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Also about indymedia at VideoVortex conference Amsterdam now VideoVortex bezoeker - 18.01.2008 10:10
Friday 18 and zaterdag 19 january 2008 in PostCS11 in Amsterdam, NL: VIDEO VORTEX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE One of the debates will be about independent media like Indymedia.  networkcultures.org/videovortex Fragment from the programme: Friday January 18, PostCS11 15.45 - 17.45 Alternative Platforms and Software Independent Media Sites In the current environment, the first independent media sites are looking to the 2.0 trend with two different attitudes: On one side, they want to learn to network the different producers better, and help spread the good material. On the other side, the narcissism and individualism of the blogosphere is seen as counter-productive by most of the activists-programmers that work on open platforms. The not-so-digital videoactivists use many 2.0 platforms and we fail to make them understand why we don’t like them, while not providing a good choice. Which are the differences? Why does indymedia have fewer users than facebook? Do we need more facebook-like users? Why is so hard to use free platforms and how can we change that? Website: http://www.networkcultures.org/videovortex/programme/extended-program/ |
Lees meer over: Agenda kunst, cultuur en muziek media | aanvullingen | If your interested in this, | imc'er - 18.01.2008 11:15
better join in the discussions happening in Indymedia meetings around the world, or the http://techmeet.org group, or the imc-cms group, or your action group to decide what you really want from Indymedia and join your local Indymedia mailing list with ideas. | |
aanvullingen | |