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Direct Action; USA, Mexico, Spain, Germany, UK & Netherlands Animal Liberation Underground - 13.02.2008 02:37
Another arson claimed in Mexico against a poutry shop, 28 pharmacy locks glued in Mexico/Spain, four spainish Novartis reps visited at home, Pzfizer billboards painted in the UK, 47 rats rescued in the USA + more ALF actions...    RESTAURANTS PAINTED (Mexico)   RED PAINT SPLASHED ON MULTINATIONAL KILLERS (Mexico) Taken from: https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/391033.html February 7th-10th 2008 47 RATS RESCUED (USA) FIRE AT POULTRY SHOP (Mexico) LOCKS GLUED AT 12 PHARMACIES (Mexico) HOME VISITS FOR NOVARTIS REPS (Spain) FUR STORE WINDOW ETCHED (Germany) LOCKS GLUED AT 16 PHARMACIES IN WEEK OF ACTION AGAINST NOVARTIS (Spain) PFIZER BILLBOARDS ALTERED (UK) RED PAINT SPLASHED ON MULTINATIONAL KILLERS (Mexico) RESTAURANTS PAINTED (Mexico) PET SHOP SPRAYPAINTED (Netherlands) >> 47 RATS RESCUED (USA) anonymous communique: "Recently, concerned citizens rescued 47 rats who were apparently part of a breeding program at Scripps 'Mercy' Hospital in the Hillcrest area of San Diego. We entered through an unlocked door and found these beautiful innocent creatures living in squalor. Eight were crammed into each tiny barren cage. Their white fur was matted in urine and feces. Their babies were to be stolen from them and tortured in useless experiments, but now they are in loving homes where they will spend the rest of their lives as individuals, rather than research tools to be discarded when no longer necessary. Who are the terrorists in this situation: those who peacefully rescue neglected beings from abuse and cruelty, or those who terrify, torture and destroy innocent life? This rescue is dedicated to the brave people who speak out and more importantly act in support of direct action and rescue." >> FIRE AT POULTRY SHOP (Mexico) received anonymously: "In the early morning hours of February 8 in Mexico State, the Animal Liberation Front - Commando Green Black (FLA-CVN) made another appearance at one of the companies that most inspires our disgust and hatred for the system in which we live, where machismo, fascism and speciesism are the way of living in these times of death and destruction. Now the action that impelled us was to set fire to a Bachoco shop-- in the shop the curtains and part of their walls turned totally black from the FLA fire which was in response to their treatment of animals. These actions are just the beginning, that we assure you. FLA-CVN" note: Bachoco is Mexico's largest poultry company. related action: http://www.directaction.info/news_jan23b_08.htm >> ***LOCKS GLUED AT 12 PHARMACIES (Mexico) anonymous report: "Solidarity with the Spanish campaign against Novartis Very early in the morning of February 9 activists from Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) acted in solidarity with the campaign in Spain against laboratory animal experiments at Novartis, who is a partner of the hated and repugnant HLS. 12 locks of several pharmacies that sell Novartis products were glued, thus demonstrating a little support to the animal liberation movement in that country. We wait for news soon of actions from the ALF in Spain. The fight against HLS and their dirty partners will continue in all countries where there are animal liberation activists. Until they sink!" >> ***HOME VISITS FOR NOVARTIS REPS (Spain) reported by activists in Spain: http://www.accionvegana.org "During the early hours of Friday, February 9 we went to the posh flats of four representatives of Novartis in the center of Madrid. On their doorsteps and around the doors we spray-painted clear messages for Novartis to cut their ties with HLS immediately, and we warned them, 'we have an eye on you'. Neighbors were informed about the type of people who live near them and their exact addresses. Afterwards we phoned because we wanted to have a direct conversation with them to explain what we are going to do next. Unfortunately, because of the hour no one answered the phone. They were sleeping peacefully over the dead bodies and chains of millions of animals. Things are going to change, we promise. Whether you want it or not, you will cut your ties with HLS. You don't know what's coming next." >> FUR STORE WINDOW ETCHED (Germany) reported anonymously: "Berlin - Germany In the night of the 7th of february at 11 p.m. we etched the shop window of Bärbel Thasler's fur shop. She profits from animal murder, and she will not get away with it. Bärbel, the A.L.F. is watching you." >> ***LOCKS GLUED AT 16 PHARMACIES IN WEEK OF ACTION AGAINST NOVARTIS (Spain) reported by activists in Spain: http://www.accionvegana.org "During the early morning between February 6 to 7, as part of the campaign of decentralized actions against the animal experimentation company Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), specifically focused on Novartis, 16 pharmacies had their locks glued. We chose this target for its close relation to this laboratory. This is just the beginning. We encourage everybody to take action in this campaign against HLS and all the companies that sustain them. Barcelona. February 2008." >> ***PFIZER BILLBOARDS ALTERED (UK) received anonymously: "ALF activists in West Yorkshire subverted a number of billboards advertising Pfizer products. Pfizer kill animals inside HLS everyday so 'Pfizer / Wilkingson Swords Kill Puppiers @ HLS' was sprayed across the advertisements. 'Mmm, Cow Puss - Go Vegan' was also added to milk advertisements on the same night. For Jill Phipps and the animals, ALF" >> RED PAINT SPLASHED ON MULTINATIONAL KILLERS (Mexico) anonymous communique: "On February 5th, a march was carried out against bullfighting. Convening on the outskirts of the 'monumental' Plaza de Toros Mexico the majority of the activists (vegetarians, vegans, environmentalists, etc.) were of a pacifist attitude towards this place. On the same day-- but at night-- near the multinational killers (KFC, Burger King and Popeye's) activists of the Frente de Liberacion Animal -Comando Verde Negro (ALF-CVN) committed to attack these and cause economic sabotage; their walls, windows, ground, chairs and floor were stained with red paint and the mark of the FLA. This is just one example of how Direct Action can do more to hurt the interests of the bourgeois speciest than just flyers and shouts against animal exploiters. We appeal to animal liberation activists-- leave your pacifist ways and dedicate yourself to something more than just attending a march and afterwards not doing anything else for the animals. They have no voice. They can't organize. They need your help for their freedom. FLA-CVN-Mexico" >> RESTAURANTS PAINTED (Mexico) received anonymously (translation): "February 4: The Animal Liberation Front Mexico (FLAM) carried out another new attack against 2 restaurants in Mexico State. This action is part of many others against restaurants in different areas of the state. This wave of attacks on speciest businesses will not stop . . . . Free yourself from the distorted views of the last million years. Justice for the animals!" >> PET SHOP SPRAYPAINTED (Netherlands) reported by activists in the Netherlands: http://www.animalrights.nl "During New Years Eve activists damaged the entrance of the pet shop Rentenaar in Zaandam. 3 glass windows were damaged with graffiti. Slogans were written like, 'Happy 2008, For the animals!' Rentenaar is a pet shop selling fur in the form of cat toys. Also the animals Rentenaar is trading are in bad conditions. The animals have no space to move, puppies are locked in a room one by one behind a glass window so customers could see them. The owners are not interested in the health of these animals." Dutch: "Op de nacht van oud & nieuw hebben actievoerders de ingang van dierenwinkel Rentenaar in Zaandam beschadigd. 3 ramen van het glazen voorportaal van de rentenaar zijn beklad met graffiti. Op het glazen raamwerk waren teksten geschreven waaronder: Happy 2008, For the animals! Rentenaar is een dieren winkel die bont verkoopt in de vorm van kattenspeeltjes. Maar ook de dieren die de Rentenaar verkoopt zien er vaak slecht uit. Deze dieren hebben niet genoeg ruimte om lekker te kunnen bewegen, pups moeten vaak uren lang in een hok van 1 bij 1 zitten met een glazen raam zodat klanten ze kunnen bekijken en de gezondheid van de dieren word er niet erg nauw genomen." >> ***HLS Campaign: http://www.shac.net (UK), http://www.closehls.net (USA), http://www.stophls.net (Italy) >> WHO & WHAT IS THE ALF? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WTSUGetKFc (Video) http://www.animalliberationfront.com (Resources) ALF Articles Global https://publish.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/390902.html (7th Feb) https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/390673.html (4th Feb) https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/01/390449.html (Jan '08) USA: UCLA Vivisector Re-Visited https://publish.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/390908.html (7th Feb) Mexico: History in the making https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/01/390369.html (29th Jan) Direct Action 2003-2007: Statistics & Timeline https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/390967.html North America Animal Liberation Press Office: 2007 Review http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/02/04/18477023.php E-Mail: info@directaction.info Website: http://DIRECTACTION.INFO |
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