Strijd afzetting Cheney gaat door met Cindy Sheehan en Cynt Valja - 10.02.2008 22:59
San Francisco - Op maandag 14 januari 2008 hebben Cindy Sheehan en Cynthia Mc Kinney maar liefst 8000 brieven overhandigd van mensen die 'impeachment' willen van Cheney en Bush aan Nancy Pelosi de vertegenwoordigster van het Huis van Afgevaardigden degene die vragen kan stellen. De akties gaan verder op 18 febr met het verzoek onmiddelijk hearings te houden in het congres.  Pelosi kreeg 8000 verzoek brieven om Cheney af te zetten. De overhandiging van de 8000 brieven ging echter niet zonder slag of stoot. De groep activisten met de dozen vol brieven kreeg te horen dat 'protesteerders' geen toegang krijgen tot het openbare gebouw en werden verzocht onmiddellijk te vertrekken. Cynthia is ex congreslid voor de democraten en stapte over naar de groene partij, waarvoor zij zelfs presidentskandidate is...... en toch ..... De akties gaan verder op 18 februari in San Francisco "Pink Slip" Cheney on Presidents Day. February 18, Market & Powell, San Fransico. Join our CodePink rally at Powell & Market in San Francisco to fire Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. It's time for us to "pink slip" him. Then come with us to Nancy Pelosi's house and tell her to Start impeachment hearings NOW! 1-2:30 p.m. RALLY at Powell & Market in SF (Powell St. BART) Celebrate Presidents' Day with well-known impeachment advocates (TBA), music, skits, petitions. WEAR PINK SLIPS! Women and men look great in pink! Hand out "pink slips" (provided) with information on impeaching Cheney and an invitation to the party at Pelosi's house. Bring: • banners and posters calling for Cheney's impeachment • laptops for passersby to sign Judiciary Committee member Robert Wexler's petition, who, along with 9 other committee members, want to start Cheney's impeachment hearings immediately! 3-4 p.m. Presidents Day Party at Nancy Pelosi's House to PUT IMPEACHMENT ON THE TABLE Come with CodePink to Pelosi's house, 2640 Broadway, to set the table for immediate impeachment hearings for Dick Cheney. Help Out! Contact media, make signs and banners, perform (music, skits, other)-- Contact me! Invited speakers so far include: Cindy Sheehan, Daniel Ellsberg, Chris Daly, Peter Phillips, Elizabeth de la Vega, Cynthia McKinney, Medea Benjamin, Lew Brown, Stephanie Tang, Tamia (young woman with World Can't Wait), Ann Wright, Jodie Evans, Brad Newsham, Carol Wolman, Sophie de Vries, David Swanson, Bob Fertik, Carol Brouillet, Jacob Park, and someone from the Silicon Valley Impeach group. Contact: Website: |