GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom Johnny America - 08.02.2008 22:18
The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction]) is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans being. GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction]) is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans being. Again, the demon knows of Ahmad, but FORBIDS American soldiers from understanding what a defender of America should know to defend ourselves Judicially for real freedom. Coast to Coast hosts wont take our calls, but they did take several demons on Wednesday, one in particular who figured he could be a "god" too, by supporting the indiscriminate murder of Iraqis to defend the evil zionist neocons in hiding. But, what did GOD in Iraq have to do with the bushite responsible for the DEATHS of 911?, or the DEATHS of all Arabs in around the nieve age of 15? George Norry didn't ask.. Another demon witch allowed on our air said at great lengths, she appreciated that the demon antichrist Bush lies continuously to dying soldiers because that’s the only way to blindly defeat terrorists.. (evil = good) George speaks nothing but happy silences in trusting warmly with dying US all for ignorance as belligerent criminal negligence. Again, the demon enemy of God refuses US to open communications on any relevant subject involving the sacrifice of American lives. Staying happy, he figures that's all it will ever take to defeat Americans lost in doubt on his contempt for all Peoples lives, is to simply forbid knowledge from escaping his charade. He told US previously, he'd go ballistic against any soldier who refused a criminal order. So, when marines are asked, as reported, if they'd murder their own parents without reason for the glory of the Corps., would Geroge Norry shoot "them" as traitors for asking simply why would WE do that? See something here my friends behind these great works of wonder? Demand open communications regarding our demands for the arrest of those truly responsible for the crimes of mass murder in America on 911 back in New York city. Save Our Souls These Be Commis Hey Man! Alex's guest, Larry Nichols, who claims to have MURDERED countless innocent American citizens, of which some he almost names!, he did simply for dope money paid to him by partners of President Clinton - Larry alleges. ! It appears Larry here confesses to MURDERING innocent American women who it is claimed, were raped by President Clinton, just one victim among many other AMERICANS!! [major problem here Peoples, because the woman mentioned was actually murdered as Larry states, and breaking in her home Larry confesses to doing himself, but seems unlikely raped by Mr. Clinton, for why take such re-occurring risks as Clinton for expensive flings, when cheap whores come for a dime bag, never mind all the prostitutes.. without needing Larry risking in the room to clean up the goofed mess.. again, but perhaps /\/ the far gone criminally insane Clinton is someone we never knew, then attempted to change his evil ways for Larry through Christ - but - where's the evidence?] Truly foolish Larry and Alex claim, sTraNgLy, Bush is not a bad guy to get up into a huff about, to save American soldier's lives however, but ..ooohhh.. President Clinton is bad for ordering the murder of INNOCENT Americans Larry Nicols himself admits committing. We need someone to seriously call our cops here, perhaps Larry could.. Murder is still against the law. Bush too, CLEARLY, needs to go to trial for mass murder of thousands in New York City. No matter what Alex figures "Liberals" think. For, we all know what "Right wingers" think, not much... I challenge without question: "right wingers" are stupider in every respect if open debates are allotted a fair space to speak openly. Thus, Alex and the repuglicons state they want freedom, but not totally where weakness is trounced by wiser men with greater plans. Example: a person accused of a criminal offense without evidence is innocent. Bush is Guilty of treason, along with all the noecons responsible for lying to government. The Man, Johnny America I am Challenging America to a Presidential Debate "Ron Paul's Name Crossed Out On New York Ballot Papers" 'New Hampshire was criminally stolen from every Patriot American' Look, where is American supporters to demand a fair election? All in with the idiot libertarians who state all government is to be left un-accountable as bad themselves perhaps? Ask a libertarian, "are traffic lights an effective way to improve traffic congestion"? Or ask, “did you know buying in bulk is cheaper”? Then take in the hilarity of them flashing "tilt!tilt!tilt!", as the ball is drained from their game as loser'ing. - Enemy Bushite of God defends Torture as "legal" without magic TV debate "So, there you have it: we torture, consider it legal" No, my friends, torturing innocent people to death is as it will always be, a crime warranting the death sentence. We need to get US together, and form a posse. - Just another "Accident" Look, these bushites shot dead innocent children. Just like George Norry would. So, do YOU think they wouldn't murder YOUR child as enemies of GOD? [Bushite Enemy] Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens / / U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate guns and shoot American citizens \ \ George Norry, or course, would be there with those that would murder their own family, if it means, one must obey the Corp. as a Bush whore, blindly without thinking.. - POLICE GUNS FOUND WITH MELTED CONCRETE IN THE RUINS OF THE WTC Again, corporate bush whores, are enemies of God as our human spirit. They refuse to listen to our voice on demands of Justice ruling our ways to defend our forsaken lives. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. God Rulez. Is This God's Will for Humanity? / / None of the police officers or commanders involved in the FATAL SHOOTINGS of Palestinian citizens of Israel in October 2000 will face criminal indictment, \ \ Is This What a giver of Love to the Glories of Life, want made for the innocent godly lives of others continually left for murdered? Is a pro torture zionist obscening on America's Grand Stage, not truly an enemy of GOD?, when it thieves from any as ourselves held in self contempt? So too, a murderous enemy standing unchallenged in the land of the coward as home of the slaves? Johnny's America?? HEY PEOPLE!! Torture IS against the law, and warrants the death penalty.. So, support the Holy Debates for God and Country, and let's bag US some bushite nazi vermins to save a Great America for the Gipper. Enemies to life and freedom to believe are the bushite, as sworn haters to Liberty supporting in silence, lawlessness for theft, torture, indiscriminate bombing, and slave labor. Can't argue with the facts against US, only to know, it wars God and Man to die everyone an evil victim to it's hatred for love and wisdom. Support my demand for open international debate against any as all bushite bombers for the demon antichrist false accuser, Mr. G. W. Bush. - Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You "He claims to be a follower of the Torah of Moses, but as far as I know the Torah prohibits oppression and prohibits injustice and prohibits stealing people’s land and property." Again, demonic zionists are ENEMIES of the Jewish faith. They lie to cheat at murder for money. Money paid for by American tax payers to murder innocent Christians, Jews, and Arabs. The pictures of zionist offspring, signing their nazi family name to cluster dud land mines, were FIRST used against Jewish northern communities in Lebanon! Not CNN newsworthy.. Why? Because Condi, unelected demon witch, sent herself, SEVEN MILLION land mines to be strewn over 170 towns and villages to murder OUR children indiscriminately for decades. Sent after a truce had been called, and an end to the zionist nazi conflict was at hand. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS crews are not working to defend our interests as God's, but to support zionist censorship on mass murder committed by the ungodly bushmob demon liars. Bill a bushite terrorist for freedom to be America. Bushite bomb our families indiscriminately, while claiming as traitors to LIFE, BlackWater is 'lawless' to rape America further without defensive Judicial reaction. Do you think bush bitch George Norry will allow Your America to understand this as important? Will you willingly go to die as crime victim for the still happying as wealthly, George Norry?, or will you speak in defense of your own world left denied? FRONT PAGE Again, realize: George Norry, the indisputable pro-child killer, forbids Americans to understand: General Ahmad funded Atta. And that iron flowing like water on video tape exists. The demon states the antichrist ["not Bush", the demon lying capital false accuser, who immediately closed outstanding criminal investigations on 911 while claiming to be a Christian, and all those who appose with independent thought, evil terrorists] is actually the guy who states he's of GOD! Where demons? I, The son of Man, CREATOR, demand America prove their great love for Freedom, a "truth" they promote as practiced, to continue hiding the lies committed by treasonous neocons responsible for 911, and so on... Remember: Coast to Coast hosts don't mention no specific individuals responsible for the terrorist acts of 911 learned from official investigations done by the honorable in the FBI, and a great many others, no, why? Their chauvinistically contemptible egos. For example: we're hugely more wise on health care, and they'd rather DIE AMERICA, before allowing us to speak in challenge to their irrationalisms, that truly cost everyone more money by staying dumb on the issues. See? I support open debate, while national bushite broadcasters boast of happy times to see US suffer for more pled ignorance hiding sadists, like the coast to coast radio host, George Norry, who's into murdering innocent people in war for no better good, or reason understood. Or, one worth mentioning... US Asking Iraq for Wide Rights on War [Nazi antichrist forces demand no laws apply to their criminality] Pioneering Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction Do you have any idea how EVIL this is? Does George Norry care? Care that American women are raped by these 'lawless' enemies of Humanity, and to protest against rapists, puts an American forsaken behind bars.. to dare defend women in pro-child killer George Norry's "America.". Sick, truly sick. What you don’t see on CNN: Video of Settlers Firing on Palestinian Shepherds in South Hebron Hills - / / Real Jews don't murder innocent people to steal their rights to Life for money. Nothing worse than a Zionist nazi "jew" with money they never earned, but stole in the names of the suffering Peoples. \ \ Afghan 'blasphemy' Death Sentence Where are the demonic liar bush bitch illiterates to defend our freedoms? Remember: bushite push heroin while bombing our families indiscriminately because they say, they do it to defend the demon liar neocon enemy of Humanity who profits off the crimes of 911. Bill a lawless bushite enemy for America my Patriot brothers and sisters. Do it for God, do it for Country. "A million Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail" Zionists ARE enemies of GOD and Liberty. They murder to steal from US, the poor, to feed their hatred for Humanity, and as the true Jew of Jews, the Son to God. Why hate ME? Because I'm honorable?, brave?, and wise? by demanding the arrest of zionist terrorists who thieve from ourselves, such as the neocons for the crimes of 911. ? War, What's It Good For? Warning the Demon G. W. Bush was given personally: / / "The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or no warning." \ \ What did the demon do? Didn't warn anyone, and went on vacation, but really, according to official documents dated of those days, worked top secretly on his invasion of Afghanistan plan with Rice, and Rumsfeld for Enron. Pension thieves Enron. Does George Norry, the pro-child killing censor of cries for Justice care? You really think so? Ian Punnet, the sick nazi phuk who states he's seen the loose change videos, but still believes the towers fell as a natural consequence of two planes missing WTC7 entirely.. you think he cares to see American teen soldiers sent to their deaths irrationally for the bounties of wealthy evil neocon zionist liars? What does Art Bell care of INNOCENT Christians murdered by nazi israel for stolen loots paid for by the MADE uniformed tax paying American huckstered audience? Coast to Coast "Hosts" will go happying, instead of US, the innocent forsaken they leave forbidden open communications. Americans are understood by the entire human species, to be painfully ignorant as Chauvinistic know nothings, who rape and murder from our Humanity to benefit themselves dying from censorship, and look at where it's gotten everyone.. Bombing Our very own innocent families who dream of a better life for all though freedom, that only comes by the ways of Justice understood as measured. I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment. A person accused of a criminal offense without any evidence is innocent. And worth MY protection. NewsCorped America is not qualified to lead any group committed to understanding why we have laws to serve ALL people equitably for freedom. Certainly, we all could easily learn this though, through lively trial and error by public debate, if we had an open mike policy on a national level to talk directly with these trying times at the best of our capabilities of listening. I demand my calls for open debate against all neocon zionist enemies world wide be taken up seriously for the betterment of all peoples lives. / / The Pentagon officially reported 72,043 battlefield casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan through Jan. 5, 2008. \ \ SEE SOLDIERS?? Didn't see this on CNN, CBC, or hear of it on Coast to Coast with happy George Norry did you? Think of ME. They refuse to broadcast ME, because what I say is TRUE. Paradise?, or a dead world ruled by evil bushite terrorist liars, who rob from America, our children and futures. - / / Perino Dismisses CPI Study: Truth On How We Sold The Iraq War Is Not ‘Worth Spending Time On’ \ \ Just die irrationally for the for real antichrist enemy of Humanity, you cowards.. / / US President George W. Bush and his top officials ran roughshod over the truth in the run-up to the Iraq war lying a total of 935 times, a study released Wednesday found. \ \ Hey, just LYING to murder a million or two defenseless, innocent people for the zionist neocon, whom state their official policy is to lie, cheat, and steal from America as 'left' undefended after 911. - The Fix Is In The Answer The "Shock and Awe" Gallery To Our Patriotic American Lovers of Justice and Freedom CIA hid torture tapes from 9/11 Commission Mark Mansfield of the CIA said in a statement quoted by AP that "The notion that the CIA wasn't cooperative or forthcoming with the 9/11 commission is just plain wrong. It is utterly without foundation" This is clearly absurd, as it is blatantly treasonous. "Without foundation?" Nobody minimally involved could form that conclusion, without bold faced lying. Likely done to get away selling more dope to American kids to get hooked up into life term prison sentences for slave labor camps. Guess what American politicians say IF ANYTHING? "requires further investigation." MARK MANSFIELD ADMITS TO DESTROYING EVIDENCE ON 911, AFTER BEING ASKED TO SUBMIT HUNDREDS OF HOURS OF ILLEGAL TORTURINGS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DEATH FOR CONGRESS. TREASON WARRANTING DEATH ACCORDING TO REAGAN. But, who actually really cares in America for Freedom dying as bushite war monger tyranny anyway? In America, on their national radio program, the pro-child killer George Norry spews his poison almost everyday, and "Americans" can't even be bothered to lift their phones to speak in the defense of OUR forsaken families. No, "Americans" like to rob from God and Humanity by suggesting to murder people indiscriminately will benefit themselves in the long run as THIEVING LIARS. Not if Reapin' Johnny, has anything whatsoever to say about US and our love for God as Life. Get me on the Coast to Coast radio program to Host for open line communications, to start this, Justice Will Be Done for Freedoms held indivisible Issue. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. God Rulez. ISRAEL [THE UNGODLY] DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN Kill a bushite for America why don't you as Anyone? "The killing of innocent civilians is policy," veteran Mike Blake said. "It's unit policy and it's Army policy. It's not official policy, but it's what's happens on the ground everyday. It's what unit commanders individually encourage." Not true. We have plenty of examples of official policy such as no cause whatsoever for the war period, and FOXNEWS. Then of course, "mad Dog" Mattis, "bush bitch" Blount, "rotten" Russell. Or Sattler's, that ordered the indiscriminate murder of more than two hundred thousand INNOCENT people of Fallujah. As just one example of many. Billing bushite is saving Humanity from the actual, for real, antichrist forces of demonic evil mentioned in every Bible. Bill a bushite enemy of America, for a bushite is minimally a thief, a thief that wars the innocent of Humanity to help 'escape' the zionist neocons for the crimes of 911. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. And there is a mountain of molted iron under where the towers fell. Die bushite die. / / Such an action constitutes a clear and unequivocal crime against humanity [AND G-D if you truly believe]. \ \ On Nov 29, 2:06 pm, mike3 wrote: > On Nov 29, 12:59 pm, Release the Press > > Why would god will the destruction of life for a criminal thief? > > > > God didn't will it. Man willed it. Well, a criminal willed the murder of another, and now it thinks it can't be arrested because it says for US to do so, would be anti-Jew. And no, I'm sure Johnny would word it in today's climate, arresting a murderer for murder. See? A true "Jewish State" would be one where all people were treated fairly, as the actions of a peoples who believed in God as holy an' righteous. Not thieving terrorists killing people to steal further from our good graces. Good God Man Coast to Coast radio hosts are traitors who forbid the American Patriot to know: General Ahmad funded Atta, and that we have video of iron flowing like water from the towers The HPV vaccine is being used officially (according to official FDA documents) to kill American female children, and Americans refuse to hunt to bill happy George Norry for it. No, Americans murder their very own children to please the silence George Norry offers, as fictions to hide their cowardice to defend Christ and Man as their very own family dying criminally under continued mortal threat. While the pro-child killer george norry is happier than ever conning to kill more freedom in voiceless America. Support my call to host for open line communications. George Norry isn't qualified to silence our cries for Justice realized. Make the call, be a Human. HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: FDA Documents Reveal HPV "Not Associated with Cervical Cancer" Again, CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS with the coast to coast radio host celebs are enemies of God as the Human race. Reagan would have guaranteed, with his War Crimes Act, to have publicly executed Romney's buddy for the torture of innocent people Cofer Black freely confesses to have kidnapped. Yet, CNN whores America to ride on that torture is Reagan's best bud. Romney, who's demonically evil religion IS centered on Satan's temptations against Adam and Eve, forbids a belief that black people are not worthy the godly freedoms granted all sentient beings, all because Romney has magical 35 year old underwear it is waged. DUMB. No, CNN forbids such truth in dialog, but to say, a Ron Paul newsletter of near twenty years ago, suggests he hates blacks because the Federal Reserve is printing money for their own private profit at the loss of every American wage earner.. blahblahblah. Bushite are OPENLY selling tons of heroin, and cocaine, while bombing our communities indiscriminately. Not newsworthy. Gates has taken responsibility for dropping 47,500 lbs. of bombs in Baghdad to murder people indiscriminately in a city the bushite terrorist thieves OCCUPY as openly demonic. Gates will receive a death sentence by the will of US, as just another bush bitch zionist neocon war monger threatening Humanity with more indiscriminate murdering. P2OG - designed to KILL America with naked neocon terrorism disguised as "Patriotic". Remember: near none in the entire Bush administration has been ever elected, yet, they bomb the innocent with lies for "Democracy." [The Innocent is ourselves for you beginners out there...] KILL ANY OR ALL LOYAL BUSHITE ENEMIES FOR THIS: / / The AMSI statement continued: "The bombing entirely targeted homes of residents in the area and resulted in the deaths of dozens of innocent civilians, including women, children, and elderly people, in addition to wounding a comparable number." "This dastardly crime clearly demonstrates to the whole world the ugliness of those who committed it," the statement went on. "It shows that they are totally unconcerned about people's lives and do not care for the honor and esteem accorded to human beings in all divinely inspired religions." \ \ / / Nazario separated a young Iraqi, [around the age of 10] known as “Number 2,” from the group and led him into a bedroom where he [as loyal bushite enemy] shot him with his rifle. \ \ Calling all Lawyers, Judges, and Police Officers We shall track down every bushite charged under all military "Judges", and publicly try them for execution as: aiming to and murdering, innocent people - to thieve from US all for ungodly zionist necon LIARS. While American gun owners from any number of gun groups will bill any and all bushite who grunt their satanic disapproval of freedom as Justice for All. We shall bring the perpetrators of 911 to Justice before Man, bar none. God is Risen - die bushite die. Orders given to the bushite child killers of Haditha: "anything that moves you kill and don’t take any prisoners." Nazi bushite lawyer's surmisal to war criminal "mad dog" Mattis: "If the defense version of events is true, dismissal of the charge is justified." No, they would be just as assuredly guilty of aiming to and murdering innocent people as enemy of Life bushite do with bogus dumfukker excuses. Killing bushite is saying to God, you really care. A bushite is an enemy of America who wars innocent Humanity for the escape of the zionist neocons for 911. traitors are the bushite soldiers - to everyone. / / no evidence has been publicly released that implicates the young men of the 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon, Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment in any criminal activity arising out of events of November 19, 2005. Indeed, as there is none that exists, let those who say otherwise prove it. \ \ "None". See? a total dumfukker who's religion is lie to GOD about murdering helpless children, because the event is over as transpired. Yet, Gun Owners of America, WILL UNDERSTAND, this demon enemy of Humanity tells US openly, he gets off on indiscriminately murdering innocent people like those too, who committed 911 by zionist excuses such as: "shoot first and ask questions [answered by Coast to Coast radio hosts, CNN and CBC only] later." Or, a made up bushite enemy's pronouncement titled, "Rules of Engagement", an "official" excuse given to bushite who willingly shoot innocent women and children in the back, all because we were running from an explosion. Will you not join Johnny America and kill every last bushite judge or jury breathing who agrees such murderous conduct doesn't warrant an immediate death sentence during war time against TRUE EVIL? In the documentary, "Why We Fight", bushite bombers are interviewed, who knowingly bombed, easily, more than a thousand defenseless innocent people of Humanity indiscriminately downtown in Baghdad as precision first strikers. See them smile and laugh at knowing after the fact of understanding, they only murdered innocent families as their ungodly sadistic fetish, while lifeless CNN with FOXNEWS is letting them get away with murdering so many of US as Love forsaken, then ask yourself, do you feel lucky? punk? "See the bushite, kill the bushite", the Son of Man always says. Kill an ungodly bushite enemy, and be loved by God and Man as just an ordinary everyday run of the mill, True American Patriot Warrior aligned with Christ, the Greatest bushite biller of all time! Death to the bushite thieves who war for the traitor neocon liars, death to the Enemies Of Justice for God and Humanity. Evidence is Everything. Bushites are ignorant liars of evil. ' 'The "heroin lifers" are a group of prisoners, who were arrested under a Louisiana state law that mandates a life in prison without parole for the sale of any amount of heroin or possession with intent to sell.' ' How can Louisiana be so unjust to promote soldiers to push dope as bushite dumfuk losers, while addicting the citizens into private prisons for excepting the freebees? Bushite push the dope, and American kids go to jail for Life in cowardice by the millions not hearing... Make the call, be a Human. - Big News : Banks can't prove they OWN the mortgaged properties! A US Federal Judge, ruled to dismiss a [mortgage grab] claim by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company / / Here comes the hair in the soup. The Judge asked DB to show documents proving legal title to the 14 homes. DB could not. \ \ - Big News : Election Rigged! This is incredible for real - so incredible that I'M freaked out! It's just crzy that a private company charges 24 cents for each ballot re-counted... just think about that for a second again.. Oh yeah, and there are no ballots, or records of such events actually occurring. Johnny calls for paper ballots without exceptions, along with immediate criminal investigations. And let's let me take open line calls on the coast to coast radio network of ideas for just causes. A fair vote for freedom sounds right to begin our speech as heard from for understanding - We demand paper ballots, along with the 911 perpetrators brought to Justice to end all wars by peaceful resolution for freedom to triumph over bad guy terrorists who lie like George Norry. Answers are all here. - / / Two American-registered drug planes busted in Mexico carrying four and 5.5 tons of cocaine are just the "tip of the iceberg" in a blockbuster aviation deal which sold 50 American-registered aircraft to the Sinaloa Cartel [..] the FBI executed a search warrant at the house of the No. 3 official in the Central Intelligence Agency, Kyle “Dusty Foggo, soon to go on trial for corruption with accomplice Brent Wilkes. \ \ for dealing in TONS of COCAINE shipped to America, to additionally, pump the prison market with life term prison sentences on simple grams bag possessions. TONS. Cocaine for Crackers.. WOW. American trivia: Did you know, there are nearing at 2,500,000 people in expensive prisons for private profit operations nation wide in the land of the free, and home of the brave? We gotta get a count of prisoners on life term prison stints for carrying the bushmob doper deals in a double cross, The "oops.. who me?" Top Secret Strategy - shhhh.. - the cia planes selling TONS of illegal dope, and Americans go to prison for being too weakly represented politically to defeat these criminals with just words. big bucks. We need an American People standing up for the defense of speaking freely, as a voice of universal liberation. With evidence as a prerequisite - we have near no critics of millions.. Why so great? We all could benefit by Justice enacted fairly actually ruling our strides towards a better future through international communications, where all peoples have rights equal as beings worthy the respect we deserve.. Yes, we are amazing. Can you hear me now? Could I convince yourself in investing in a worthwhile cause such as ours? Who knows how far this takes us into a better future where we respect ourselves as others. The freedom to be all you can be by not infringing on the rights of any other to do just the same. Now, you should give me a least some dollars for sharing that repeatedly with ourselves.. Do you have any idea on how great we are here my friends?? We could be all incredibly gifted if I do say so myself.. So how about it? Johnny for Presidential debate questioner, Nationally contesting the tally in Anytown USA - open for suggestions? What do you say pilgrim? Am I not Great? Justice is Freedom WE WANT our votes verified as fact. This isn't about Ron Paul refusing to support a re-count to discover more than 0, ZERO, votes in one district, Bingo!, it is about YOU, as an American refusing to defend yourself from no measuring!, no measuring! what they will get away in blind tyranny as enslavement termed 'Freedom'. It is TRULY up to you to make a call to talk radio, it is truly coming down to You. Pick up our phones you bunch of good for somethings, and call for clarity on the justice is freedom angles. Johnny Wizard has come for diplomatic talks on the thorny issues that confront our storied days absent our found leadership. LOOK, the election body is not requesting fairness for the American voter, as rigged. WE WANT our votes verified as fact. It is not the realm of any private company to "own" the rights to deny us, me and you, public accountability as fairness to all parties - sworn in. Representative Democracy. Doubtless Dealings for Dummies Doubting. We DEMAND: paper ballots. Uphold Lawman Johnny for any paid Public position, for, I'm hungry for making a worth out of living. Otherwise, I'm going to have to leave for other matters of survival. If you spot me some change, I'll give you a thanks, and, it'll be just like you own shares. No special favors, but, I might just return your investment plus interest. So, join in with Johnny, and spot me some cash family. It'll go towards a good cause, us. Think of these words of art worth a dollar or two of your time here living. As for you BILLIONIARE bankers out there... buddies.. Help me up kids, your old man here is in need of some assistance in the form of a desperate cash infusion. Then, we shall begin our international media empire headed up by the President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co., The Great, King Johnny Wizard! - Scientific American - Hexafluorosilicic Acid is a Highly Toxic Chemical / / Scientific American had an article about the dangers of fluoride [...] Many people don't think twice about the toxic waste that we are drowning in. Fluoride is not what you think, and the deceit is painfully obvious, you just have to look. \ \ - Bogus Iran story was product of Pentagon spokesman / / Starr added that one American boat had been given the order to fire, and the Iranians had moved away just in time. Porter identifies Bryan Whitman, the Pentagon's top spokesman, as the culprit for the spurious [TREASONOUS] account. Fifth Fleet commander Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff denied that his ships had been close to firing on the Iranians. So did destroyer commander Jeffery James. \ \ Remember, these bushite are trying to con leaderless America into a another needless conflict, where we die for their growing riches as war mongering privateers of this, our 'popular will' contesting as defeated already.. Johnny America for Presidential Election Questions! Or, go back to dying needlessly then as dunfukked "Bushite", you losered. I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment. A person accused of a criminal offense without any evidence is innocent. We, as Americans, are appalled at the fact neocons have been able to steal our authority for so long to take America DYING into a needless, causeless war, but for to criminally plunder at the expense of anyone's innocent son or daughter. Pro child killer George Norry, enemy of the American soldier, still blabs about how more must die unjustly for bin Laden with LIES, knowing full well, video of steel flowing like water from the WTC exists, and that General Ahmad funded Atta. - Jack Blood Hmmm.. if this crazy thought police bill becomes law, HR.1959 then wouldn't FOXNEWS be first up for prosecution in regards to their baseless al-Qaida/pro-terror propaganda? As TRUE anti-Americanism to the core of what it is to be treasonous liars in front of everyone? - Why We Fight Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the Innocent Bushite enemy to Innocent prisoners "Satan is your God now." (seen on many bushite tanks "666" Praising Satan while chanting, "whore yeah, whore yeah", while raping, thieving, and murdering as antichrist enemies of EVERYONE - including GOD, if can you believe what is witnessed before all.) Bushite ENEMY interrogators use Satanic ceremonies ordered by Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, during the torture of INNOCENT People to death they kidnapped, all because American religious males refuse, "Christians", so far, refuse to kill SATANIC bushite on sight for true freedom and Liberty. Do not except the excuses of bushite nazis, that being openly Satanic for Bush's Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Grove, is to war for Freedom and Democracy in the New american Century. The Son of Man States to all religious PEOPLES: Kill a bushite to defend God in America. If necessary, You, as a dying America, shall give every last drop of Christian blood you have to bill the unarrested Satanic General Miller and his praising DEMONIC ilk for their murderous treasons against GOD and Man. (Atheists included die too with these routine indiscriminate bombings don't you know anything.) All because America still refuses to demand Justice for 911. Make the call, be a man. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. Bush, "The Puppet", needs to be executed for 911, putting mercury in American vaccines, torture, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Military Commissions Act. U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba ABC News / / In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba. \ \ And Proud Vietnam Vets are TRUE fascist cowards, who'd kill our Families for stolen riches given to billionaire war mongers who, to this day, bask in our stolen lives living in Mansions, while homeless vets eat their own shit and die, worthless to the struggles against tyranny for God. Still cowardly as evil is always ignorant. More committed to colonies for the French like Haiti, than Freedom for the Human beings granted the rights to Liberty. Joker to the Thief We laugh with Jon Stewart regarding the seven Christians set up by the bushite to be al-kinda, to be put to death, or serve life term prison sentences as the Innocent. BUT remember, CNN is serious. Pro-zionist CNN, with salaries in the tens of millions, will lie cheat and steal from Christian Americans while smiling. Sending you to death while cashing in on all the 'free' loot. Funny? (EXAMPLE: So what? that BILLIONAIRE Mitt publicly supports torturing innocent people to death without Lawyers for our Judgment with his nazi bum chum traitor Cofer Black?. Not CNN newsworthy as a defense for the People of America. Or how about that Black People can't be Bishops as a moron Mormon?) Soldiers of Ummah - unite US all to defend America from the evil bushite thieving liars - the enemies of Justice, the enemies of Life. Bill a bushite grunt to save innocent lives, and in that process, be truly loved by mankind through Peace. / / He said they [the innocent humans] are like dogs and if you allow them to believe at any point that they are more than a dog then you've lost control of them \ \ Who'll save the life of an innocent Dog from the savagery of the bushite enemy grunter though... - Ben Venzke and Jim Melnick of is al-Qaida / / “In fact, his stack of papers that he reads are moved between the exact same stacks. If you overlay the 2007 video with the 2004 video, his face has not changed in three years - only his beard is darker. [..] A senior U.S. intelligence official says they believe the message is authentic \ \ HUH??? Who is this senior U.S. intelligence official not mentioned? Are we suppose to just go in faith that bin Laden has every micro second timed perfectly greater than a computer meshed with clockwork oranges? Either it is the same, or it isn't.. EASILY provable. So why the ambiguity??? The ENEMY of GOD bushite war criminals can be found here, one way, or the other lying. Therefore, I want to engage in the Presidential Debates to demand Justice for all concerned.. Also, Evan Coleman of NBC is a blatant traitor as al-Qaida propagandist, and deserves to be publicly executed after a fair trial by US, the suffering Humans. Olbermann be damned. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. I am the most prolific writer on Earth, present on the Internet everywhere, even in China!, yet, these corporate bush whores pretend WE don't exist for fair measurements. Press for Freedom. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of America. A Soldier Wars for God and Country "I must tell you, I'm sleeping a lot better than people would assume," - The propagandist enemy George W Bush, Mr. Antichrist. No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused Robert Gates and his bush bitches in command of the air force bombers will be publicly executed for the crimes of indiscriminate murdering, after fair public trial by US, his victims. DIE BUSHITE DIE. Remember: BUSHITE ARE OCCUPING IRAQ - 47,500 lbs.. "These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are ordinary innocent men, women and children." - ! ! ! Boston Globe had PROOF the election was RIGGED ! ! ! They said, "oops".. defend the Boston Globe no matter what any person or persons say. If the Editor disagrees, love him anyway - if the paperboy shrugs, take the moment to explain - DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS ARE CRITICAL. So says Johnny the Dictator. (realize: the tabulations haven't even been formally released, and CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS told US who won before ANYONE was granted the opportunity to force such MEASURED conclusions. We were asking for a re-count before the count was even measured. If mathematically, 2 plus 1 doesn't equal 3, we are doomed. I want to participate in the President's Debate for Freedom's cause - Liberty and Justice for All. Paper ballots, paper ballots, arrests, arrests. Otherwise, we shall be politically entertained by McMcCain! Help us! help us! No funny.. 100 years of dying Humanity as murder victims sound laughable? We shall therefore, hunt bushite down to the ends of Earth and billl them where they mute as our eternal enemies. Justice for the war profiteering thieves. Calling on All American Gun Groups This Will Be My Anchor / / U.S. bombers and jet fighters unleashed 40,000 pounds of explosives on the southern outskirts of Baghdad within 10 minutes [...]warplanes dropped 38 1,000-pound bombs on suspected al-Qaida safe houses and struck at least 40 of them in the Arab Jabour area, \ \ Did they kill General Mahmoud Ahmad? Bush or Cheney? Someone at Intelcenter or mistakenly Colin Powell?, Aegis Blackwater or CACI? perhaps the demon liar Sean Hannity?, or a gaggle of hated by every living just Man - the thieving repuglicons? How about dope pushing NATO commanders?, or the ungodly bushite air force whores of the for real antichrist enemies of Life as Love? No.. innocent children, women and men, who could have lived freedom for life if the bushite enemy were dead and gone already. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to defend ourselves further lawless murders my brothers and sisters of all the Faiths put together? Again, "suspected". You kill, any and every grunting soldier of bushite america who disagrees these perpetrators will be hunted down individually and executed in Love - for blatant war crimes against our innocent Humanity. Allah Rules "God promised land of Israel to Jewish people alone" The Satanic Rabbi stressed as a demonic liar enemy who speaks injustice against US as the innocent loved by a true God held in silent awe. G-D wills a demand this quote verified by the Rabbi, if true, he will, and all other LIARS like him, be severely punished as a blasphemer against the Torah, the Quran, and Johnny - The King of Earth - Son to God. For a true Jew, as God wills through Law, loves all People to be free to live for happiness: be We Catholic, Hindu, or Atheist. Zionists of today, all abled men bill for Justice to defend our innocent lives, for, they as Satanic liars steal from US as the ungodly. Real Jews don't murder innocent people to steal their rights to Life for money. Nothing worse than a Zionist nazi "jew" with money they never earned, but stole in the names of the suffering Peoples. We, the Jew of Jews now kill 'lawless' bushite daily for the pleasures of all Humanity. Their surviving pro-nazi families faithfully cry as bushite out to "God", not for understanding, but in contempt of America and Liberty. It is always a shame on me and my Brother Jesus, but bushite die RIGHTLY to defend a desperate G-d as an innocently dying eternal Mankind. The People. Please, do not Forsake me. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" Fear an awesome God my Friends, fear for your soul in jeopardy ...all? ..ahhh... - American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry to speak in defense of Lovers. Kill 'lawless' Blackwater mercenaries who are hired to murder from the worst of military dictatorships, or don't and die your 'neighbor’ a coward in godless tyranny without choices to choose then. Don't wait till your neighbor falls, defend them now as if they were you left undefended. Rape, like murder, will always be a crime, despite what TV zionist celebs state about godless 'lawlessness' granting free reign in Our America. Blackwater is guilty. Defend Humanity, defend God. I'ves sorted them out, now kill'em. / / Jones' attorney and Rep. Ted Poe, R-Houston, said last month that 13 women had come forward with similar [RAPE] cases. \ \ Realize: the number is easily ten times higher, due to women fearing that so few of none real men wear the antichrist uniforms. Example: The mass murderer child killer who expresses no remorse as an enemy of life has this on the only page of his web site, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law" Yet, of course.. ahhfuk, how evil do you have to be...? Supply Administration-SgtG27 Sgt G sends "Some people dream of success. I live to crush those dreams." A Bushite is an enemy of America voting machine firm has [HUGE] executive criminal record Sure, the only guy who supports the DEMON Bush religiously "wins" a landslide of support. Despite the fact that Bush holds MUCH less than 24% support, and murdered thousands in New York City, and that REAL men hate bushite to death for warring Humanity without cause but for to murder, rape and THIEVE. (only 125,000 people voted in a State that is told they are critical in corporate media determinations on who will terrorize my undefended America further - who buys this C.R.A.P.? Happy George Norry of course does, and as such, isn't allowing US to speak any important questions on life and death. Why? Because he's happily into murdering defenseless innocent children. He told US so. And his loyal fans, couldn't care less for THEIR OWN alien offspring, never mind YOUR forsaken child.) / / The only officer charged in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal has been cleared [...] Jordan said. "I don't know if any officer needed to be held accountable [for, for fun, torturing innocent godly people to death. Innocent people we kidnapped - fully confessed] \ \ DIE BUSHITE DIE Chief Zionist rabbi thanks Bush for 'war against Iraq' / / "I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in particular for waging a war against Iraq," Metzger told Bush, according to the chief rabbi's spokesman. Bush reportedly answered that the chief rabbi's words "warmed his heart." \ \ See what evil is my friends? Zionists are sworn public enemies of Life and God. - Something Crazy Here / / Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has disclosed that Omar Sheikh, who kidnapped and murdered American journalist Daniel Pearl and is now facing death penalty, was actually the British secret Agency MI6 \ \ Mr Zubair was the lead investigator - Omar Sheikh was reported executed, [JUST BEFORE BEING MURDERED] BBC had censored Bhutto's remarks in which she claimed that Omar Sheikh had murdered Osama bin Laden several years ago. - Man, imagine if she were questioned on what info she had based her conclusion, and had had the story that the BBC wouldn't have reported either. Again, CBC, CNN et al., are traitors pretending to be open for communicating the facts. just like the pro-child killer traitor George Norry, Ian Punnet, and the evil Art Bell. / / Daniel Pearl was kidnapped in Karachi in 2002 and beheaded by Al Qaeda's number three, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Mr Zubair was the lead investigator \ \ See? this is why the True American Patriot Soldier bills the unarrested for TREASON as a self confessed war criminal, Rommney's "lawless" undie buddie, Cofer Black and partners for raping American women, kidnapping, torture, and pre-meditated mass murder. Mitt's Mercenary Ties - / / Let me repeat that for emphasis: The #3 guy at the State Dept [Marc Grossman] facilitated the immediate release of 911 suspects at the request of targets of the FBI's investigation. \ \ Marc Grossman needs to be immediately arrested without bail for the crimes of 911 as High Treason. Along with these guys to name most the rest ... 103 Suspected 9-11 Criminal Co-conspirators Bushite soldiers on FOXNEWS who mumble disagreement, are enemies of every American still breathing. - "It is clear to me that any error of omission or commission by Capt. Stone does not warrant action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice," Lt. Gen. James Mattis wrote. This TRAITOR women hating child killer, a for sure al-Qaida operative, "mad dog" Mattis has not been to an actual law school, and is dumber than the average bush bitch nazi punk, so what are we suppose to expect from such an enemy of Life and God? / / Naval Criminal Investigative Services further concluded that the civilians were deliberately targeted \ \ Yet, "Mad Dog" Mattis states nobody did nothing... dats cus hees der jooge.. NCIS or the "mad dog"? you decide as dying amerkan evil doers for the demon antichrist thieves Be a man. Bravely support my call for open public debate today American grunters. Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges And American men say.... what?? Nothing in defense of their own women?, like dope pushing BUSHITE NATO refuses too for Afghans? - Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being / / In spite of being evil geniuses of the internet it never occurred to anyone in Al Qaeda to put Adam Gadahn into Google. So unconcerned and trusting is this secretive criminal uber-gang that they made Mr Pearlman their chief spokesman. \ \ As this writer stresses, REALIZE: CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS with George Norry, the Demon, make no words over it.. Fuk, George Norry, that pro-child killing bush bitch nazi whore for the lawless antichrist, who is nationally broadcasted for blinded dumb amerikans - who as reported, will continue to die US as his treasonous annunciations. All by refusing to demand our interests be defended TRULY - with his BLANTANT demonic LYING and cheating of the facts to make others believe his demon con to die further innocents as more murder victims. Again, the pro-killing of innocent People george norry doesn't own my voice for Justice, but apparently, he owns amerikans when he says "We" love to suffer god on a cross as Our Humanity for his stolen glory - riches - life is easy: Bush isn't the lawless antichrist being lawless and so antichrist like. No evidence required for American listeners lost to form THEIR won conclusions with the facts so readily available as 'unfound'. George Norry, the child killer will lose, for he is an evil man, truly evil as opposed to conceiving a better world through Justice practiced as ourselves. Israelis Beating Palestinian children with sticks / / "Fallujans have now been offered a choice: hand over the outsiders or get blown apart by the world's most lethal killing machine, the [dumfuk enemy of MAN] U.S. Marines!" \ \ Bill a bushite to save the lives of helpless innocent men, women, and children of America. Heaven Won't Take Marines LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all. / / At dawn, armed rebels stormed three police stations in the towns of Haditha and Haqlaniyah, 140 miles northwest of Baghdad, killing 22 policemen. Some were lined up and shot execution-style, police and hospital officials. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, believed headquartered in Fallujah, claimed responsibility for the attacks on Haditha and Haqlaniyah. \ \ bushite murdered more than two hundred thousand innocent souls with a least nine two thousand pound bombs, killing firstly doctors and nurses, telling the People of Iraq, that Zarqawi (channel changer Kimmitt admits a total psychop) was a bad guy worth trying to kill. Reminder: Zarqawi would target his own children, and brag about it for rotten Rumsfeld! Evil is the deceived disguised. Bushite are cop killers as enemies of freedom for America. They refuse to enforce the public execution of those soldiers who kidnapped barefooted children and beat them to death on video tape. They refuse to bill Blackwater for raping American women. REFUSE, as zionist nazi enemies of Justice for Humanity. Kill a bushite to save the lives of the innocent a lawless bushite enemy targets for murder. / / Step 2: Public relations. Tell the world the city we are about to storm has been emptied of civilians: \ \ Proud bushite enemies of God and Man state: "Heaven Won't Take Marines and Hell Is Afraid They'll Take Over." See? A bushite is an enemy of the Family, who rapes and murders for the demon antichrist thieves. Dishonorable to the core of what it means to be a free man, they die in cowardice, too afraid to defend what's right as true. A liar, a thief, a murderer, that is what a bush whore nazi grunt who states life must die for as lawlessness. They war Humanity as bush whore slaves for the escape of the neocon liars for 911. (General Ahmad funded Atta) They support torture by silence, they support raping women by silence, they support robbing The Peoples by silence, and they support killing themselves for FOXNEWS to continue LYING to America about what it costs to be a bush bitch who chants routinely, "whore yeah, whore yeah" Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of freedom in Johnny's America to talk openly with the FACTS absent Coast to Coast hosts Demonic censorship of American voices as Liberty. 1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta 2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers Eight U.S. State Department Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11 Coast to Coast hosts are TRUE traitors to God as our dying America. They, like CNN, CBC, and the BBC state they read our emails, and receive our calls. But like Art Bell, they just ignore our concerns to die for their continuing bounties of lawless tyranny through demonic proxy. Happy George Norry is truly a demonic evil force for enslavement of our species. Sure, he might tell you the NWO is out to get you, BUT, he will also tell you, you can't do anything about it. "Truthers" will near tell you the very same thing, again, absent the two indisputable pieces of evidence, that point MORE directly at who is personally responsible for closing criminal investigations; not bin Laden. Bush and Cheney. No no no no! the "truthers" scream, that would require taking a stand for freedom against terror, a stand for justice as America - and Americans would rather die, than admit their cowardly dying nazi fascist savages for the Zionist Neocon. Look at the child killer Tatum, pronounced by CNN as a "Hero", yet, the bushite, (like Judge "mad dog" Mattis,) freely confesses without remorse to slaughtering defenseless innocent children at point blank range for his sadistically demonic pleasures. And American Gun groups make little of no effort to identify the culprits, so all of everyone alive can know where these two true bushite enemies of Humanity can be found 'escaping'. Never. Tatum, the child killer will not live in our world as a "free" bushite, found "innocent" of the crimes he "freely" confesses to committing against Humanity and God. Kill a bushite, and be loved by America as True Liberator. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Justice as reason to believe: The truth shall set US free! / / HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: FDA Documents Reveal HPV "Not Associated with Cervical Cancer" \ \ (last half hour with don't miss Alex going into godmode earlier either - Wow! Evil Beyond the Extreme - they want to imprison the dying American as intelligent while bushite openly murders women. Women. Support my call to demand open challenge for public debate. Please, be real. Bush administration officials KNOW HPV vaccines cause an INCREASE in Cancer by 44.6% for women, and men of zionist america refuse to demand Justice for Humanity, or Justice for Johnny. Demand WE be allowed to debate bushite regarding this, torture, and 911 for God as Liberty. American corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... Support Johnny's call to allow truth prevail through American public debates, or don't you good for nothing evil nazi vermin scums. In Canada, and the USA, the 'talk' radio circuit promote torture because blahblahblah - they refuse a real man like Johnny to speak for public challenge. Not allowing US, The People to know why torture is irrational as a high crime warranting the death penalty. With wisdom?, or the dark tyranny of ignorance through theft and murder? What Art Bell publicly today advocates without a defensive measured challenge for Justice. - Who is al-Qaeda? ISI from Pakistan according to the American FBI! / / Astonishingly, one of them is a leading intelligence officer who was officially responsible for protecting Miss Bhutto from an assassination. \ \ / / said one company commander to his marines before entering the heart of the city. "So shoot everything that moves and everything that doesn't move," he said. \ \ / / more than 2,118 houses have been completely demolished in the city of Rafah alone, while 360 citizens have been shot dead by the Israeli forces in the city. \ \ / / [the CDC] Misled the public concerning the results of studies about harm from ingested fluoride. \ \ A New America Bush tells America, it is WE who should be fearful of being caught innocently, instead of himself personally as a war monger traitor to Humanity, who closed police investigations on 911 immediately after the terror action going down. Again, even if bush were "just a puppet, just a puppet!!", his criminal action would just as assuredly, warrant his immediate arrest for high treason. Ask any Judge. then a Jury for Your verdict on the entire criminal spectacle of mass murderers escaping the Justice of a New America. : FBI Called off Terror Investigations `You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations' George W. Bush "A country that hides something, is a country that is a.. afraid of being caught." These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. 'A military judge ruled last week that Watada cannot base his defense on the war's legality.' Telling US what?, that it is a crime to not commit a crime? It isn't only high treason against America the ungodly bushite are guilty of, but of a madness held by those truly Satanic.. Easier approach to getting officially "started", is if we consider the unmovable anchor issues as outstanding regarding the 911 questions ever yet, publicly stated in regards to how the event actually went down. Remember: Bush and Cheney worked diligently, directly after the terror trifecta occurring, to close current police investigations regarding the case of mass murder in Johnny's New York City. Suspicious? you say no, treason that is!, the treason of naked blind tyranny against freedom to be ourselves. IMPEACH TRAITOR BUSH AND CHENEY NOW ! - / / In the intervening period, major US and European banks have written off some $90 billion in subprime-linked investments \ \ So, People didn't have to lose their homes?? No, it's just for the bank hedger to private off to the Islands, while passing US gamer credits for playing us as the losing winer "WINNERS!!!" going absent our homes because 'they' committed us to more fraudulent behavior. Why is America paying for bank fraud committed, instead of those personally responsible still 'getting away..." with trillions..? TRILLIONS!!! Who owe's who here as a mathematical impossibility anyway? My America apparently... Get me into the Presidential Debate for our single cause: justice for All. King You ..>.. Johnny is Great,. thou. !.! ! Let's do this. Wizard Fool of Folklore Fellow The Wizard Fool of Folklore Fellow, acclaimed the world around as, the guy with a few good plans - I bring you I.. for, we is the greatest bringing since we believed today is the day to try and start something.. Checking checking.. Is this?.? People: I am your Leader commanding you to take action to save ourselves. Pick up a phone and call someone to care about this sacrifice of liberty to tyranny for the Bushmob version of 'paradise' by FEMA. We want accountability. Arrests most specifically. Listen, I want to participate in the Presidential Debates. Get me in there.. come on.. I'm taking over the World. John Brain's the name, and fooling the game. Who's in? To think: wow man, Johnny, the boy wonder, and God - as science to the core of the unknown we bring we to say, Man, we are Being kinda foolish to our reason for being here quiet like. I mean to discuss things.. oh yeah, right, King me. Join the Human race to reach a new world of intelligent development through design thought out as understood, not faithed in blindly, so some private wall street banker can walk away with our lives through leveraging the market by ignorance. A Hedge Fund manager can "earn" a salary exceeding 1.5 billion dollars. Something there just isn't right, isn't right. It's an issue relevant to our current circumstances. Circumstances that should carry more interest than an Alien from another world - not Johnny though... anyone but Johnny America.. he makes me look bumd I state my case, and I state it well. America Wins, Neocons Go to Prison. US officer "upset" Iraqi suspects taken alive, court hears / / they had been told to kill all military-aged males [around the age of 15, could be ten wearing girl clothes], a court was told Tuesday. \ \ A bushite is an enemy of Life. Come on now, who wouldn't take great joy in destroying any and all such ungodly bushite hatred for Humanity in this light of day, eh? Kill a bushite traitor to America for Christ. Remember: not publicly executed child killer Tatum, is a hero by CNN "American" standards. Americans pay their taxes for such demon crimes against the Godly innocent to thieve from. The antichrist's America sucks. Neocon Frank Gaffney on MSNBC '[but] The torture saved American lives!' Prove it to US, or die rightly as demon LYING traitor to God and Man in johnny's America. Repuglicon Kit Bond "It's like swimming!" Again, these demon fuks, know the bushmob did 911, and laugh at Your death for their continuing criminal bounties of treason against our silenced to die forsaken America. Support my rise to acknowledge our weakness of communicating truths held indivisible. IOF Missile Strike Targets Bethlehem Manger, Killing at least 12 / / The mother, known only as "Mary", was killed, along with her baby child. \ \ See?, demons exist! More settlers videos: "We killed Jesus, we are proud of it!" Now, see.. wouldn't YOU hate those that hate GOD as ourselves? No, America is going to give these monsters millions in 'free' cash to murder and thieve more. Just like an ungodly bushite, You Better Watch Out God is coming to town for bushite nasties on his sled of make believe. A halted bushite, is a mercy on our souls, in defense of ourselves the innocent. The innocent that a 'lawless' bushite holds for ransom in pain dying. Hell hath no fury like that held against the bushite enemy, a savage zionist criminal waging war against Life as our shared Universe, 'escaping' those who personally carried out 911. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi, and Myers as topped suspects. Other 911ers will tell you no no no, it's impossible to apprehend them all, for the arrows can go on for never. Bush personally closed criminal investigations on 911 immediately after the terrorist event of no questions occurring. The Bush administration were well aware of their PERSONAL dealings with the Taliban prior to the "Pearl Harbor" event conveniently occurring. And they were all most certainly aware of the plans in place to: within weeks, invade Afghanistan for Enron to stave off criminal proceedings. Walla! Johnny G wills every able bodied man, woman, and child to defend ourselves against bushite that indiscriminately murder ourselves for cash profit. Stolen profit. Ours. By the Will of US alrighty, we shall recognize... The King Has Arrived Look, let's "say" Peter Power didn't do the crime he did, and told us so for our own benefit, it would still SUIT Peter Power for him to be arrested immediately for the crimes of 7/7. For it is Peter that alleged HE was running terror drills at the same time and locations of those that murdered many good people from London. London England. Privately, with his bud at Scotland Yard he's saying. I'm sorry, all Bobbies do not want to kill indiscriminately so Peter Power will score a few extra BILLION dollars to hypno mug us to say we can't find'em no matter how hard we look.[*ILLUM I NATII*]. Americans are just poorly being spoken for, by those who lack the skills to win justice denied from the average Joe who knows so. So... Americans. I am your leader. True, and skilled at the art of leaving it all up to US. Equals. That means the Taliban are warring in the defense of women, in defense of children, and in the defense of America. Now in Afghanistan, NATO leaves the nation undefended without a police force, since, the bushite murdered all the cops as acts of evil, leaving the tribes to hash it out together but alone near starving. Remember: the bushmob stole the emergency food from Afghanistan as a carrot, and in it ate our diplomatic dialog, while directly closing outstanding criminal investigations. While then blaming bin Laden single handedly pulling off the entire show without US knowing how so. Explosives were set by Laden?, for example? Now, when any men gather for gaining liberty through acting for defensive purposes, their labeled "Taliban", translated: Students. The bushite war with heroin pushers who sell their illegal drugs on our streets, putting people in prison for maybe 25 years as a felony third conviction. Do you know how many charges in California are called felonies, for the simple fact, that smoking a joint, can get you 25 to life? A Dying God Look, these soldiers who war for enemy Bush are not warring for freedom as Justice for Ourselves. Evidence is Everything there is more than enough supporting impeachment of washington insiders, but the news media refuses to say so to defend our dying interests. Let's demand CNN, BBC and CBC respect our interests by publicly advocating accountability in respect to the terrorist acts of 911. Their position of neutrality is unwarranted in respect for our victimized selves due to indiscriminate warfare. The Iraq war has no legitimate cause, for they are warring to bring about an end to what they started/starting. Nazi fascist Cowards, as enemies to every man woman and child speaking. Christ praises all men who bill the bushite thieving terrorists who war God and country to criminally escape the neocon traitors for the crimes of 911. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. Die bushite die. Bush Threatens To Veto Bill That Bans Torture See how these DEMONS play? Torturing innocent people to death for the pleasures of a bushite liar, already warrants the death sentence in America. It's like lawless bushite nazi savages spying on innocent Justice loving Americans, "Just" to see what your doing, IS illegal, now.. well.. YOU decide as the 'made' uniformed. Make a phone call for freedom you lazy amerkan fuks. Ian Punnet says the towers fell naturally, and George Norry reports we got to get bin Laden.. blahblahblah. They know America is dying and couldn't care much less with all the laughing and cheering at YOUR expense. New World Orders - The King Has Spoken Oath to God The bushite took an Oath to God and country to defend America from war criminals, and instead, as cowardly neocon bush bitches, commit war crimes of theft and mass murder against the great Iraqi People. A soldier in the air force, is a dishonorable nazi savage, worthy the death sentence for assisting in bombing Humanity indiscriminately as zionist enemies of Christ, attempting to destroy Johnny's America with their provable DEMONIC LIES. Death to the bushite enemies of Life, who lawlessly war Creation with torture and slavery to 'escape' the neocons for 911. Your magic TV exec excuses don't mean squat when the facts are so readily available. But a bushite don't read, or write, or think freedom. Zionist enemies of ALL Our humanity, murder to believe US won't ever hunt them down by Law to defend ourselves over. Hammurabi LAWS to bill the false capital accusers first, and everything else will fall into place. [note: Hammurabi founded Civilization.] Christ Begs America If there is ever a reason Christ begs Americans to joyously, with pride, bill a bushite terrorist enemy of God, it is with the actions General Sattler took in murdering more than 200,000 defenseless innocent people in Fallujah. At youtube you can see and hear these grunts cheering "whore yeah" in praises to the demon antichrist, while committing horrendous war crimes Nazi Germany would have been proud to see the bushite die for. They walk through the city, killing every woman and child they find hidden. No Joke: first strike targets - Health Care Clinics. I am serious. [during the Nuremberg war crime trials, German Judges confessed with plenty of paper work, such action by Nazis would have warranted immediate death sentences] I have written on the demonic action of godless bushite of the antichrist for years while begging Humanity in joining We in hunting these demons down one by one for the glory and love of GOD, but, was not directly aware of all the video testifying the true will of US and God in demanding the destruction of bushite brayers to defend freedom as Life for everyone. Including America. check out youtube. These proud bushite child killers, can not be allowed to freely walk our Earth, after lawlessly murdering so many for nothing but to please the antichrist enemy of all humans Being. All the while chanting monotonously "whore yeah, whore yeah" Death to the bushite heroin pushers, death to those who war God's World indiscriminately with NATO, Sattler, Mattis, and Blount to escape the neocon zionists for the treasonous unholy crimes of 911 back in New York City, where thousands of whomever Americans, were murdered don't you know? Demonic U.S. Soldiers Torment Iraqi Kids With a Water Bottle Can not even an American scream mercy for ourselves as "The People"? Bill a bushite demon enemy for the love of children everywhere. While demanding emergency water, food, and medicines be trucked in by the plane load. Do it or truly die American, do it or die. Christ grows angry with Americans who refuse to even pick up their phones to express outrage, it's as if, Americans, er.. I guess amerikans, couldn't care less for our dying Humanity. Support our rise for debate worldwide my friends, worldwide. America sucks. Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong. "I told him, there's women and kids in that room," Lance Cpl. Humberto M. Mendoza said of Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum. Tatum's response was, "Well, shoot them," Remember: CNN reports that Tatum is a Hero! - 'We were torturing people for no reason' HEROES? - HEROES? - HEROES? - HEROES? - HEROES? - HEROES? The Ground Truth The part where pro-bush "American" soldiers drive over children to kill them for fun, all because they say our Humanity let's those responsible escape retribution for being Satanically evil as enemies to Christ, left me angered beyond words. While CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS couldn't care less for those children love by our Humanity. Get me in the news my brothers and sisters, and I'll make the best of it. Just do it. Fear not for my life loves, fear for your life left to silently die in contempt of Yourself. EVIL LIARS? Yup, demon evil. / / A record number of soldiers -- 109 -- have killed themselves this year \ \ We know the deaths are at least, 140 a week. When bushites die, Life cheers in joy over the saving of some innocent girls and boys. A good bushite is a dead bushite, halted from victimizing god as Ourselves. Supporters of Evil / / Withdraw your support entirely from those who perpetrate and make excuses for evil. \ \ I'd like to see Americans enforce the law of the land, and advocate the public execution of those responsible for torture. Again, the TV celebs pretend there is actually some possible meritable argument to support these truly demonic actions as criminal. Bushite have admittingly kidnapped innocent people, then tortured them to death for the pleasures of doing so, 'knowing' also, that they couldn't be held accountable to US, the human species. All for hating us so as loved by Life. They say, we're too weak to stand for freedom's defense against naked tyranny - While Johnny says otherwise: Death to those who advocate torture in war time, for there is no legitimate argument, but for the practice of censorship to understand why the Laws against torture have never failed for defense, but, for the treasonous actions of a Bill O'Really, who recently reported internationally that the majority of Americans support torture, because it means.... blahblahblah -- Bill Bill. For, it warrants the death sentence in America. Still. Bushite are the enemies of US all my friends, enemies of US all. Stranger in a strange land, Johnny Wizard - Bush "Iran has openly declared that it seeks nuclear weapons." / / "Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous, and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon," Bush told a White House news conference. Hello!?!? Has everybody forgotten that Bush has already given the secrets of building an atomic bomb not only to Iran, but to every evil empire in the world? \ \ is where the plans to build your very own nuke were offered for download! Bush sure is seriously evil in just about everything he does when you think about it, no? It's like, he really truly wants to wipe out America, and, er.. he's the bogus President, as stated to be led by a Christ with nothing to say!! ! ...sometimes you just gotta laugh. Die bushite die. - Exposé - The bushite liar is an enemy of Humanity as a thief and traitor Sayan Sarkozy joins the "There is no NIE" club. Look, there is no evidence.. .. ! So, they can not truly believe their therefore false allegations. But as demonic liars, they intend to murder the innocent as enemies to G-D to thieve further from our precious resources. All because Americans refuse to demand open challenge through international debate with Johnny against neoconner TRAITOR George Norry. Again, no soldiers appose me publicly speaking, Look for yourself. While George is all into murdering innocent children for cash profit, knowing honorable but deeply ignorant American teen soldiers WILL die as evil doers in collateral for HIS personal contempt. George Norry is a traitor to freedom to be a Patriot American. Death to the neocon GOD betrayers who con to escape the war criminals responsible for 911 through the censorship of our voices for accountability. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Man. Death to the torturers of innocent people, death to the enemies of Christ in America. Thank you to the fathers, brothers, and sons who have helped die off more than a hundred and fifty per week as 'suicides'. Bushites are enemies to freedom as justice wills a demand of evidence to form our conclusions regarding a capital offense. Death to the 'lawless' bushite traitors, death to the enemies of a love for a Just God never ending. Make the call, be a man. Israel--Above the Law? or No Law / / In that case, anyone in the entire world that cries [as the innocent] for freedom and justice for all is a security threat to [the ungodly evil zionist] Israel. \ \ Support our calls for open debate on our international channels of state. CBC, CNN, BBC and FOXNEWS specialists, are warring our lives by forbidding US speaking for freedom's stake. "A free man shall not be imprisoned" is not ideology, it is the freedom to be freely communicated. To except CNN and FOXNEWS is unbiased when it comes to kidnapping and torture, war criming and poisonings, is to except corporate news interests do not serve the interests of defending US, the dying forsaken public. The waves are ours. Let Johnny speak for public challenge on Coast to Coast. / / "But they killed him, and his wife and daughters," Fahmi said. The girls were ages 14, 10, 5, 3 and 1. \ \ Again, Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis, the women and child killer, is the American 'Judge' appointed by the bushmob to delineate good from evil on this matter of fully confessed indiscriminate murdering. Again, thieving bushite dope pushers, don't hunt the terror group Aegis, no instead, drop bombs on innocent families, to die in collateral as cowards to tyranny. As so planned by the Pentagon's P2OG. Defend America's America, by supporting the arrest for global public trials of the criminal Bush regime, the evil neocons for the crimes of 911. Please, bill a bushite like "mad dog" Mattis to save an America where innocents are defended from the enemies of Justice. The enemies of God. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS is not doing our jobs by reporting blindly lawless bushite thieves for the antichrist are heroes. For starters: Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad, and, bombs dropped as the air forces of NATO kill innocent people by criminal intention carried out by bushite demon liars waving our stolen flags. CIA photos 'show UK Guantanamo detainee was tortured' by demon enemies of freedom for America / / identified the existence of photographs taken by CIA agents that they say show their client suffered horrific injuries under torture. \ \ The torture of innocent people they kidnapped. Death to the bushite criminals, death to the enemies of Justice in God to believe. Man. Fuk. Kill a bushite for Christ why don't you? STAND UP Demand open line communications to defend Freedom through Justice Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America. Peter Power needs to be arrested immediately for the London bombings, as does the bushmob for the crimes of 911. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS are enemies of all Soldiers dying for our failures to speak freely. Molten metal flowing / / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \ Treason charges must be sought against zionist reporters who LIE with such blatant disregard for your freedom in America. .I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville. The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So, Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere. Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness, pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why? because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational ignorance for our survivals by the fittest. The fittest Ideas that rule this Universe, are the simplest, most easy to understand, but I digress about GOD'S greatness, for we know,. the corporate media elites as our voice, "Couldn't Care Less". / / U.S. Marines are said to have killed as many as eight unarmed Iraqi prisoners when U.S. forces attacked Fallujah in November of 2004. \ \ HA! Trying to ignore the murder of more than 200,000 People as if OUR lives have no real meaning. WE KNOW they murdered everyone they could in around between 15-55, but went ahead gunning for infants and the elderly too under Sattler. Look it up. Death to the demonic bushite LIARS, death to the enemies of Man, so says the Son to God as Man to men - kill the dishonorable bushite enemy and be Loved by all as Savior. Did You Know: the LIAR bushite ENEMY is warring Freedom to bring about what was there prior to them criminally invading? Dying. Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job Demand America Take our Calls for Justice as All. / / Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, [..] said Dec.5 there was no proof Iran ever had a weapons program, as claimed in the U.S. report. \ \ The Great Johnny Look, do you want to defeat the bad guys, or not? Bush gave US zero evidence to form our free thoughts on the 911 Justice issue. Treason. Simple. TV Lieutenant General Tom Mc Inerney ~ "We must be ruthless, especially in the area of collateral damage," in a city where the population of near 300,000 has been forbidden to leave. WE'LL then lie to the Grunts, that we are there to get Zarqawi to defend Iraqis, but instead, we'll murder all the Peoples indiscriminately by bushite bombers, and like magic, more GIs will die lawlessly for war criminals to profit the zionist neocons forever. The anti-Americans, haters of Life as Glorious, now, who's with me?? Eh?? Who? Yours naturally, The Great Johnny / / Allegations of forced labor [SLAVERY], lousy treatment of workers and beatings struck me as something that should rise to the level of torture at Abu Ghraib. \ \ Christ in America LOOK, BUSH DOCTORED THE NIE TO CON AMERICA TO DIE AS TRAITORS How Bush misled the world / / Once the document was declassified after the war it became known that it contained 40 caveats - including 15 uses of "probably", all of which had been removed from the previously published version. \ \ Doesn't the TREASONOUS bushmob deserve a sentence or two for this? DEMON LIAR George W. Bush "And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in." President Clinton disagreed with taking the country to war in Iraq without allowing the weapons inspectors to finish their jobs," Operation Iraqi Freedom Exposed: Bush Negotiates Permanent Presence in Iraq - - check out the vid links here on American paid for, ungodly war criminals attacking women and children with chants against love and G-D. / / 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 4,170 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since September 29, 2000. \ \ Israelis do this as a true political expression of hatred for G-D as Humanity. They need me. - CNN Nov 2007 - the treasonous commi propaganda outfit designing to KILL more Americans / / the speaker claims sole responsibility for the September 11, 2001, \ \ Yeah, but, how did Laden, with his bulky dialysis machine, get the explosives into building seven then? Or, convince Bush to close all investigations to uncover who was singly involved? Never mind, go about doctoring the NIE from within the Grey House. Blahblahblah - bushites are as evil as they are dumb. - / / "As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East, I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I received from any administration policy-maker for any such assessment was not until a year into the war." \ \ REAL LEADERSHIP Treat people fairly. Israel's zionist government is UNGODLY. Why would god will the destruction of life for a criminal thief? Nato probes Afghan 'bomb deaths' Nato bombing kills 14 construction workers in Afghanistan 14 killed in Nato bomb error - blahblahblah Look, anyone who apposes NATO, is a real human being with feelings. They have only murdered innocent people, to help escape the criminals responsible for 911. They push dope, they oppress women, and they defend religious fundamentalism, all by supporting the northern Alliance pro-bush anti-gods without question. Look at this pro-freedom Johnny character who speaks TRUTHS for example: Destroying America - The Tyranny of Freedom Left Dying Alone CNN with happy George Norry destroys American soldiers by forbidding US to knowing of General Ahmad, and of WTC iron flowing like water. CNN with George Norry destroys American children by forbidding US to knowing mercury causes neurological damage - instituted through threatening false arrest as irrational. CNN with George Norry destroys America by forbidding US to fight for just causes to defend our dying as robbed forsaken families. Like pensions, mortgages, and lotteries. Please support my demands for US to be heard. Please do it for yourself. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS repeatedly report they take our calls, while clearly they refuse. Truth means they lose as the elite war mongering liar thieves, and we win as liberators who take our concerns seriously. Will you try to save your soul when it's all over then? Why not make a call now for your dying self? Please do not leave God to die, as the love for yourself lost to personal indifference. Catholic Bishop: 9-11 was inside job / / They [the demon antichrist forces of evil] may well be plotting another 9-11." \ \ Coerced Vaccinations of Schoolchildren / / Prince George's County Public Schools received $11,325 per student [they criminally attack as bushite demon liars] per year! \ \ - I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba MAKE OATH AND SAY: 1. Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] 2. On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from Condoleezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but providing no evidence to back up the allegation, thereby, securing criminal invasion. then the demon enemies of America, closed outstanding criminal investigations.. Investigating the Investigation "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim," This criminal action clearly warrants the death sentence through war crime trials. Bushite nazis deserve to die by the rights of American law. Why is torture evil corporate america asks no one? "Fu ck y o u" was the censored response from the innocent man up on the cross. Again, these bushite demons can be easily defeated by the power of wisdom, but coast to coast radio hosts are doing another, 'who cares'? about US dying for a great evil spectacle. While YOU, as alien American are TRULY losing for George Walker Bush's continuing criminal intelligence through bad design excepted blindly without questions, as thoroughly rejected since law came to Be. But SEE? CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS bush bitch nazi WHORES couldn't care less if we measured; they have millions to sell you out for death once again to the non-competioned thief bidders of treason without reason. Look, if you know of 'it', then why torture ourselves?, sadistically evil nazi dumfuk grunt, of the demon antichrist enemy of all our Humanity Johnny America asks truth fully? Stephen King "let's waterboard Jenna Bush" CIVIL WAR IN ISRAEL ?? JEW AGAINST JEW ??? / / he told him that his remarks had contributed to "sinat chinam" (hating for no reason) and have given a bad reputation to the movement's prayer houses and places of Torah study, \ \ Not Jews against Jew my friend, NOT JEW. Support G-D'S return to Israel to destroy the enemy zionist nazis by the will of YOU. 20,000 Brain Injuries Left Off Iraq Wounded List Heroin Smuggled in Body Bags of GIs Reported by Military Eye Witness Support our rise in America for OPEN COMMUNICATIONS. EMERGENCY BROADCAST - America is Seriously Wrong Color of Law? Look, families are threatened with arrest for not agreeing to cause neurological damage to their children. The cause for why their children are not in school, is not the parents fault, but the unlawful decision by the health authority to not allow the children in school. So, arresting the parents is irrational, for, it is the school authority that has disallowed the children an education. So, arrest those that refused children Justice. If anyone. Notice, Alex takes no alarm against the criminal perpetrator! Dishonest Reporting And Iran's Centrifuges / / That means - it is impossible for Iran to use these 3,000 centrifuges and their product to secretly make a nuclear weapon. \ \ - The Whole Truth - Christ Claims Torture Illegal Torture IS illegal, yet, the TV threat is trying to teach America that We, The People, haven't spoken on this issue since Law came to be. Please, I beg, please fight back for Humanity by not excepting a zionist's betrayal to G-D on this subject. TV celebs are programming that waterboarding, head slapping, and the burning of innocent people to death for a treasonous bushite's satanic pleasure, is arguably in support of defending my dying America, through assisting in the neocon's escape for 911. Death to the torturers of innocent people, death to the enemies of Christ in America. dershowitz / / Welcome to the world of the reality in which a Jewish American Zionist man can cite Nazis in defence of torture tactics. \ \ The demon isn't Jewish my friend, isn't Jewish. I'm the King of Jews, who would advocate the death sentence for such criminal tactics to defend our innocent selves from the ungodly. Wouldn't you too?, cheer to hear the arrests of the satanic enemies of Man deprived our wills, instead of ourselves as the innocent they victimize to thieve from for Zionist Nazi fascist enemies? A person accused of a criminal offense without any evidence is innocent. Demand open communications on our, happy happy demonized to suffer dumber than dumb coast to coast air wave specialists. Parents Must Immunize Their Children Or Go To Jail Liar Liar ect.. Look, torture is criminal. Do you physically slap your neighbors, to find out if they did the criminal's crime? Should we slap Rivkin to ask him if he plans to commit crimes against the innocent, and if he then says no, again repeat till he's rightly dead from hearing a liar's denial? Torture is a crime warranting a life term sentence or death in America by LAW - firmly established already by the "War Crimes Act" of 1776. Demand Justice to save the lives of our innocent selves forsaken by the for cash profit, private news parrots. Believe in US demanding open debate for a positive change why don't you.. Nazi Germans were a happy happy bunch too over the growing threats of torture and enslavement through blanket annihilation... initially. Don't let Bush further hurt my dying America through his personal self contempt for our shared values. Look, November 7th, the demon antichrist stated he and the neocons ordered the murder of more than a million innocent Iraqis indiscriminately because, he was simply enforcing UN resolution 1441. HE LIED. [how else could the UN officially declare bushites as war criminal? NO CAUSE!!] And multi-million dollar salaried, "American" reporters, who full time, claim to represent American interests while you slog double full-time for corrupt private bankers, refused to call him on it to defend ourselves from his easily provable demonic tirades against God as the innocent. On the scene, and still today... YOU, as American are TRULY dying for George Walker Bush's continuing LIES. Johnny Wizard is Forever King of this moment being. If you can't believe it is important for you to raise your cries for justice likewise, we're all going to be done for lost to indifference. Defeating the neocon is serious business my brothers, serious business. / / commanders may give orders to "shoot first and ask questions later." \ \ KING RULES: Aim to and kill innocent people, your guilty of murder. Order such conduct, like amerika's George Norry would boastfully crow, your a guilty bushite nazi war criminal. Bill a bushite to defend Humanity, to return a freedom for believing. Every thieving bushite dumfuk grunt of the Air Force is a demonic LIAR, accessory to mass murder. And even though, CNN, CBC, and MSNBC suggest TORTURING innocent people to death isn't illegal warranting the death sentence, it still is, and will remain so for as long as we live to die a bushite war criminal for defense in America and God, so says the Son of God, as Man of men. "Die bushite die". The bushite has murdered many thousands in Afghanistan to push dope, more than a million in Iraq to steal life as lawlessly demonic, all the while actively thieving to destroy Johnny's America for the praised by TV 'neocon who?' news peelers. Bush closed 911 investigations immediately after the terrorist offense of no questions! no questions! AMERICA RISE FOR AMERICA Support the arrest of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Condi with Myers for the TREASONS of 911 to save Your freedoms to be so, or don't, and see if we care truly ever. Again, evil bushite THIEVES claim they are justified when indiscriminately bombing populated cities to MURDER US People. All to help 'escape' the neocon ENEMIES of America - they also support "officially" destroying Our public infrastructure, thieving humanitarian aid, while incarcerating innocent people to collectively be punished by the TRULY Satanic enemies of man. All truth will be disclosed by the revealing hand of US. - - THE GREAT KING OF AMERICA PBS et al.. The bushmob is thieving billions from America as we speak, to further terrorize a dying America lost to the indifference broadcasted daily on almost every radio and TV network as our silenced voices. Mr. Bush, the terrorist, doesn't care to war for your stolen billions, instead wants to kill even more innocent others as neoconner traitor. In your name as "American." Johnny America begs to disagree with criminals actually, and has taken a stand against these 911 war mongers escaping our authority for proper Public acknowledgment. If you, my reader, would only support yourself. Listen to this demon nazi witch, the zionist bitch who personally FORBADE a plead to stop indiscriminate killing in Lebanon, assisted in dropping seven million land mines on Lebanon, and was CENTRAL to the invasion of Afghanistan for Enron's master plan, tells US with bushite lies that no, Iran was responsible for the terrorist crimes she fully acknowledges to be responsible for actually. I ASK: ARE THERE any soldiers from America who don't believe this 911 witch shouldn't be tried for high treason as a bonafide TERRORIST? Listen to the end where she says America supports Iran's pursuit of nuclear energy... so why does she want to murder millions of innocent people with fall out then.. EH>? WORLD: threaten to liberate nazi America, if they indiscriminately murder millions more of innocent souls without cause, but for the demon antichrist thieves who speak nothing to defend Humanity. Much like happy happy who cares Germans were under "liberator" Hitler. Except however, in our defense, we at that time, didn't have our internets, or so many, 'you have no power, you have no power' corporate news channels for Americans to quietly sleep through. Americans who refuse to speak outrage in the defense of the Human Race, are Americans not worthy the title of fellow Human beings. All they as bushmob amerika have done, is thieve, destroy and murder from everyone of US since 911. I am growing wearily concerned over whether Americans even can still express real anger over their continuing sacrifice. - - FREEDOM Look: corporate magic TV people couldn't care less for US if they tried. Ahmad funded Atta. bin Laden claimed he played no part in 911. And video of iron running like water moments before the first tower fell is freely available for download all over the place. CBC, CNN, FOXnews et al. know the Bushmob did 911 in other words. Live for freedom dying America! Johnny America wants to be invited on Coast to Coast. Make it happen Man. Justice for god, is Justice for all. True Tyranny - to continue as an American refusing to publicly demand torture, theft, and murder as unacceptable when battlin' evil for your dying freedoms.. Evidence we must pursue on 911 to know really what the heavens Johnny 'The Law Man' is talking about still. Justice to the bushwhacker neocon soldier, a foreigner who apparently speaks no defense for innocent Americans dying sacrificed as conned for the ill stolen gains of the 911 trifecta. Justice to the lying enemies of freedom for America in Christ. Justice for YOU. Justice to the bushite, Justice to the enemies of America, so called out the Son to God as King of men: Spare me some money won't you please for this art of wondrous tragedy?, Jeeze.. I seriously need money to feed myself. / / "I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as the unholy enemy.] What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers? Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously kill this lawless bushite TRAITOR and his demonic ilk, for our love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children practically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.." To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these unarrested murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazis, is to war the TRUE enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved ones. - Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators - Adolf Hitler, 1938 - Terror watch list swells to more than 755,000 Hey! without evidence, we all could be down for abuse as innocent doers for evil Bush. - I have the plan. Return all the stolen monies, and hunt those who rape torture, or murder. And.. get the neocons for treason on 911 most especially. So, here we go.. / / Putin recently declared that Iran does not possess nuclear weapons, is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program and poses "no threat" to any nation, least of all the United States. [...] If Putin is evil, surely Bush is worse than Satan himself. \ \ Bombs Kill People Nazi Israel, the ungodly nation that murders Christians in G-D's name AS THIEVES, deserves as proven war criminals, to bring about a living nation that respects the Jew by Law, to be just me or You living freely for happiness. - - Project For The New American Century "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." USEFUL! Tell me, wouldn't YOU have publicly tried, then executed neocon traitors for mass murder if you were dying as Johnny's America? We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Sir Ken, head of the Crown Prosecution Service "The fight against terrorism on the streets of [..] is not a war. It is the prevention of crime, the enforcement of our laws and the winning of justice for those damaged by their infringement." You got that right. So, join US in demanding the quick trials, and public executions of known bushite enemies who murdered Americans on 911 with general Ahmad, and who with Peter Power, murdered the innocent in Britain for more stolen goods against God. And anyone in the air force as bushite bombers should be a great joy for US all to hunt for prosecuting too. The bushite dumfuk is an enemy to our lives, with it's blatant naked contempt for the innocent, who like the demon liar THEIVES at CJOB, George Norry, or Hannity, will forbid ANY human defenses of the lawless dictate of the IRRATIONAL tyrannical demon antichrist, all so to victimize more of You as the censored forsaken. - God is Great Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert Justice for God and Johnny. In fact, yesterday, they did a special, all on how "God is NOT Great", giving that bush bitch demon LIAR, all the space to pontificate it's hatred for Wisdom, Science, and GOD, with only nods and smiles from the 'illiterate' hord. Remember: A zionist KNOWS it's an enemy of Humanity when it supports dropping seven million land minds to murder indiscriminately OUR CHILDREN for decades, or stealing a Christians Home because they say God says Jews would do such ungodly acts. Blame innocent Jews the holocaust denying zionist shout, of which not one, is a Jew. Like me. - REMBERANCE DAY So Remember: Bushite grunts told the world they wouldn't let anyone out of the city, because [enemy Sattler LIED] pro-bushite Zarqawi was there present, so the innocent families who believed they had nothing to fear from the liar disciples of the ungodly enemy of ALL HUMAN LIVES, remained in the tiny city to be indiscriminately 'protected' with more than nine two thousand pound bombs, or made dead instead by heinous pro-bush escaping war criminals who used white phosphorous on civilization. All to die our Humanity for the thieved loss of evidence to demand ourselves of some official freedom time to deal with our terrorized as suffering reality. - CCTV proves police lied: de Menezes behaved normally before being murdered - OH GOD! - to not believe as real Patriots - OH GOD! 'Why is it so crazy'?, you might ask an un-responsive big sky of Love? Well, the Bush administration committed 911 with General Ahmad that's why.. and threatening Humanity with torture, is how the neocons plan to fear YOU into speaking nothing for the defense of innocent others.. As a consequence, more than half the monies spent each month on this war against civilized Life, isn't accounted for by anyone. Except those at the Pentagon STEALING from a deafened America. In fact, Moyers at PBS reported none! of the billions flowing out of American pocket books EVERY MONTH for the bushmob war monger shysters is actually audited for the taxing payers. Mr. Bush, the terrorist, doesn't care to war for your stolen billions, instead wants to kill even more innocent others as neoconner traitor. In your name as "American." Support my rise against Living's enemy George Norry, by making an effort to demand real Justice for dying American values. CBC just did a report about all the great heroin coming in from Afghanistan, that will still cause crime, and be illegal, (and maybe give you life in prison as an American,) but brought in with the help of the demonically evil bushite thieving murderous military, by the likely ton full to attack our direct family left un-protected, BY YOU PERSONALLY. And guess what? THEY, our media masters, couldn't care less if they actually tried to be our good guys. Reminder: the god guys is good, the demon liar antichrist evil enemies who thieve from Life with censorship is bad. If they hide ourselves too far, they loose all around, up and down. So get to it. Or don't. Your choice. Life lived Now, or damnable death by cowardly design brought forthwith under your own power to do nothing under such terrible costs against our suffering natures. Typical tyranny for media control over all of Life for the beginners is this treasonous betrayal against our Nature, by refusing to be honest about our potential to be far greater than first considered. If they'd only allow US to have open communications, all our worlds would be better living for it. Demand Coast to Coast hosts allow America to defend America. I want air time with the one and only real man in these here parts, Mr. Johnny America, our glorious make believe creator of all we perceive religiously, self realized. He's a genius! No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused JOHNNY ROCKS Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts, who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them. God Damn America You f-cks, because Bush told congressmen secretly about truly torturing innocent people to death in YOUR name, doesn't make the crime any less satanic. True Christians will execute bushite torturers with glee. America will pay millions a head for each bush bitch nazi traitor to children as family. The neocons will all be tried to death for treasons like 911, and for supporting a slaughter against Iran. For Petraeus has giving US no evidence to form our conclusions on the validity of his therefore, TREASONOUS statements. Bushite are murderous thieves of Iraq and deserve by the measurements of any civilized man, a action worthy of death as demonic, before allowed to further steal from our Humanity. SAUDI Bush bitch Buford Blount gave out 170 tons of explosives to KILL marines with, and Petraeus doesn't call for his rightful death, nor for death to be brought to bushite soldiers who kidnapped bare footed children to be beaten to death on video tape. hundreds of thousand of guns were 'lost' in Iraq through bushite management skills, and liar Petraeus speaks no outrage. Private death squad goons are committing crimes against GOD, and Petraeus blames no one. MORE than half the monthly bill for these bushite bleeding atrocities to Humanity, are not even accounted for by ANYONE, but for the thieves at the Pentagon who are ROBBING america with Petraeus' silence on the life and death issue of America. Again, Petraeus knows the bushmob did 911, and would rather kill your stupid american teen, than stand for freedom in America by holding evidence a pre-requisite in determining OUR capital allegations. Death to the false accusing bushite, death to the enemies of America, al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. Torture IS against the law, and deserves the death sentence. Bushite Cofer Black MUST be put to death for being a Satanic demon enemy of Human life, who freely admits he tortures innocent people to help escape the neocons for 911. Bill a bushite for America, bill a bushite for God. What do Texans own guns for, if not to bill a bushite child killer like those in the evil enemy pro-bush air force. Bushite repeatedly have been found killing innocent people without apology, Investigating the Investigation / / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \ George Walker Bush, "The Puppet" is GUILTY of TREASON a thousand and one times over already. We all love Alex Jones, but this nwo bullshit doesn't apply to the lawless demon enemies who inflict harm on our humanity because they confusingly tell US, they enjoy it. Murder, rape and pillage for the sake of murdering, raping, and pillaging. Look, I'm sure we'd be able to easily work out our differences, if George Norry's amerka would take our calls for clarity, on Justice ruling our ways to a fool's paradise where those accused of a crime without any evidence would be US, as the INNOCENT forsaken in God's good name. - The Son of Man Begs America / / Seventy percent of the people are without adequate water supplies and 80 percent lack adequate sanitation. \ \ DEFEND THE PEOPLES OF IRAQ FROM BUSHITE NAZI DUMFUK GRUNTS Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil. - / / [...] the [New York Times] piece details the torture of [Innocent People] Sunni prisoners at one of the new American-Iraqi "security stations" \ \ Torture is a crime against God and Humanity. So, likewise, joyously, with pride, destroy the neocon traitors of Justice - for the true Love you have as Freedom willed - is as granted. Don't buy their demon lies by blind blanket false assertions, against YOUR Humanity's Innocence in tyrannical bondage, all done in to fool you believing, we have no rights to be heard in our presence - here existing freely. Therefore, to survive US all for something better, halt the 'escaping' murderous bushite thieves for God and America. SOLDIERS: Instead of dying for nothing, my wannabe Patriot Brothers, try joining Liberty's cause, which is our cause truly. Is it because corporate TV zionist money whores, are cowardly and ignorant, as evil hypno muggers, in MY dying for real America, that YOU refuse to speak Now in your Humanity's begging further defense?, on evidence being the only requirement to establish a person's guilt or innocence? for ungodly terrorist activities committed in our name by bushite bombers from the neo-conned AIR FORCE, who, as rotted juveniles, cheeringly bomb us People indiscriminately leaving a Church as something TRULY SATANIC? To dare, in our presence, continue threatening harm against an innocent child of wonder, not yet even born to God's suffering world? Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly. - The Lawless thieves of Blackwater hire known war criminals from the most brutal of tyrannical regimes to carry out the neocon agenda of 'freedom' for 'Iraqis'. American tax payers pay $1,222.00 per death squad goon, per day, while billing their sacrificing kids, tens of thousands for up and coming medical costs not covered. Did you know they, the incompetent bush regime, still haven't fixed Walter Reed? Who really cares right? - / / For daring to report illegal arms sales, Navy veteran Donald Vance says he was imprisoned by the American military in a security compound outside Baghdad and subjected to harsh interrogation methods. \ \ IN THE LAND OF THE DEMON ANTICHRIST. - How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere. How? FOUR million land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not Aparthied, nor stealing a Christian's Home I suppose..? How? An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With / / Lieutenant Watada \ \ Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it. You defend this Patriot American Citizen as if Your America depends upon it. The "Judge" who publicly forbids to hear Watada's freedom defense, an Oath every Soldier swears to God with, is a "Judge" who needs to be privately arrested for treason against YOURSELF. Support my call to demand our voices heard for Just causes, or go die silently to the grave prisonized in a zionist neocon military dictatorship True Enemy of Liberty I am one serious genius by no accident in words you have as much right to contend for yourself being, if you'd only believe we have some good ideas here to really set ourselves free with.. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" A neocon bushite soldier is a true enemy of Liberty for America. They as DEMONIC LIARS, are dishonorable THIEVING nazi savages that bomb our innocent families with criminal intent to MURDER. Enemies of Life and Love, a dead bushite is an enemy of GOD halted from victimizing further our loved brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Death to the neoconner bushite dumfuk grunting liars who bomb our families, death to the enemies of Christ who war for the escape of the true culprits responsible for 911. TRAITORS. - New admissions of widespread prisoner abuse / / The Bush administration is [...] broad latitude for torture techniques \ \ These are crimes against Christ, and any 'Christian' who lawlessly participates in this pro-bush torture of US Humans, MUST be hunted down by the Patriot, to have the STANDING LAW in America enforced to institute the Death Sentence to those bushite responsible for such ungodly enemy actions. - 'Wiped off the Map' - The Rumor of the Century Ahmadinejad: Zionists are NOT Jews Dehumanizing the Palestinians / / The Israeli cabinet has voted to declare the occupied Gaza Strip a "hostile entity," [...] The decision was quickly given backing by US Secretary of State [demon 911 witch] Condoleezza Rice. \ \ This is of course recognized by all people to be a crime against human life. But CNN refuses to acknowledge the zionist action, for WE would ALL scream in outrage that American tax payers fund such nazi atrocities against G-D. CHRIST RETURNS I again, beg Humanity to speak in opposition to Amerika in the defense of our innocent forsaken dying lives. CBC producers know the bushmob did 911 but lie with propaganda to kill our families for the ungodly as thieving neocon enemies. They refuse to inform ourselves that Al-Qaida is General Mahmoud Ahmad, as according to the FBI. Or that video of iron flowing like water from the WTC towers exists indicating without doubt, the bushmob enemies did 911 as TRAITORS. Today, there is nothing more i wish, than to hear bushite nazi savage thieves for the neocon die rightly, before the innocent they target for murder. All in an attempt to 'escape' those truly responsible for the crimes of 911 a bushite whore practices, as an enemy to Christ and America. Evidence is required to convince ourselves on who is good or evil. Period. Don't like it? Too bad. We are on charged!! Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason to? What can you lose when you have granted to be blindly stolen from? Zionist nazi Israelis, do tell as LIARS, that Israel, the nation that openly thieves, tortures, and murders daily thoses THEY ADMIT are commpletely innocent, are enemies of every religious person denied access to honestly speak the facts as firmly established since the dawn of Man. - "The Central Myth of Our Time" The Shock Doctrine: Naomi Klein on the Rise of Disaster Capitalism Wow! This is Powerful! An hour with Naomi!! - Bush "Iran has openly declared that it seeks nuclear weapons." Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS, who know the bushmob did 911, is saying nothing further! The demon enemy will LIE America into another war against GOD, and they'll only give you a happy wave off to see Your child die for the zionist neocon. Happy Ramadan - [the ungodly enemy] israeli style. / / [enemy of the Jew] israelis kicked off their day this morning by shooting an unarmed 16yr old boy for throwing rocks at them and letting him bleed to death. \ \ Again, not reported on CNN for freedom of nazi aggressions against life as Christ. - / / Why are the U.S. media untroubled that there has been no independent investigation of 9-11? \ \ - / / "as the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as the unholy enemy.] \ \ Instead, we as humanity suffer with yet to be hunted demons who sing in joy while laughing and cheering over the murder of our innocent children. God, I beg you to only listen to these naked demons on video, then join me in calling for Justice as Life Wills. The company Aegis has been found killing innocent people for money from America, and Americans speak near nothing for our defenses as their very own sons and daughters die in total contempt. So never lose sight that TV news personalities hold an unwavering Public commitment to answer our calls for liberty with murder, as the enslavement of Your dying rights, through willfully committing criminal acts in our demonized innocent name is real. Johnny Wizard needs his own international live radio program to take open line communications. - I AM AMERICA Sattler ordered the murder of more than 200,000 innocent people in Fallujah, and they speak nothing but lies on how such demonic behaviors are godly as just ignored. Our Lives forsaken, as they hold their very own to die sacrificed for the unelected traitor neocon. I AM AMERICA. America MUST demand war crime trials for the propaganda CNN broadcast "Anvil of God" regarding the demonic actions of Bravo company. They forgot to tell America importantly, nazi forces forbade the population from leaving, gunning originally for everyone between 15 to 55, but sided instead to murder infants and the elderly too, when beginning the Zarqawi campaign by bombing hospitals as first strike targets. As such, the bushite murdered many good doctors and nurses - so all to send bushite snipers on hospital near rooftops gunning for every seriously injured woman and child who tried to get help from the Humans. While driving down residential streets, grenading every home of humans being. Remember that when you hear these dishonorable bushite thieves die rightly for god and country. [Sideline: It's been thought the reason why rescue efforts in New Orleans were provably sabotaged by Rove, was an attempt to make the blue state, commi red.] See?.. women and children, who the enemy bushite forbade to leave the city with their innocent families, who, as were all living in the entire city of mosques conveniently found labeled therefore by bushite, "Insurgents" (or did leave earlier, and had our innocent families reportedly indiscriminately murdered two miles or so down the road by the most evil war crime act of recorded history.) Importantly, there was no evidence made awared of, that legitimately offered PUBLICLY, from the UN or the U.S. to indicate a refugee camp anywhere, but for maybe a small group photographed - then some belligerent bushite bogus pocus - all headed up by a blatant traitor to America named Sattler. Reminder: after the indiscriminate carnage, they couldn't find near anyone for weeks who would take money offered to any citizen freely who survived for their satanic benefactor. So insanely disturbing as ungodly evil doing, war criminal Sattler called a halt to giving out charitable considerations from Americans to the unseen surviving victims - all in an 'escape' attempt to make it look better for US, the paying audience. So, where did our stolen values go to then eh? (Sattler's pocket no doubt.) / / "With no medical supplies, people died from their wounds. Everyone in the street was a target for the Americans. \ \ - / / Two Years After Katrina, Billions in Relief Funds Are Missing \ \ - Israeli High Court permits torture of Innocent Humans / / Israel has illustrated contempt for law and the value of human life, or even possessing an ethical standard of moral behavior with respect to civil and human rights \ \ - Tatum, who freely confesses he's a proud child killer without apology, is being made a free man in evil bushite amerika. The TRAITOR prosecutor has ridiculously stated to our world - / / Ware has recommended to [demonic nazi enemy of Life 'judge'] Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis, that charges be dismissed, \ \ "Mad Dog Mattis," MATTIS!! The guy who murdered countless women and children at a wedding party, while after getting caught PROPAGANDIZING to forsaken America the innocent victims as al-Qaida!! CAUGHT! Mattis called innocent six year old girls "al-Qaida"! CAUGHT! BUSHITE ENEMY OF AMERICAN FREEDOM Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis has been made into a "JUDGE"!! THE WOMEN HATING NAZI FUK! A JUDGE of Men by 'law' in bushville!!! the [anyone's] CHILD KILLER Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis QUOTE: "It's fun to shoot some people" - defenseless innocent WOMEN HE SHOT!! INNOCENT CHILDREN HE SHOT!!!! YOUR CHILD!! FIGHT BACK FOR CHRIST! FIGHT BACK Prosecutor Lt. Col. Paul Atterbury "Lance Corporal Tatum entered a home and participated in the killing of Iraqis who were not legitimate targets, then entered a second home and participated in the murder of [more innocent] women and children," / / One of the Marines charged with murdering civilians in Haditha, Iraq, in 2005 knew that only women and children were huddled in a back bedroom in a house there, but he [TATUM] opened the door and shot them anyway, a squadmate testified Tuesday. \ \ TRAITOR Mattis "The Marines have landed, and we now [as ENRON] own a piece of Afghanistan." [thieving from all for 911's neocon, especially undefended American pensioners... hail satan - 666.] CHILD KILLING NAZI TRAITOR GETS PROMOTED! / / Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced Sept. 11 that the President has nominated Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis for appointment to the rank of general. \ \ TWO OF THE PROTECTED 911 HIGHJACKERS WERE WORKING WITH SAUDI INTEL! Murder for stolen money in America's America!, and CBC, CNN, FOXNEWS report no cause to care! Treasonous George Norry CONS Americans to murder for the evil neocons with threat of his going "ballistic" against any or all Americans who try to stand up as a Just peoples for what is righT, for Life and/or God by SPEAKING FREELY. Will You try?, or go silent to die as unworthy? Your call bud... What Freedom do bushite war the innocent for to rape, pillage, and murder as blind neocon followers of the 'lawless' demon antichrist? Eh? "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" CBC, CNN, FOXNEWS, the Zionists, purposefully work to LIE to the dying American Marine, that the ungodly bushite wars to escape the 911 perpetrators hold some hidden benefit, as the TREASONOUS neocon thieves freely rob from both undefended American and Iraqi citizens, The neoconner, Mr. Bush closed criminal investigations on 911 immediately after the event occurring, while Billions are stolen through 'ear marks' and TVed Americans have no care known to speak of. Done with American tax paid for rapists, torturers, and terrorists like Aegis who dress up as al-Qaida to murder godly lovers of Justice. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS would rather kill the Marine, than teach them where to aim their weaponry of liberation. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS speaks NOTHING to demand the execution of hiding as 'British' soldiers who on prized video tape, beat to death young barefoot children for erotic fun, nor on mercury vaccines not banned minus "The President" in name. BANNED if God were Loved by America, or that the man or woman on the street would financially support my rise by popular command. Would you leave me to know, I will be left without a home to rest, or food to feed my hunger? Would an American?, I ask all Peoples of Earth to witness the American's contempt for Our worthy lives. Sattler ordered the murder of more than 200,000 innocent people in Fallujah, and they speak nothing but lies on how such demonic behaviors are godly as just ignored. Our Lives forsaken, as they hold their very own to die sacrificed for the unelected neocon. I AM AMERICA. : FBI Called off Terror Investigations THERE ARE certain principles that we would all agree to publicly speaking. There are criminals who don't like these ideas, but they ain't going to speak out against us. Example 'I don't want to be held accountable to the American public, cause I want to steal that 16 billion dollars for myself. That's my public opinion.' What are we going to do but defend ourselves of deathly lawless tyranny, eventually. Or, you won't by DECIDING not to decide. Support our rise as the top cop of Humanity, coming down for diplomatic talks to engage the flagrant wanton stupidity of the bushite grunters. All on hopes you'll consider also, these Kingly texts worth a couple hedge funder salaries, a sixty cent barrel of oil marked up to 74 dollars, or a thousandth of the money America would save in a year, if you adopted Canadian Health care systems overnight for yourself to immediately provide all People the respect for life we deserve. Or don't, and needlessly continue to pay twice as much, while dying broke as self made losers without a cause worth preserving. A free market open to waste for profit Mike Huckabee Publicly Questioned on 911's ISI General!!! Do you care to buy the bushite lies, when they commit openly the very same terrorist acts they say we should all be outraged against? Again, KNOWN Aegis goons openly commit crimes against Iraq done officially to get killed! the supposed to be Patriot Marine. P2OG. I can't understand why you can't help get this party up as starting by supporting our rise to highest acclaim with my authority free willed to anyone. Let's face it, we're great because Your great. However, for greed, corporate america aren't taking our concerns nightly. We want Justice, and WE will get it if we reflect together with impeccable credentials as standing with measured reason for proper assessment on rights making might. Who is who here, a freeing peoples I tell you, arriving to bring a true patriotism to Life for US. Are you with yourself as respected an equal under the law devised fairly for all concerned parties?.. well then... let's g o ! ! ! be Great!, for here comes the mighty, Johnny America - make way! make way! - Where is the Evidence? How so can all of Iranian Military Officers be "terrorists", while lawless bushite bomb defenseless innocent peoples indiscriminately routinely, with praises from the actual demon antichrist responsible personally for 911 I want to know. Gaffney "It is not George Bush, it is not the Neocons," "," = swinging pocket watch - bushite talk about random killing of godly persons "You can basically kill anyone you want" 26,000 total Tickets sold - 14,302 votes tabulated;article=112801;show_parent=1 / / An Investigation is needed here. \ \ I said that years ago, but the bushmob isn't listening, because, hey, happy George Norry don't care, and CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS isn't taking our calls either man. - / / When hundreds of millions are calling for the extermination of the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie; it is a blood libel. \ \ This is like satanic neo-nazi EVIL no? - There is no found honor in a thiefs paradise of neocon plunder my friends, no honor. - Elected Governments All Over The World British MP Galloway and Richard Perle on TV together!! Galloway "These are the people who have overthrown elected governments all over the world. and he [Richard Perle] comes on your program to prattle about democracy." Perl of wisdum 'yeah so? Peenackers steal the rights of freedom from people for stolen profits - we rob Americans of their freedom, as is their pocket books, and their wasted effort, all easily conned to be sacrificed for death by false conclusions trumped up by a naked false accuser who will accuse yous lost blindly as the innocent sucker - er.. I mean suckers, Your Mr. Bush Jr., is a demon evil whos attack is not televised for defending yourselves over. Truth and Justice, we own. See?, peenackers are filthy rich from conning your, given life away, right before your eyes. What are we going to do about what is given, bust the bad guys for blatant treason against Cops and the Universe? I mean really.' The Iraq War Exposed Neocons are frankly, just dumb don't you know. Don't forget though, their unwavering Public commitment to answer with murder as enslavement of Your rights, through committing criminal acts in our demonized innocent name is real. Johnny Wizard needs his own international live radio program. Any others of all knowing sentience as wisdom being smarter than whoever, even willing to start too a conversation over these matters of justice for freedom ad-infinitum!? What? - 911 Leaders Saying They Are Jesus 911 financier Ahmad = al Qaida, and we have molten iron on video flowing like water. Demon Bush Jr. gave US zero, while closing criminal investigations immediately after the terrorist offense of no questions!, no questions! Case closed. But no, the American media rarely if never mention these facts, while insisting Bush's deathly war criminalling is as only a puppet, look away! look away!, leaving without challenge on the, teen like naivety of's consistence that "we", who demand justice for 911, who might also hold the opinion that zionist behavior does not blindly equal being Jewish, should not be allowed to speak Justly for our public challenge, because bushite Amerika has no defense for censorship against ANY of our judicial wanting, as documented positions on behalf of the suffering to death victimized public. Why? Because we are Just. Well, I try to be anyway. (I've spoken as written for YEARS, with NO ONE WORLD WIDE countering in the public realm, but for the strangely odd insult. Bushite do exist, don't get god wrong, but dumb evil bushite brood in darkness with censorship like all zionists do, selling to be 'godly' honorable men, when in truth, they'd murder anyone of US for a stolen nickel given to a neocon. I, as open line talk radio producer, win every time, always, forever, never fail. [er.. yet..] Why? Because I treat YOU fairly. America should do the same. We are all in this together. Zionists like robbing then killing defenseless innocent Christians, and Jews, while just lying that they don't without scened factual TV perception. Demon 911 WITCH, zionist Condi 'okayed' the dropping of more than SEVEN MILLION land-mines on Lebanon, purposefully done to indiscriminately murder ourselves for generations. Jason might foolishly call you an "anti-Semite" in fear for speaking such not understood truths. And importantly, not because they can publicly disagree so in open debate, so sides to not allow US to rise in acknowledgement to bring about Justice as demanded, for ALL as ANY. (Gee, who's the neocon now eh? (we're all sinners.)) If Americans really want 911 Justice: Help US out by putting the video of molten iron flowing like water out there in the minds of any who have doubts, tell them hypno mugger Bush, gave US zero to substantiate his public falsehoods, and tell US about Ahmad as more than a passing fact that means little of nothing, then, WE, The People, will believe this has more to do with Justice for Humanity, than the American suffering movie goer ego being, "leading the free world", by voicing no public concerns on the criminality of the bushmob shysters. Left happying in the George Norry, as a TRAITOR to a dying America not hearing. An enemy of Liberty to the, tried to be free soldier, who is led TO DIE still un-wittingly by lie for the misfortuned neocon bounty of global tyranny through coast to coast story lining. Look, the peenackers will tell you freakishly, that they work to lie to us all, to take advantage of a plain to view weakness. I swear. The neocon wants to con your kid to die for a war lied into with as our stolen goods. We lose as crime victims, while they win free accountability because, (well... I'll just let you finish that one liner sucker punch..) Jason Bermas "I just want to point out that we're going to encourage the people to look at the evidence for themselves." - Do Republicans mean to bring health care suffering out of control with no market values, because truly they have little of no skills when it comes to fixing their own buffoonery? Hmm... unless they count to hide the bean all together, fixing the game intentionally to have US lose by remote controlling stupidity! 300 channels, and nobody's taking our call from the space cased file of, "what's this freedom war against Life for again"? Look, is mercury as a medicine good or bad do you think?, let's ask someone for Christ's sake. Or for Deb, Henry, Bill, Beth, Mark, Carol or Tony. Johnny Wizard, our everyday normal magic man of folklore, opens up the stage to ask all the people together, "Are we Man or machine to take this all lying down quietly"? We need to talk about what a King like me, is doing in a place like this, under appreciated, and left alone without my home, dying for a break in radio programming, as President of the company that started the sands running, Shareware Earth Co., a god-like production of miracle and wonder!! You just participate, and you won't even believe how good we could have it, Rejoice, for Johnny Jesus has come down for diplomatic talks. Give away! Give away! Again, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS, (who advertise their listening) suggest G.W. Bush and Co. have publicly acted nothing warranting immediate arrest, or have openly supported the great Kucinich's plan for Impeachment, and consequently, are leveraging America into this mess 'because' we were portrayed as sold to the U.N. for freedom as Iraqi's Grand Strategy. BOGUS! Nothing about the PLANNING of killing people indiscriminately for financial criminal gains as bonafide terrorists, for we had unrestricted access prior to dropping bombs for mangy LIAR neocons. ORHA. I have yet heard FOXNEWS complain in pains of liar BUSH personally being the al-Qaida cause responsible, (like Alex Jones sells foolishly falsely also) More than a million INNOCENT people have been murdered directly by the criminal action of the broken Bush Rule, UN-CONSTITUTIONAL! Don't they know of what You speak? Now??? Make it so, President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co. King Johnny Wizard Christ is Person ! ! ! = alqaida videos you can get nowhere else! - / / A group of wounded civilians were also brought to a hospital in neighboring Kandahar. Journalists were barred from filming or talking to them inside the wards. \ \ Freedom from what do bushite murder indiscriminately? / / Iowa GOP is STILL planning to use the easily rigged Diebold computers to "count" the vote at the Straw poll! \ \ THIS IS TREASON. But, look, teen soldiers are commanded to be bushite nazi savages, who cowardly refuse to defend America from Mr. al-Qaida, General Ahmad, all to thieve further from the undefended American public. - MY DEMANDS / / eight million Iraqis require immediate emergency aid \ \ PLEASE HELP US Again, evil bushite THIEVES claim they are justified when indiscriminately bombing populated cities to MURDER US People. General Johnny would teach MY soldiers to immediately arrest to kill for such criminality. In fact, I'd likely even throw in some bonus cash, an a Freedom medal from all lovers of Liberty. Did you know, many bushite sing a song about killing innocent young girls for pleasure? Did you know that also, an "American" radio host likes playing that same song as recorded on "American" airwaves? Fight back for God, or die from self contempt my friends, fight back for life and love. / / Why did the Army, within three hours, return to tell neighbors that this was the work of "insurgents" apparently without any investigation? \ \ See? in Johnny's world, that "the Army" person would have been the FIRST questioned, then likely arrested. But look, it hasn't even been acknowledged as evil doing in progress. (Every time you read, "The Army says..", become aware.) It should be noted, ungodly bushite enemy commanders call every car bomb in Iraq, al-Qaida, without even pretending to do freedom operations for YOUR protections, as just another dead body in the rubble. (Likely caused by Aegis for cash profit.) So then, look my friends, Amerka refuses to demand justice to save the lives of their very own sons and daughters. And when, WE, Humanity, beg them to answer our calls for accountability, they refuse but for to LIE, stating publicly, "God" would grant robbing from innocent others, to enrich their great unholy tyrannical demon liar. They know easily that the bushmob did 911, and they like it. No, they crave it. The chance of murdering their own "loves" to enslave the human race for the antichrist, sounds great, just as long as they can get themselves in on the take. / / Idiot General Says Dead U.S. Troops Best Reason To Keep War Going And Kill More U.S. Troops [Option B: More Dead U.S. Generals And Fewer Dead U.S. Troops ?] \ \ If the sacrifice of soldiers lives is going to mean anything, it going to mean how long it took, Americans to care for themselves as really worth something. When, or if that day should come, it will be the day where Iraqis victims are seen, as just you or me. Today, there is nothing more i wish, than to hear bushite nazi savage thieves for the neocon die rightly, before the innocent they target for murder. All in an attempt to 'escape' those truly responsible for the crimes of 911 a bushite whore practices, as an enemy to Christ and America. / / We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W. Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? \ \ - / /that expose physical and sexual abuse at the hands of the Israeli army \ \ Realize: American tax payers fund this unquestioningly. - Citizens Face Full Asset Seizure / / "(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, logistical, or technical support \ \ So, those who don't support the return of all stolen monies from Iraq, who continue to undermine Humanity's chances for Justice in Iraq, (like every neocon LIAR and foxnews broadcaster, lawless mercenary antichrist disciple, or Haliburton shareholder,) needs their assets seized, and tried publicly for treason as war criminals. Every war profiteer holding more a one hundred thousand dollars will be hunted by the will of Humanity. so says - The Son to God as Man to men. Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines / / "Under the current administration, mercury has been and will continue to be knowingly injected into the youngest of American citizens. \ \ We Have A Problem Here Look, Bush closed investigations on 911 immediately, then started firstly on Iraq, for war mongering thieves, with General Ahmad escaping un-accosted for the neocon enemies. Not relevant? Your Constitution is laying undefended, a National act that can not be done by any other terrorist group but those who claim your freedom rights denied by bushite command. Not treasonous? Look Condi, the demon 911 nazi witch PERSONALLY assisted in dropping more than seven million land-mines on Lebanon indiscriminately in Your terrorized dying names. Hate Life and God as yourself do You? Don't anyone be deceived that the neocon enemies minimally assisted these crimes by refusing to allow US pursue the evil doers by following the actual crime scene leads, but we lack REAL leadership skills that are naturally required to see molten Iron flowing like water from the 911 towers on YouTube. They, as America's Coast to Coast voices, would rather richly die YOU sacrificed for CRIMINAL zionist Israel, (Israel, where the government leaves actual Jews to die in the streets starving as garbage dumps, to make it look good for MORE giving American charitable donations to disappear elsewhere) before saving the lives of THEIR VERY OWN. Americans don't seem to care they die by their own unwillingness to communicate openly for Justice. I ask you again, to spare me a few dollars so I can feed myself. I am actually, near starving, and never in my most feared nightmares, thought this world, with our communication technology, would leave me without any financial assistance. I seriously need to eat. Please help me, by supporting our cause to not starve to death. If you appreciate my words in defense of the once great Human race, donate a few dollars to this cause. Justice and Freedom for all, especially God as Just, and worthy our praise, Peace. - Death to the bushite instead of the innocent loved in God / / IntelCenter issued a tacit warning \ \ Don't EVER forget, the private company Aegis has been officially found dressing up as AL-QAIDA! - AL-QAIDA! - AL-QAIDA! to murder pro-western forces in Iraq, while desecrating Elvis. Elvis Presley. If you don't love Elvis, there is something seriously wrong with America. - / / The US has also been backing some pro-western politicians like Iyad Allawi \ \ Do you know who Allawi is? Allawi confesses to blowing up school buses filled with children for "CIA" money. NOT THEORY. HE ADMITS IT AS AN ACTUAL SATANIC DEMON! Allawi, the truly insane mad man, confesses to having ordered the murder of doctors and nurses that treated wounded god loving women and children from Fallujah. It was these DOCUMENTED acts that had him thrown out of 'the CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS TV expert scene as workable', all for fears that US humans might actually wake the fuk up on WHO is Our True Enemies here. All three, pro-private-bank zionist news stations are well aware that the bushmob did 911, but lie to YOU as forsakenly dying for their growing riches and world wide broadcast fame. CBC National Newz - July 11th 2007 'tens of thousands have died in Iraq since the war against truth started.' Anyway, these two Allawi incidences are fully documented, look it up, then demand the "The US" pro-western politician person quoted as supporting Allawi - be found guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, Demand publicly, having the neocon zionists EXECUTED by America, for America, as America. A Just America that defends America from criminal madness. Or don't. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Man I say. - The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think independently for Yourself, for we independents out here make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very much for that not so secret info. - Afghan civilians caught,1,3303701.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed / / The men told the same story, of how foreign troops bombed their villages long after the Taliban fighters had left, how the bombs killed women and children, goats and sheep \ \ - 'Up to 80 civilians dead' after US air strikes in Afghanistan / / Witnesses claim a village in British-run Helmand was bombed for three hours \ \ - OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE FOR AMERICA Tony Snow "The executive branch is under no compulsion to testify to Congress because Congress, in fact, doesn't have oversight abilities." Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys. How about You? / / If Bush and his PNAC buds are innocent, then Investigate 911! What have innocent people to fear from a fair, complete and real investigation? \ \ Let us make life better than the neocon envision, and support our rise to popular acclaim by allowing US to speak openly for public challenge in defense of America. - True US Bush Iraq-Afghan Wars Deaths At 21,000 "In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the unreported death toll of American military personnel is in excess of 20,000 (20,871)" It's in cowardice that 'Americans' don't speak out for the lost 'loves' of their dumber than dumb sons. - Demon enemy bushite in Afghanistan murder children without real understanding 'by accident', [no evidence is shown to ANYONE, just treasonous demon evil bushite necon spewing, "red handed"] lies after lies, while, the Taliban, we are told, are so much worse, because they would murder "ANYONE." Make sense? No. Remember: (The bush regime has been found funding Al-Qaida in Iran to commit terrorist acts against COWARDLY soldiers without free minds to speak in their own defenses.) - Demon G. W. Bush "Our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks waged against us by stealth, deceit and murder and rid the world of evil." "Deceit" and "murder" to rid our world of justly what dum-uk enemies? / / A manifest showed the goods [BUSHITE HEROIN] were to be shipped from Kabul to Dubai and then on to Canada. \ \ "We have nothing to do with poppy eradication. We stay away from [pro bushite heroin to kill YOUR kid with] it as far as we can," Maj. Steve Graham of the Royal Canadian Dragoons - 'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops Can you not as a American Man, destroy bushite brayers to defend innocent life? Americans could not care less presently for the value of Human life. Americans do nothing to defend their lives, but officially plan to murder more for the Satanic demon antichrist in silence. / / The U.S. State Department recently issued a report calling Sudan a "strong partner in the war on terror." \ \ The high jacking Bush regime is supporting financially a TYRANNICAL 'government' that openly practices Genocide, as just the sort of "American" partner to assist in determining which further murder victims are terrorists. While the same demon administration confesses to FUNDING middle eastern al-Qeada to commit TERRORIST acts in Iran, as demon evil tyranny against the sleeping Sheeple. Again, it is fully confessed that the Satanic bushmob is pro terror now. Death to the enemies of Freedom, death to the bushite betrayers of Life instead of YOU my innocent friends. Instead of US. / / US 'used forced [SLAVE] labour to build Iraq embassy' \ \ - CIA 'disappeared' seven-year-old children COFER BLACK is the "CIA" LIE - Hillary "[DEMON] Bush pulled out the inspectors." [DEMON] Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in." In Hell Firstly, the White house doctored the NIE in an act of HIGH TREASON. Two: CNN with Hillary acknowledges that the demon Mr. Bush pulled inspectors out of Iraq, but then... how is this not HELL to pay? / / Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power." \ \ HE LIED. Not the 'NWO', George Walker Bush, who Alex Jones tells US to look away, because he's only a puppet. Should not Bush be held accountable to the criminal actions he is PERSONALLY responsible for Christ asks YOU? Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human. 800,000 Christians protected under Saddam, now killed under Bush Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human. - Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in, and that's why he irrationally started this war against God conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America - for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny. People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen nickel. Our Mr. Bush Jnr. "The war is for you or for us [neoCONS] to win. If we [neoCONS] win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever." Die bushite die. JOHNNY ROCKS MSNBC Poll: Over 400,000 (88%) Say Bush Should Be Impeached See? Canadians who TRUST CBC would never know by Paul Hunter. - Bush Successful at Permanent Legalization of Torture / / The truth is that the Bush Administration has used the McCain anti-torture bill to codify a policy of torture that is now embedded in our legal system for perpetuity. \ \ WE'D be hunting down those bushite liars who torture innocent people to death for their satanic pleasures. For, you know it does warrant the Death Sentence in America, right? (You can thank Reagan for that...) / / In a move that hardly indicates that he was a terrorist plotting to attack a US government installation Tatar then went to the Philadelphia police department to complain that he was being pressured by someone into getting a map of Fort Dix and that he thought this had something to do with a terrorist plot. \ \ Didn't see this on our TV news either did You? - / / On CBS' "Face the Nation," she claimed that intelligence errors before the war were "worldwide" even though the International Atomic Energy Agency's Mohamed ElBaradei publicly stated there was "no evidence" of an Iraqi nuclear program \ \ That from the 911 witch, who forbade a stop to hostilities IN AMERICA'S NAME against the innocent in Lebanon. Nazi Israel ADMITS to the targeting MURDER of any innocent persons who drive in a truck. Perhaps Americans. Who cares? Not CBC or CNN they'll tell you consistently absent from the crimes scene. - Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces / / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!), that American intelligence officers had been working alongside them at the Jamiyat police station \ \ BASELESS? / / Prime Minister Stephen Harper "We will conclude a formal agreement so that we never again face these baseless allegations," he said. Thirty Afghan detainees have claimed they were beaten, whipped, given electric shocks and denied food once they were transferred to Afghan security forces by the Canadian military \ \ These demons who war for ZIONIST censorship are a bunch a dope pushing cop killers, who murder innocent people they call 'Taliban' better known as in Arabic - students. - Proudly kill the bushite who would drop from the sky, SEVEN MILLION landmines on our cities to kill our children for decades indiscriminately, while offering our Humanity to God no apologies. Proudly kill the bushite savages all to desperately survive ourselves creating a better world through fair, free market communications. To warring for Liberty as true Freedom wills, is for Justice understood as measured, not just made up out of nowhere for the pleasures of those truly Satanic. So spoke the King of being the wisdom we here revealed by statement of timeless fact. Good will triumph over evil. That's that. - Tenent "Lets everybody tell the truth." It seems Tenent wants to inform us he actually meant when saying "slam dunk" - that, selling the war to the American Joe, without establishing any real facts would be easier than anything against the powerless as media unrepresented! Bushite War LIFE Itself - and - They Couldn't Care Less 'Alpha company patrols the poppy fields.' 20070420_taliban28.mp3 (pbs broadcast) "About the poppy harvest, currently gathering pace all around them, they couldn't care less." Instead they kill unarmed innocent people indiscriminately as enemies to ALL HUMAN LIFE. They Couldn't Care Less The 82 Airborne, in assisting in defending the world wide distribution and production of heroin, tells of murdering innocent farmers, that would never raise a gun in anger, are those they openly confess to target for first degree murder as labeled the, second tier Taliban. That's when not defending American Pension thiever ENRON'S pipeline managed under their extremist Muslim fundamentalist regime of intolerance for public communications, as the continuing thieving of 80 percent the Humanitarian Aid given by Canada to feed the STARVING, and school our children of the impoverished Afghanistan, as so reported. Eighty percent. 80. 80 percent stolen. I'm telling YOU: CBC couldn't care less about what Canadian soldiers are actually dying as COWARDS for: "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" CBC national radio management needs to be arrested in Canada for high TREASON. Please, be a Patriot, and demand these zionists allow open communication with the facts to save the lives of Canadians soldiers they hold in contempt to die as the bad guys committed to no better good. Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade - / / Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they considered innocent? \ \ Because they are openly enemies to Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless. Bushite will kill America / / At 9:32 he saw and heard a bomb destroy the offices of the Pentagon auditors. 40 military officers investigating the missing money were killed. The CTC was destroyed too. You can read more here: \ \ - AMERICAN The Pentagon's Power to Jail Americans Indefinitely Look, CNN, CBC, and FOx News know the bushmob did 911, but will smile while watching your son or daughter sent out to die CONNED by their demonic hatred for US freely communicated. How do I know this? I made the effort of making the phone calls. Equal rights for all in God's name is self evident. Self evident to ME anyway... but well.. who am i?, right - I'll tell you as I have for more than a decade as a living fiction forsaken for lack of anybody anywhere understanding in totality what I am here on Earth as true Son to Man - a 'understandable' timeless stand in for G to gain recognition through as honest broker. [I've been everywhere around forever, and.. blahblah.. I know people really don't care to know of ancient wisdoms, truths that guide the order to the Universe, cause often they think I'm beyond their comprehension as a 'better than', when all power is in equal respect for others as our hurting brothers and sisters suffering with tyranny by our collective willful ignorance on Justice.[God's bestest is Just for every reason being thus]] I am one serious genius by no accident in words you have as much right to contend for yourself being, if you'd only believe we have some good ideas here to really defend ourselves with. Please my American friend, help US speak out freely Coast to Coast. So we together can start, on demanding Justice for all, as innocence in serious jeopardy. Dadullah is most likely an individual who holds at least some control over official military functions of NATO in the region. So, we're going to seed loyalties of the rare Patriots in the force to recognize our need to isolate who supports, not talking FREELY for peace easily in Afghanistan without question. No evidence was brought against Laden, therefore, the Taliban were True Patriots, and bushite traitors are pure racist nazi filth ridden, toxic, as being cowardly dishonorable as despicably evil, enemies to us all. Put US in Command. Question the bushite, question to anyone who mumbles disagreement in the godly fact, that WE, as Humanity, will spend the better part of this next generation, hunting every last war profiteering nazi war criminal down for our real Freedom from their, so errorred "endless" tyranny of big money terror. Lawlessness with be outlawed, and ANY corporate american who mumbles otherwise, as an enemy totalitarianist, the clear ungodly, (as should be criminal,) will be put to challenge by their very own children, or parents, or bleeding dead brothers. Hannity must be tried for death as lying that the holocaust never happened from Iran. DEATH to the demon liar nazi fu-ker I say, DEATH to the demon liar nazi fu-ker. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil. / / "Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be killed," he said. He did not elaborate. \ \ He's either with the proven cowards of JTF2, or the two or three "CIA" guys secretly hunting bin Laden in caves out there with tens of billions of dollars. SPENT EACH YEAR 'unknowingly'. (No reason why, but, they just can't tell You, as the paying for it really while DYING) Put US in Command. / / The Mujahideen aren't students of power and don't compete for power like others do. We are students of truth and work for establishing this truth and for this cause we sacrifice our power \ \ - / / Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, the President's pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000 citizens prior to the 2004 election. \ \ Timothy needs to be arrested for high treason, for fixing an election, or instead, what? we'll make him a State US Attorney in bushville? kill all of them / / In his testimony on Wednesday, Pfc. Bradley Mason of Company C said that on May 8, the night before the raid, Colonel Steele told soldiers to ``kill all of them.'' Three other soldiers gave similar testimony. \ \ I would offer rewards for more soldiers to come forward. Why? because there truly is, no honor among thieves. Every bushite soldier in Iraq for the liar neocon is minimum, a purposeless dumfuked cowardly thief. See? if you offer a reward, and they don't take it, their 'fellow' bushite, kill'em for it, right? why take the risk it'll cash in over your worthless life? For, who can trust a lying bushite nazi savage? certainly not a lying bushite nazi savage. In other words: speak against committing war criminal acts of lawless aggression in Iraq for Bush, as CLEARLY un-American, and I'll try to forgive you as human. Or, I guess you'll kill yourselves in mutually muted total contempt for this universal life as actually worth something. When you see and hear on video, sexually dysfunctional, as sadistically satanic grunt puke pro-bush soldiers moaning, while deliberately killing innocent defenseless Family People running for our dying lives from a holy church, or as just simply anyone standing near the side of the road, then, my friend, you'll begin to understand what evil actually is. And, what needs to be done to seriously save ourselves. Seriously. Justice must be won sooner than later. Five Star American General Johnny Wizard will train American Soldiers to recognize such demonic behaviors in combat as worthy of immediate frag to defend the lives of truly fellow honorable soldiers. Soldiers ACTually, committed to freedom from godless satanic dumfuk tyranny of the antichrist demon, Mr. evil personified, the UN-ELECTED 911 TERRORIST, George Walker Bush and CO.. - Like Coast to Coast's fun guy, he ain't taking our screams, George "pro Arab child Killer" Norry?? Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our pirated authority through defending the further 'escape' of the bushmob for 911. / / As a result, the Defense Department put up a Web site in 2005 designed to clarify [to the dumfuk bushite demon liars] that sexual assault is illegal [...] \ \ Let's save some lives, what do you say guys? Or, are we going to go further with this: George W. Bush: "If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win." YOU "If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win." I'm telling you, we need me as King. Look: Aegis's workforce, for American PAYING profit, has been publicly disclosed through CNN to be shooting people in Iraq indiscriminately for your money, and when the Pentagon was contacted by Nick Roberts about what would be done, they responded, nothing would be done by Johnny's America but to increase the multi-hundred-million dollar contract with demon enemy Tim Spicer to continue. Now... why you ask? Because the neocon liars, steal money by lying to cowardly American kids about what they mindlessly, without thought, give their souls for. Tim Spicer openly hires South African goons to commit hardships for American GIs to die without end for, in lawless tyranny. Peace sells less money for the neocon war profiteers to murder the innocent American as. (Iraqis, along with the rest of Humanity's Men, WILL eventually learn this truth, or life for you will end.) As an Arab hating bushite, (like what you'd find as a publicly proud practiced hatred for all Humanity, by an Amerkan dumfuk soldier in Google's alt.religion.islam), they say nothing for Freedom by Justice, but root themselves to Spicer's monsters who like killing black guys, as world renown mass murdering racist nazi filth. That's why zionist Israel loves them so much. Look: Somebody stole four trillion dollars out of the Pentagon. Look: corporate magic TV people couldn't care less for US if they tried. Ahmad funded Atta. bin Laden claimed he played no part in 911. And video of iron running like water moments before the first tower fell is freely available for download all over the place. Look: Barbra Bodine did the Cole bombing. [the Cole whose crew has been completely overhauled. Where are the many who served there NOW eh?] Look: America has kidnapped countless thousands without evidence to be held against OUR will indefinitely. [Like the NOT Jewish Israel] Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those who hide OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down for GOD, despite what demon lies they argue give them as Satanic to avoid "The Law".] Look: the bushmob war profiteers STOLE the Iraqi Development fund Look: the more than 10,000 security contractors for Bush are officially deemed lawlessly unaccountable to anyone - THINK ABOUT IT Look: Negroponte PERSONALLY stole the Iraqi emergency water provision money Look: Sattler OPENLY committed the worst war crimes of all Humanity's history 9/11 WTC Molten Iron - Men pick military as sentence Great, more criminal heros to victimize Humanity for. - / / KBR's Tiger Team stayed at the five-star Kuwait Kempinski Hotel, where its members ran up a bill of more than $1 million. This outraged the army, whose troops were sleeping in tents at a cost of $1.39 a day. The army asked the Tiger Team to move into tents. It refused. \ \ See? KBR is now privately running hospital care for the dumfuk grunts, so, what would you expect but rat infestations? Oh, you never truly thought... what being a "Liberal" or "Conservative" victim is. Are you pro Liberty, or pro tyranny is the question riddled really. - / / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \ Seriously, the propagandists responsible, need to REALLY, be put to death after found out through US public court proceeding. NO ONE would disagree that Iraq is a war crime, where more than a MILLION INNOCENT PEOPLE have been raped, tortured, or murdered by dumfuk bushite grunts. If YOU actually think about it, all of everyone would gladly kill an unholy bushite terrorist, before allowing it to murder families running for our lives as loving Church goers. Death to our Enemies My friends, People are dying because the, Israel=Jew, magic radio and TV crews, wont broadcast THE TRUTHS of our publicly available findings. Police findings. - Neocon Gaffney "It is not George Bush, it is not the Neocons," "," = swinging pocket watch Don't let these neocon zionist bastards doe this to US. - REPENT. [from the Greek, meaning to think.] Life begs, takes a stand for your fellow man, and demand our voices heard for the defense of the entire human race. And be quick about it. Repuglicons don't want freedom from endless war where they kill your forsaken kids, for we all know, bushites would be publicly tried, then spend the rest of their treasonous lives behind bars broke, or dead from lethal injections made popular in America. Again, officer Bowman is responsible for letting 'escape' those from Fort Detrick, who attempted to murder the American Congressmen who thought going into lawless tyranny, !makes no sense! Where is corporate America on our issues when OUR free speech is ruled by the irrational evil minds of Limbaugh, Bell, and Norry?!?!! Back to Bowman: Bowman, also is responsible for sabotaging the Moussaoui warrant. And, how much you wanna bet, he's probably the same bushite who found Atta's passport, and likely had all 19 names of the high-jackers to give CNN, CBC, and FoxNews just like the neocon's "bin Laden" would have too. Take the publicly prancing bushite enemy out for questions by yourself, if he doesn't plead his defense publicly on Coast to Coast by tomorrow. Remember, there ain't an "Intelligence" group worth their salt on the face of our Earth, that doesn't know exactly what I'm doing here honorably for a real Justice made through careful thought. So, support Johnny Wizard speaking for public challenges internationally, and with the 23 plus co-operating for life 'Intel' agencies, along with, anyone else who can join in on the call. as a growing number of Patriot Soldiers, who trust yourself to see, this wanting of Justice isn't complicated. A person accused of a terrorist event without any evidence, has our accuser a bushite, who should be watched carefully until verifiable conclusions are done by the understanding of fact. Not faith. With George W. Bush making real decisions in faith, expecting us to believe as corporately broadcasted unabashedly unbiased, that he is not a deliberate incompetent monster war criminal of unfathomable evil?, who is just too 'stupid' to understand why we are innocent until proven otherwise?, is really something we all need to scream about to save our dying lives. "[..] just like the neocon's "bin Laden" would have too." However, the real Laden, on video taped confession, claimed he played no part whatsoever in 911, then later, offered himself for arrest, confident he would be acquitted. Not corporately newsworthy though, so, few even know why their American child was later died in the terrorists act of corporate contempt for US living Freedom with something greater as real Justice wills THE "IRANIAN" 81MM MORTAR WEB PAGE IS A FAKE! / /the traceroute traces the IP not to a business, but to a university! \ \ McCain is insane McCain speaks NOTHING to demand the execution of hiding as 'British' soldiers who on prized video tape, beat to death young barefoot children for erotic fun, nor on mercury vaccines not banned minus "The President" in name. BANNED. - A Public Letter to the "American" Coast to Coast Radio Network: 1. We, as the People, demand you allow US, the human species to openly discuss the public evidence on who funded the terrorist acts of 911 according to the FBI. And full disclosure on the science of building Seven. 2. That the Iraq war never had, nor ever will have a justification. 3. Also, that mercury tainted vaccines are deadly stupid. Mercury is scientifically understood, without question, (no doubt) to be a neural-toxin You must wake up to life's demand for you to defend our dying lives my friend. Please? Make the call, be a man to defend our women. Be a man to protect our children. Support our call to be heard my brother. That's all. - Great words from the lawyer of the thieving bushite child killers of Haditha / / "If they're dropping 500lb bombs without knocking on the door first, how can you argue the troops on the ground did anything wrong?" \ \ 5000lbs of radio-active toxic waste that will murder for years more like, while after, then striking again to get the god helpers and screaming children, then even, as in Fallujah, going house to house to murder every one, young and old as the truly Satanic. Just obeying lawless orders to thieve from Humanity as bushite for neocon zionist traitors of G-D doesn't fly in the big book. When anyone kills a bushite, all humanity benefits truly from the defense. You defend a real suffering God by ending a soulless bushite threat against our species. Bill Sattler. - Exit strategy to save the lives of dying Americans: War bushite LIAR zionist repuglicons who did God wrong on 911 War bushite who LIE to American Sons and Daughters to not hunt those who stole billions with ear-marks, Social Security, no-bid contracts, Iraqi oil, ect. War those who stole the Iraq Development Fund, and the emergency monies left to save the lives of our dying children War bushite who feed soldiers radio-active toxic waste as harmless War bushite who support torturing the innocent to death War bushite who sing about the joys of murdering Iraqi children War bushite who beat to death barefoot Iraqi children War bushite who jokingly beat lamed dogs for fun War bushite who claim they are lawlessly un-accountable as liars. War bushite in the air force who target bombing innocent People like in Fallujah or Somalia with land mines and mini nukes The godless as lawless bushite is the enemy to America, kill it proudly for freedom, as an undying love for a real God and Humanity. - / / Four US oil companies, namely Conoco, Chevron, Amoco and Philips have concessions in nearly two thirds of Somalia. This quartet of oil conglomerates was granted these contracts in the final days of Somalia's deposed dictator, Siad Barre. The US first military engagement in Somalia was fully supported by Conoco. \ \ - AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT OF JOHNNY WIZARD I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba MAKE OATH AND SAY: 3. RTI News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls 21 September 2001 17:41 The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible for last week's attacks. The US Government said there would be no negotiations. 4. [This following document was the official damning account] Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States 4 October 2001 [This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's] "This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law." The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See? 7. October 9 2001 - The Times of India "While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on Monday, the truth is more shocking. 8. No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none. [So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in 911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink of starvation, [snpd] 33. Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated, that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N. resolution: 1441. HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to increase aerial surveillance..." With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about any good or better thing. American soldiers are being sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent back. 34. Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went public several weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not support the WTC's freefall[...] - Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal matters, snpd I would request legal assistance from the Court in these following areas. 1. National Security Issues snpd WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? - / / an epic study that documents the systematic nature of torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even enjoyable. . \ \ |