Ungdomshuset Gandalf - 27.12.2007 01:43
Youth center activists charged too brutal violence.  Special forces on Ungdomshuset's roof during the clearing March 1st 2007 15 people who were arrested inside the Youth center during the clearing, are now charged with attempts at brutal violence against the police. During the clearing of the Youth center March 1st 15 people were arrested inside the actual building on Jagtvej 69. After nine months' investigation they are now charged with preparing brutal violence against the police. In the house a large amount of stone were as a matter of fact found, paint bombs, pepper sprays, slingshots, iron seaweeds, strongly a fireworks and Molotov cocktails - remedies that they however, never pleased managed to use against the police during the police action. The clearing, which was completed by a special force, who broke through the house's roof after being lowered down from helicopters, were to begin with mentioned by the police like a painless success, which only took about five minutes. But later the police were hard pressed obliged to admit that the clearing had taken about 50 minutes, and that at least one of the arrested ones in the house - a German visitor - was hurt by truncheon blows in the head. Several others suffered from a species of drop gas poisoning, when the police officers tore off their gas masks after having gathered them at a small room and thrown gas grenades. Subsequently demands for an investigation of the course during the clearing were put up, but it was in October refused by the Public Prosecutor, who didn't think that there was basis for such a study. The majority of the arrested ones subsequently was the custody for almost three months. The morning 50 MINUTES only lasted 5 minutes Politiken Søndag has interviewed four of the young ones, among them a wounded German, as if were arrested in Ungdomshuset on March 1st. Here is their version of the clearing. Ditte Marie Nielsen, 25 years, journalist, is in the Youth center in order to make a television-documentary Alexander, 20 years, German activist, is in the Youth center in order to yield first aid during the clearing Marc Geraci, 18 years, and Matias Littauer, 17 years, punk musicians and high school students Alexander Ditte Marc and Matias Alexander Ditte Marc and Matias Fourth hall "I am woken up by the alarm. "Eviction now, eviction now!", shout people in the mouth on each other. There are a damned lot of noise and rumble, I gradually found out about, had to be a helicopter". Ditte is making a documentary about the Youth center for the production company Bastard Film. She has been pregnant active with the film eight months and has often slept in the house. The evening before she had come into bed late after concerts and party in the house. 30 seconds behind the calling Ditte stands groggily out at the walk with his video camera and his gas mask. "I go through the kitchen and out to the staircase, while I make my camera lucid. Through an open window I can see machines down at the garden. A jet of water shoots against me down from the garden, thus the window bangs in. Back at the kitchen I can hear somebody shout that the police are the fourth floor. I run down the stairs and a little fumble with the gas mask. I can feel, there is gas behind myself". "People run up and down out on the walk. It takes me well a minute to come into the clothes, get a gas mask on and come out of the small practice room, I slept at. Down in the other end of the walk, at the staircase to the roof, I can see some dark silhouettes. I hurry down against them, since I think, it's my friends. Half-way I get a shock. The silhouettes have shields, truncheons and white police brands". There is complete confusion. The police are the 4. floor, long before the activists are aware of it. They are caught in the police's lightning attack. Alexander shouts that the police are there, turn around and run everything what he can do. At the staircase he finds a couple of the friends, who close a barricade at the staircase between 3. and 4. hall after him. Thus they continue blocking the road down through the floors. 10-15 pieces reach with all the way down. The rest is caught by the police, as they break through the barricades. The Stu At the small concert hall in the ground floor two young punk musicians lie and sleep it off. It's Marc and Matias, whom the evening before has played their life's concert in the Youth center. "IT was completely incomprehensible to be able to play in the Youth center. It was the punksc one in Denmark, thus when we managed to offer that the job, we weren't one second in doubt - of course we had to play there. It was something, all of us had dreamt about for years", explains Marc. It stayed late the evening before, and Marc has forgotten his season ticket home to Birkerød. Dirt with it. They are anyhow to meet at Christianshavns Gymnasium next morning, thus why not accept the offer over again to stay overnight? It's cold, the woodburner has gone out. The two musicians have caused a towel and a sleeping bag from the activists to warm itself along on the couch. Suddenly there is uproar at the floors over. "The police come, the police come!", are it shouted. A couple of excited activists with gas masks come running into the concert hall. "Either you defend the house together with us or else you put you behind the bar and surrender just for the police, when they come", the message is to the two a hangover-hit musicians. "We didn't entirely grasp what it meant. It was a little steep way to be awakened on. Together with two others we put us so over again behind the bar. Through the window it looked, as if it snowed. It was first, when we saw some of the house's users rennet round oiled into foam that we became aware of that the police used water cannons", Marc says. "Suddenly the house starts to shake, and the claw from an excavator breaks through the wall. It was a little like a big monster, who tried to dig oneself road until us". A moment is after contained filled with shield- and truncheon-carrying police officers with gas masks. Shortly the four are kept in in "puff-puffs" with the legs about the prisoner ahead. At the adjoining room there is thrown tear gas, which quickly also takes over the space with the bar. "My face burnt. It was, as if it was being turned on the wrong side. My jumper was soaked by snot, spittles and drops, and I could almost not pull the weather. That one really becomes agitated of, thus I tried to get a couple of police officers to pull my jumper over the head on myself. If only in order to conceal the worst of the gas", tells Matias, who also remembers a police officer for the sentence: "Now it's enough not so funnily longer, what?". And no, it's hardly, according to the experts: "Tear gas works that is skin, eyes, mucous membranes and airways by irritating the surfaces it puts into touch with,. It's a very potent irritant", explains consultant Peter Jacobsen, who works for Bispebjerg Hospital's Giftinformation. What happens, if it's used indoors? "Then there happen the same, but the concentration is greater". The basement The staircase from 4. hall ends up at the basement's kitchen. Through the kitchen windows, which are barricaded with metal bars, Alexander can see bulldozers from the alley beside the Youth center, who is destroying the barricades by the windows. There is an ear-splitting noise. The 10-15 activists are besieged. Only the basement isn't yet conquered by the police. After five minutes the activists give up the kitchen and search for desperate more deeply into the basement to the bar named "Hullet". The door is blocked to the kitchen, and a fight for to stand firm face to face with the bulldozers' breaking down of the vinduesbarricads starts. Computers, tables, couches, chocolate bars - everything, what is at the space at all, is stowed up against the door and the window-fronts in order to stand against the police's attempt at intruding in. "We succeeded in for a long time standing firm. The bulldozers couldn't penetrate, as long as we supported the barricades all the time. They threw tear gas in, but we were all wearing på-near one gas masks. That pinched in the skin, but it was to stand. Him without a gas mask had it well enough not so well. But then they invigorated in a water cannon, which could shoot water against three quarters of the space from the alley. We had to squeeze us up in the two corners out to the alley in order to not be hit", Alexander explains. In the alley the activists can see more and more police officers. The water prevents the activists from holding the barricades. The floor is a chaos of remains from the bar, who has been divided in order to be used as barricade. It all sails that more and more, the police spray in water. After 20-25 minutes in "Hullet" Ungdomshuset's last 10-15 occupiers must step down on backward. With water and gas in the heels they run into "Usmalia" - a small room of 10-15 sqm with sliding door and suddenly the place for the house's last defence. From "Usmalia" the activists can hear the police break into "Hullet". There leaves a little time. It is, as if the parties just stand waiting on either side of the door before the final blow. It has gone about three quarters, from the police have put the first people on the roof. Except a lot of gas there isn'thing at space. Everything has been used for barricades. "The police started to knock at the door and encouraged us opening it. We beat again and made a noise as into hell with everything, what we could find, in order to show the police that we wanted to not give up. Other we couldn't do. We had nobody else weapons than our slogans. Suddenly the door was destroyed up, and they threw tear gas in. The water cannon pumps the front ones back at space. The last, I see, is a police officer with a raised truncheon", says Alexander, who only wakes more hours later at the University Hospital of Copenhaguen. Hindmost at the space at a small landing is Ditte with its video camera. "The police open the door and pour in put up truncheons. They beat, beat, beat and beat and people are destroyed, as if the police strike himself through space. It goes wildly strongly. It's like a cartoon fight, where they only see a lot of arms and legs bristle in all directions", Ditte says. "I quickly see two bleeding heads, one goes to the earth. As people are beaten passive, are they put on the stomach down into the water from the water cannon and get on strips. I sit hindmost at the space with my press card in front over the head. I try to film with my camera, but a police officer with a life preserver beats me over the fingers and threatens me to put it down". As the activists are passivized, manage to they tear the gas masks of and put in puff-puffs. "There is wildly much gas, and that hurts correctly, quite. I cough very much, and snoting runs out just of the head on me. That sounds, as if there are more, which throw up. We sit some minutes, before we one at a time are led back up to the small concert hall "Spejlægget", where all of us are gathered". The Stu "We could hear them for a long time make a noise and down shout at the basement. First it was encouraging shouts to each other. A little later it turned into "Hvad fanden har I gang i" and that kind against the police officers. That sounded, as if it went very violently for oneself", Matias says. A small hour after the arrest the four were put together from the bar with the others 32 arrested from the house inside "Spejlægget". "Many of them really looked bruised. Some people bled powerfully from the head. Others were just and dangled and didn't work entirely, as if there was contact to them. Shortly afterwards all of us were together photographed and registered, and just before we were led out and driven away, we got down black hoods the heads. Some people managed to convert them on, and it was rather unpleasant. That worked, as if the police would hide all the bruised faces from the press that we well could figure out", had outside", says Marc. Epilogues "I was rather dizzy, when I woke up. A nurse continues to ask me whether I can remember name and birth date. Me succeeded in apparently managing to stammer out it, before it dawns on me that I lie in a hospital bed. I am naked, and the bed is drunk of blood. The it's about 10.30 o'clock. Later I learn that I was knocked out 07.50". On the video homepage Youtube a video with the name' the clearing of youngating 5 lies'. Here are seen Alexander be dragged lifeless out of the Youth center and put on the earth. The police officers are going with the back, but it looks, as if they try to stop the bleeding on the unconscious activist and subsequently cover up him with a thermo-carpet. Alexander's casualty department report confirms that he was knocked out, and that he suffers from' hypothermia accidentaliu' - cooling, because the body has gone into shock. He is enrolled at the University Hospital of Copenhaguen at 8.24 o'clock. The people in the ambulance measure Alexander's level of consciousness to be' 10 GCSs' - that means that Alexander is conscious not. According to the casualty department report that is due to "ostensibly blows against the head and breathed in gas". The doctor in the ambulance giver Alexander 100 microgrammes Fentanyl. "Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine and is given for instance to unconscious patients. 100 microgrammes are a strong dose for a person, who hasn't got it before. That is what you gives only for people, who acutely suffer great pain", says Lona Christrup, who is a lecturer at The Pharmaceutical Faculty under the University of Copenhagen. After being scanned and monitored at Rigshospitalets Traumecenter for concussion Alexander is again handed over to the police at 13.45 o'clock and driven at the detention. On Saturday midnight he is handed over to German police together with a number of arrested foreigners in Puttgarden. German police register them, take pictures and drive again. Few days later Alexander is hospitalized again for three days, this time at a hospital in Hamburg because of headache and nausea. It's typical symptoms of a mild concussion. Three days after the arrest is Ditte released, because she isn't any an activist, but a journalist. She manages to not confiscate her film, and the recordings from the Youth center will create raw material for a documentary next year. But Ditte has incurred a damage to the lungs that she herself attributes much tear gas, she was forced to breathe in, when the police removed her gas mask at the small cellar to it. Since March 1st she hasn't been able to talk i-pulls five minutes without exploding at an unstoppable fit of coughing. It happens repeatedly during the interview. Her doctor has ordained asthma medicine and antibiotics and sent her for radiologist and øre-næse-hals-doctor. He doesn't know whether the symptoms are due to the tear gas, but he knows that she has been exposed, as if were hard at her lungs. According to consultant Peter Jacobsen near Bispebjerg Hospital's Giftinformation, it cannot be precluded that it'll be the tear gas on March 1st, which still joke. "There is reported case of lung damages, where one just got a reduced lung function in the longer term. Lung damages are known and described in more connection. I do not know which level has been at that basement, but it in is in the situation that it will end in disaster that people are indoor. , Where people just got lung damages, it is, where they have at closed rooms been' bombed out', so to speak". The following night Marc and Matias come at preliminary examinations in the magistrate on duty. Matias is first and is released. After that a judge change follows. Marc is led in and is arrested. Few days later Matias is however pulled in again, since the police think, he'd be able to influence the investigation. There go a couple of days more, and this time Marc is released. But again only for a couple of days with similar reasons. Except a couple of days in freedom the two musicians end up sitting the custody for three weeks. source http://modkraft.dk/spip.php?page=nyheder-artikel&id_article=6974 http://politiken.dk/cci/article288748.ece http://politiken.dk/system/topicRoot/Ungdomshuset/ http://english.indymedia.dk/search/by_tag/G13 een stededelijke sociale beweging ontstaat en begint....als aan de voorwaarden voldaan is. source https://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2007/12/49176.shtml |