www.tni.org/altereco/altereco2.pdf If you would like to contact people for further information about any of the articles in Alter-Eco, contact: Ivonne Yanez - sudamerica@oilwatch.org - +62-8191 6262470 (The Radical Proposal of Ecuador Communities – Keep the Oil in the Ground) Anida Haryatmo – anida@kehati.or.id - +62-816999437 (The Indonesian Civil Society Forum Calls For Climate Justice) Daphne Wysham – daphne@seen.org - +62- 8174779109 (World Bank: One Stop Shop for Climate Chaos, Adaptation?) Brian Sloan – brian@risingtidenorthamerica.org – +1-646-789-4308 (Climate Activists Reveal Hoax) Who We Are: Alter-ECO is published by a group of non-governmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples Organizations and social movements at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP-13, who have come together to make a unified call in support of real, relevant, effective and human rights-based solutions to climate change. We oppose the false market-based response to climate change, including carbon trading, carbon financing and agrofuels, that is being implemented under the Kyoto Protocol. Because of their commercial appeal these 'solutions' are at the top of the political agenda. However, they are being used as a smoke-screen to ward off legislation and delay the urgent action needed to cut emissions and develop alternative low-carbon solutions that allow for a shift from fossil fuel dependence. At the same time they encourage business and people to continue with, or even increase, polluting activities, as well as reducing life to a mere commodity to be bought and sold. We join together to produce Alter-ECO as an instrument through which to project our collective voice, which reflects the views and concerns of grassroots constituencies and impacted communities all over the world. To submit an article, event, photo or graphic to Alter-ECO, please email oscar@tni.org Organizations contributing to this issue: Global Justice Ecology Project, Global Forest Coalition, Carbon Trade Watch, Transnational Institute, FERN, CORE (Center for Organizational Research and Education), PIPEC, The Corner House, SEEN, Biofuel Watch, World Rainforest Movement. Alter-ECO does not necessarily reflect the views of all of the participating organizations or contributors to Alter-ECO. Para leer Alter-ECO en Español visite: www.altereconews.org E-Mail: andrea@tni.org Website: http://www.tni.org |