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Programma Migrant/Media/Metropole 2 feb flexmens.org - 31.01.2008 16:12
Hier het programma van de bijeenkomst rond migratie en syndicalisme in de Balie deze zaterdag, 2 februari. Entree gratis, Kom langs en zeg het voort! Here the programme of the gathering around migration and labour conflict this Saturday february 2, in de Balie. Entree is free, come by and spread the word!  [English below] [Programme even lower] Migrant / Media / Metropole New labour struggles in the global city Een transnationale discussie over migratie & arbeidsverhoudingen en daarmee samenhangende conflicten. Migratie en media-activisten analyseren samen met onderzoekers en vakbondsorganizers de 'best practices' in de strijd tegen precaire en onzekere arbeidsvoorwaarden, en delen inspirerende voorbeelden van nieuwe organisatie- en vakbondsvormen voor sociale rechtvaardigheid. Zij laten daarnaast nieuwe creatieve campagnes zien, zoals de ‘Justice for Janitors’-campagne in de V.S. en de campagne ‘Schoonmakers voor een betere toekomst’ in Nederland. Het doel is om traditionele vakbondspraktijken ter discussie te stellen en activisten, academici, mediamakers en kunstenaars te inspireren om deel te nemen aan hedendaagse arbeidsconflicten. Met: Enrica Rigo (Migratieonderzoeker) Marcel van der Linden (Arbeidshistoricus) Zoe Romano (Chainworkers Milano) Nico Scuglia (Oficinas de Derechos Sociales) Massimo De Angelis (the Commoner) Fé Jusay (Migrant Domestic Workers) Dagmar Diesner (No Borders London) Katrien Depuydt (Abvakabo) Sören Kohler (Multitude e.V.) Hagen Kopp (Migratieactivist) Juliano Vieira (Schoonmaker/Activist) Herrie Hoogenboom (Organizer FNV Bondgenoten) Franziska Bruder (Verdi) Voorafgegaan door een lancering van het boek Urban Politics Now! (NAi 2007). Gratis Entree! Datum | Zaterdag 2 februari Tijd | 13.00 - 18.30 uur. Taal | Engels Live webcast | www.debalie.nl/live Georganiseerd in samenwerking met Flexmens / Coalitie Voor een Betere Toekomst / FNV Bondgenoten ************** [English] ************** Migrant / Media / Metropolis New labour struggles in the global city Migration and media-activists gather with theorists and labour organizers to discuss and share best practices in the fight against precarity and insecure labour conditions. Sharing inspiring examples of social justice unionism and creative campaigning like “Justice for Janitors” in the U.S. and “Cleaners For a Better Future” in the Netherlands. The aim is to challenge traditional labour practices, syndicate and inspire a sharper network of social activists, academics, media makers and artists to join contemporary urban labour struggles and confederate into a globalization from below. With: Enrica Rigo (migration researcher) Marcel van der Linden (labour historian) Zoe Romano (Chainworkers) Nico Scuglia (Oficinas Sociales) Fé Jusay (Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers) Massimo De Angelis (the Commoner) Dagmar Diesner (No Borders London) Seoren Kohler (Multitude) Hagen Kopp (migration activist) Juliano Vieira (schoonmaker/activist) The debate will be preceded by the book launch of Urban Politics Now! (NAi, 2007). Entrance is free! Date | Saturday February 2 Time | from 13.00 - 18.30 PM Language | English Live webcast | www.debalie.nl/live ************* Programme ************* 13:00-13:45 preprogramme book launch: Urban Politics Now! Reimagining democracy in the Neoliberal City (NAi, 2007). With participation from BAVO, Henk van Houtum en Merijn Oudenampsen. 14:00 – 15:30 Start main programme panel #1 “Towards a Globalisation from Below” Facilator: Valery Alzaga (Justice for Janitors – Global Campaign) -Massimo De Angelis, The Beginning of History: global capital, global value struggle -Enrica Rigo, Contested Migrant Citizenship in Europe -Marcel van der Linden, Organizing and New Labour Internationalism -Hagen Kopp, Forging a Transnational Chain of Migration-activism Globalization has brought us an increasingly integrated global circuit of large corporations and financial conglomerates, which have concentrated power in fewer and fewer hands. On the other side, we can find an emerging globalization from below, that of migrants, labour struggles and social activists, claiming space and redistributing wealth. 15:30-16:00 Break with possibility of sandwich and conspiring. 16:00- 17:30 panel #2 “Syndicalism 2.0” -For a Better Future, Dutch Cleaners Campaign (Juliano Vieira, Cleaner / Activist, Herrie Hoogenboom Organizer FNV Bongenoten) -Migrant labour struggles in South Spain (Nico Scuglia, Oficinas de Derechos Sociales) -Organizing Migrant Domestic Workers (Fe Jusay - Commission of Migrant Domestic Workers, Katrien Depuydt, Abvakabo) -Streik.. Find'ich gut! On the German Retail Strike (Franziska Bruder, Verdi) Examples of campaigns that have brought inspiration and innovation back to labour, revolving around organizing and social movement unionism, building community, going back to the base and out of the office. 17:30-19:00 panel #3 “No Longer Invisible: Labour & Media” -Advanced Services of Conflict Production (Zoe Romano, Chainworkers Milano) -Mediawork for a Better Future (Merijn Oudenampsen, Flexmens.org) -Documenting the German HWS streik (Sören Kohler, Multitude E.v.) -Underground Londoners, cleaning the London underground (Dagmar Diesner, No Borders London) Media-activism has provided a vital ingredient to new campaigns, to visibilize what normally remains hidden from view. Media-activists showcase their work, and discuss issues of participation and representation. Bio’s first panel: Massimo De Angelis is a critical political economist working at the University of East London. He is author of several publications on value theory, the link between capital's globalisation and social struggles, commons and social change, and the political reading of economic narrative. His most recent book, The Beginning of History: Value Struggle and Global Capital, came out in 2007 with Pluto press. He edits the web journal The Commoner (www.thecommoner.org) where he also keeps a blog. Enrica Rigo is a researcher and activist working on migration. She is doctor in Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Theory at Naples University Federico II. Since 1999 she has been working in a centre in Naples that specializes in providing legal advice to migrants. She recently published the book Europa Di Confine: Trasformazioni Della Cittadinanza Nell'Unione Allargata, on the transformation of citizenship of migrants in the enlarged European Union. Marcel van der Linden is director of research of the International Institute of Social History and professor in the history of social movements at the University of Amsterdam. His interest lie especially in the past and present of workers resistance. His book Workers of the World will be published soon. Valery Alzaga is a labor organizer and a social justice-migrant rights activist. She has worked for 9 years in the Justice for Janitors Campaign throughout the U.S. and now is organizing coordinator throughout Europe focusing on low income workers in the service sector. She has recently being involved in the Dutch and London cleaners’ campaigns. Hagen Kopp is a migration activist and has been one of the initiators of the Noborders network ( http://noborder.org). He has been at the forefront of different migration campaigns, such as the “Deportation Class” campaign against Lufthansa's policy to deport undocumented migrants on it's planes. He is presently involved in the Kein Mensch ist Illegal group in Hanau and the international Frassanito network. |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek media Schoonmakers-Campagne vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | |