Soja lezing CEDLA 11 januari Nina - 07.01.2008 15:08
11 January 2008, 15:30, CEDLA: Keizersgracht 395-397, 1016 EK AMSTERDAM - NL Lezing over de huidige situatie in Paraguay met betrekking tot de soja-expansie, het verzet daartegen, en het verband met de biobrandstof-push alhier. Soy production in the Southern Cone: the socio-economic and environment impact Javiera Rulli (BaseIS Paraguay) Referent: Barbara Hogenboom (CEDLA) In the view of many researchers and activists in the global South and North, the model of intensive agriculture based on soy monocultures, production of fodder in one continent and agro industry in another, is extremely problematic. This model results in an emptying of the countryside, contamination of the environment and destruction of landscape and native cultures. According to Javiera Rulli, a biologist working at BaseIS Paraguay, the expansion of agribusiness leads to criminalization of social struggle and violence against indigenous, peasants and the poor in the cities. She will talk about the current tendencies and problems together with An Maeyens (soy campaigner for ASEED Europe) and Nina Holland (campaigner on agrofuels for CEO). To give an impression of soy production and its effects, some parts of a documentary about San Pedro (Paraguay) will be shown. Javiera Rulli will present the outcomes of two recent studies. "Refugees of the Agro-export model" is the result from an extensive field research brought about in 2006 in Paraguayan campesino communities surrounded by GM soy monocultures. This investigation by a multidisciplinary and international group of researchers (lead by sociologist Tomás Palau) analyses the dynamic of impoverishment and degeneration of the ways of life of rural households, causing rural expulsion and migration to cities. "United Soya Republics" is a collection of contributions by Latin American activists and researchers that depicts the current status of the Global soy model that dominates the Southern Cone. The volume shows that soy is not just a crop, but a system that has geopolitical value and sustends an economical globalization of agriculture in function of corporate interests. |