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again riots in copenhagen nn - 14.02.2008 14:59
again riots in copenhagen... already since a few days there have been small riots in copenhagen, 17 cars and 20 containers have been burnt and windows smashed. 17 people have been arrested of which 4 are still in custody, one of them is a 17 year old guy who got 13 days in prison for having a molotov cocktail. its almost been a year since the eviction of ungdomshuset and the youth still dont have a new house, the city council is going to have a meeting on the 21st of february about a new ungdomshuset. police attention is heightened cause they expect the riots to get worse in the coming days. more info (in danish) www.modkraft.dk www.politiken.dk |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | update | commadante marcos - 15.02.2008 01:33
 ototje uitgebrand  appartementje in brand  no school today 13 feb 08 21.18 Here in the evening there have broken out new troubles in Nørrebro. The police do not have overview over the situation. The town amounts of restlessness. Cars have overturned, which are a fire in the street and containers, have overturned out at Nørrebrogade. The fire-fighting service has turned off a fire under police protection in some containers at a backyard on Åboulevard. According to the police's central chief guard Jakob Kristensen there still is fire in containers in Nørrebro, but the police do not have overview over the situation. "There run some smågruppers around, and we have people on the place", he says half-breathlessly to politiken.dk According to Politiken's information the trouble moves right now further against Vesterbro and Istedgade. Four arrested Four young people was according to BT earlier at the evening arrested to have set fire to two cars in Sydhavnen. The trouble has according to the police since spread to for instance Tingbjerg, Stengade and Blågård-place. "We do not have handlebars on how in many places that is about. There is trouble many different places at the town", it says from a stressed Claus Olesen, who is on guard at Politigården in Copenhagen. There is fourth evening i-pulls, which are restlessness in Nørrebro. That still isn't ready, who stands behind the trouble. 14 feb 08 19.07 The police ask for help to stop restlessness The police are prepared for new troubles for Nørrebro, and ask the inhabitants to show up, if they know, who do stand behind Three nights i-pulls have young tormented Nørrebro with fires and vandalism. The police do not know why the restlessness suddenly blazes up, or who stands behind. "I hope that there is somebody out in the inhabitants, who will tell us something. There must be somebody, who knows something and is fed up with this", says the central chief guard at Københavns Politi, superintendent Tommy Keil. The police hold the tactics for himself To what degree the young ones in Nørrebro go on the streets again at night, maybe only they themselves know. And if the police have in stock those information, is it nothing, the public learns. "There are going to be always some news, but not something, we wish to divide", Tommy Keil says. According to the police's spokesman Flemming Steen Munch it's difficult for the police to contain the young's "pinprick operations", where they set fire to a container a place in order to soon throw stone another place. "It is reasonably difficult. The young ones know the backyards and move quickly", he says to TV2 News. Flemming Steen Munch encourages people contacting the police, if they observe a bigger crowd young on places, they do not normally move. At the same time he however asks everybody to keep off the street, if there is trouble. Århus is prepared for the night At night the troubles spread to more other towns in Zealand and to Århus. Both in Brabrand and in Kalundborg firemen were among other things met with stone throws. And the police in Århus have extra crew lucid, if the night's troubles were to happen again. To what degree the troubles in Århus and the province are connected or loosely inspired by Nørrebro, the police do not know. "There is no instance for that there is speech about one coordinated action, but that cannot be precluded", says officer on duty at East Jutland's Politi Jesper Bøjgaard. Also the police in Copenhagen stand without a clue, when it comes to the causes of the troubles. "We do not have no idea how it all hangs together", Tommy Keil says. "About it are the Muhammed-drawings, the winter vacation or an occurrence, which has released it. It's and becomes a guessing", Tommy Keil says. Dialogue with SSP-advisers intensified According to the police there are the trouble-makers of other ethnic origin, and the law has intensified the dialogue with SSP-advisers and faedregrups in the local area, which, the police hope, can establish a contact to the young ones. $. "We hope yes that they can find out about what the young ones are dissatisfied with". 14 feb 08 20.35 Apartment burns in Vesterbro Young are seen run from the area in Vesterbro in Copenhagen, where an apartment is set on fire. Meter tall flames stand out of a flat at Valdemarsgade in Vesterbro in Copenhagen. Shortly before the fire started, saw testify young of other ethnic origin according to the police run from the place. "Witnesses have seen young of other ethnic origin run from there, and them we are on lookouts after", says on guardly Daniel Nielsen at Station the City. Empty apartment Room, which lives on the other side the building where the burning apartment is situated, inform to politiken.dk that the building has stood empty in some time, and that it has been possible to come into it. It isn't a piece of information, the police can confirm at present time. Connection to troubles uncertain To what degree the fire has relation with the troubles which have tormented Nørrebro and several other quarters at the capital the latest evenings, the police do not still know. "It is likely to think, but at present time we can neither be nor weaken that the things hang together", say on guardly. 14 feb 08 20.38 Fire in several places in Denmark Troubles will continue again tonight. Containers are set on fire in Copenhagen and Århus. Fire in several cars in Kokkedal. For fourth evening i-pulls Copenhagen containers must die. The fire-fighting service has moved out to four-to five ignited containers in Copenhagen, for instance in Nørrebro, Folehaven in Valby and, according to Ritzau, in more places on Amager. "We have driven out to container fires in several places, for instance at Matthæusgades Skole", on guardly Henrik Olesen says at Station the City. "It probably is a continuation of the troubles yesterday evening", on guardly Henrik Olesen says. The police patrol intensively The police try to prevent that the fire raisings are to reach the same dimensions as yesterday evening, where Københavns Brandvæsen pulled out according to Ritzau 44 times between 19:00 and half two at the night. "We drive as much out, we can do and hold an eye", say on guardly. Fire raising in Århus and Kokkedal There is also put fire to a handful of containers in Århus. It's near City Vest in Brabrand and near Bazaar West, officer on duty Jesper Bøjgaard informs for Ritzau. According to Ritzau there is put fire to six-to eight in cars Kokkedal. 14 feb 08 21.37 The fire-fighting service turns off burning cars in Kokkedal Eight ten cars still burn in Kokkedal. Fire-fighting service and police work on fighting the fire. Police and fire-fighting service still work on getting control over the fire in otte-ten burning cars in Kokkedal. The cars were here in the evening set on fire by obscure perpetrators at four or five different addresses at the town. That is for instance about Islandshøj Parken, Mellemengen and the Holmegård-park, inform on guardly for Nordsjællands Politi. No confrontation Apart from a couple of spectators police and fire-fighting service are alone on the crime scenes. "We still work on getting overview over the situation, and we still do not know anything about who stands behind the fire raisings", Nordsjællands Politi informs. 14 feb 08 23.24 incendiary bombs against school in Bagsværd The fire-fighting service fights against the flames at Værebro Skole in Bagsværd. The fire is put on with more Molotov cocktails on the roof. There has broken out a violent fire at Værebro Skole in Bagsværd. That is about a little the after-school day care building, which burns internally and on the outside. The police confirm that there is a bigger fire at school. The fire is ostensibly put on by several Molotov cocktails that have thrown up on the school's roof "It is a little extensive fire, and we are full swing with turning off it up there. Just right now there has to be used a number of putting out vehicles to get a grip on the fire. It's a bigger part of the school, who is fire in, but there is no risk of surrounding buildings", say on guardly at Vestegnens Politi, Henrik Andreasen. Politiken.dk's photographer on the place reports about stone throws against members of the press. There has also been an attempt at fire-påsættelse at the Grundtvig-school in Københavns Nordvestkvarter - which was thrown incendiary bombs at the school's roof, but it was a success to avoid a fire the school stands in light hatch. 15 feb 08 00.03 12-year-old children participate in the riots at the night Shocked chief of police advertises for more hobby activities Immigrant children in 12 years nil the night to helped to ravage Copenhagen with burnings of vehicles. It says in the police's reports, 24-hours write. "It is frightening that young all the way down till 12 years doesn't have other to make in the winter vacation", chief of police Hanne Bech Hansen from Københavns Politi says. The chief of police advertises for more hobby activities to the young trouble-makers. Integratinskonsulent: The inspiration comes from Paris Integration adviser Fahmy Almajiid thinks that the inspiration to set cars on fire comes from the Parisian suburbs' troubles directly in the autumn of 2005. "We have to educate the parents to handle their children", he says till 24-hours. Offers have been cut One of the places, the restlessness often ravages, is Nørrebro. In spite of years' fight against social problems in Nørrebro the quarter's club offer and gadeplan-work have been cut. That is due to especially sailing finances in the earlier Education and Ungdomsforvaltning, who has led to a hole in the municipal-box on over half a billion. "In some areas we have been cut in to the leg - in other areas it works fairly", Søren Thorborg, Child and Ungdomschef concludes district Nørrebro. Fieldwork cut Besides club closing downs, have coaching projects, which were to break social inheritance at schools, been cut, while the project Up-searching work are closed down. "There still is fieldwork out here, but we feel all the savings", Ali Haseki, co-ordinator says for the local authority's gadeplan-employees on Indre Nørrebro. On top of it Integrationsministeriet's grant to a successful gadeteam-project looks like to expire next summer. Clubs stand inch SSP-adviser at Valby Nærpoliti Bent Haagensen encourages Københavns Kommune making more purposeful young-offers. "We have many over 18 years, which are stuck on the street. A number of clubs stands inch, because they aren't directed enough towards the young's needs. They aren't moved with the times", he says. Københavns Kommune's mayors have to discuss the local authority's offer to the young ones next week.
nyheder@pol.dk vertaald door I.S.A.F (International Strategic Anarchist Forces) (sector noord) bron politiken.dk,english.indymedia.dk
| update | nn - 16.02.2008 02:14
 fire in Glostrup February 15th 2008: "Indvandreropstand cannot be solved with zero tolerance" Minister of Justice Lene Espersen insists on zero tolerance on the other side immigrant young one, who goes on the street in frustration over harassment, examination and social oppression. Left-wing radical call in for manifestation in Nørrebro. "No justice, no Peace, no racist insurance policy! Abolish examination zones! Turn up Friday Sankt Hans Torv at 20 and show opposition to control and surveillance and racist Danish police. Send know!" Thus sound the contents of a sms chain, who circulates in Copenhagen's left-wing radical environment on Friday morning February 15th. The background is the last week's troubles in Copenhagen, Århus and other places in the country, where especially young of other ethnic origin have gone on the street and have set fire to cars and affaldscontaniere, which has provoked spread-out confrontations with the police and massive publicity in the media. Demonstration is to politicize the situation - With the evening's manifestation we'll try to politicize the events, reports Rasmus, who is one of the initiators for the demonstration, which according to plan is to go around to some of the places which have been touched by the troubles. Is the demonstration to be seen like a solidarity gesture from the left-wing radical environment to the immigrant groups? - It's first of all a criticism by the responsible politicians, pronounces Rasmus, who hopes that the demonstration doesn't get any problems with the police, who has maintained a massive presence last days in Nørrebro. A demonstration Friday evening in Nørrebro turned against the police; is it not an invitation to trouble? - Yes, that can maybe well be interpreted like that, but if it happens, we attract us like organizers. Our idea is to go a trip around in the quarter and distribute some handbills. We do not want to have trouble, but on the other hand, it doesn't destroy anything, if it happens anyhow. We cannot decide about people something starts again, and the important is practically that the young ones didn't postpone do not feel completely alone against the rest of the world, Rasmus explains. Concretely the demonstration organizers will give the police at once a survey over the planned route in an attempt at avoiding misunderstandings. According to press spokesperson for Københavns Politi, Flemming Steen Much, the police haven't intended to position something special compared with the evening's demonstration, the spokesman had heard of not even - That is what we take care of within the ordinary readiness. We do not have tradition to stop something in advance, but step in only, if it degenerates itself. We bring a talk along the organizers about the route, and hope for so by the way that all good strength in Nørrebro will participate in moderating the dispositions, Flemming Steen Munch says to Modkraft.dk. Zero tolerance not the solution On top of the night's restlessness, which as something new also included the burning of a couple of schools, is demands Minister of Justice Lene Espersen (K) a hard course on the other side the young ones. $. - We have to drive a zero-tolerance-course over for the ones, that thread on the side. They are to feel that the society acts consistently face to face with them. They has to be put face to face with a judge and be held responsible for their actions, pronunciations she for Ritzau, who however also quotes her in order to will have the young's parents to come at the track more. The initiators for the evening's manifestation sharply take distance himself from the Minister of Justice's law and order influx to the restlessness: - We learn otherwise all the time that the riots aren't a crime problem that of both police, politicians and media. It's a political problem, which cannot be solved with water cannons, zero tolerance and extended powers for the police. These groups are treated as down-human beings, the fundamental truth is that our society contain a clear racist stressed oppression compared with these groups, Rasmus explains. 15 feb 2008 20.35 Calm antiracisme-demonstration in Copenhagen Up to 200 demonstrates against racism in Nørrebro in Copenhagen. A demonstration against racism and the police's examination zones are on in Nørrebro in Copenhagen. Up to 200 - under this many dressed in black young - moves from Sankt Hans Torv against Folkets Park in Nørrebro, while they shout slogans like "No justice-no peace-no racist police" and carry banners with words like "Bekæmp racisme". Also the group Parents against Politibrutalitet, who also was on the street during the demonstrations in favour of the Youth center, is among them they attended. The police, the media and the politicians' fault The demonstrators protest, because they think that the troubles the last days in for instance Nørrebro in the real world are "the police, the media and the politicians' fault". One of the initiators for the demonstration, Rasmus Lingnau Amossen, has to politiken.dk reported that he has talked with several of the young ones, who has set fire to cars, schools and containers through the last week. "I have talked with some of them, where I asked them why they did it. And they said that it was because of that harassment, they are exposed to in connection with the examination zones. That doesn't have something with the Muhammed-drawings to do, at all. It's totally misleading". The examination zones are areas, where the police can search people without reasonable suspicion about something criminal contrary to usual practice. 15 feb 08 21.24 Cars set on fire in Copenhagen Containers and cars are stabbed in fire in Valby and in Nørrebro. Still the police say that the situation is more softened than yesterday. Also in Århus containers are beaten in fire. For fifth evening i-pulls there is put fire on cars and containers in Copenhagen. According to poleity there are three or four cars and "a sea" of containers, which are set on fire and pushed out on the lane at Nørrebrogade in Copenhagen. In a case stones was thrown towards firemen, who tried to turn off a container fire in Nørrebro. Hope, the young ones are sober-minded The police however describe the trouble as softened compared with the last nights and are optimists compared with the night's development. "We are drunk of optimism and think that the young ones have thought again", superintendent Lars Borg says at Københavns Politi. The police choose so far to stand by. "We hold the tied fist in our pocket, but we of course are ready to begin in with the great forces, if it'll be necessary". Three young are under arrest. The police in Århus are ready for trouble Also in the Gellerup-park in Århus the evening has begun with fire in four or five containers. "We are prepared for restlessness that, the last days with fire raisings and troublemakers, who run around and take the opportunity to make trouble", says the officer on duty at Østjyllands Politi, who has increased the patrolling in the area. Århus Sporveje has preventively redirected more bus lines, thus they drive around Gellerup. Several other places in the country the picture from the latest evenings repeats itself. In Glostrup burn in a large shed at a residential property, in Kalundborg there are also registered a couple of minor fire raisings, and according to Ritzau also Odense has been hit by a few, minor fire raisings. Firemen fight against the flames in a shed at a residential property on Toftevej in Glostrup. - Photo: Dresling jens 15 feb 08 23.49 New assassination attempts against schools The day after Værebroskolen in Bagsværd was set on fire, tried young according to the police to set fire to schools in Birkerød and Odense. Several areas at the Kajerød-school in Birkerød were wetted with petrol, and a molotowcocktail was ready for explosion, when North Zealand's police and the fire-fighting service of bell about 20 Friday evening arrived. "There were missing just to be put fire to the fuse, before the school was in flames", Henrik Hattel, officer on duty at North Zealand's police says. Petrol stolen from a fuel tank At 19.30 o'clock the filling-station attendant from Hydro Texaco in Birkerød raised the alarm. He had seen two young masked boys of other ethnic origin than Danish run from the gas station. Before they had without paying for full nine litres of petrol on a couple of plastic art thumps, they brought along themselves. Firefighter raised the alarm Shortly at a firefighter in plain clothes and one randomly raised passer-bies independently of each other the alarm for the police and the town's fire brigade. They had seen a group suspicious young men move round in the Kajerød-school's territory. That caused police and fire-fighting service to move out. At the school they met a group on about ten young. The police caught two of the ones, that are now under arrest. Police arrested two in Vollsmose Also at the quarter Vollsmose in Odense two 16-year were arrested on a charge of to put fire at Humlehaveskolen on Vollsmose All , where according to the police there were two hearths. Here the fire was quickly put out. Extensive damages to school in Bagsværd The two attempts at the fire raising of schools happen, after Værebroskolen in the Bagsværd night until Friday was set on fire. Here the flames managed to burn a whole building and at least ten classrooms down to the ground. Also the building, where the school's After-school day care stops to, was damaged by the fire. Many panes destroyed at schools in Utterslev Apart from the fire raisings there has been committed vandalism against a school in Utterslev, where a the two-figure number of windows is destroyed. 16 feb 08 The police expect a calm night Københavns Politi considers to send more divisions home in bed after a comparatively calm evening. The restlessness continues in the rest of the country. The troubles in Copenhagen are more softened than the previous four evenings. That says superintendent Lars Borg at Københavns Politi. "We consider to send some of our divisions home in bed. The situation is comparatively calm, and we hope, it stops at", he says. The young ones listen to reason He thinks that the young ones have listened on "the many sensible people" which have today counted to the young ones. $. "I think that the young ones listen, parent groups reach immigrant advisers and imams say that they do not gain respect by making trouble". Not everybody has however listened to the good advice. The fire-fighting service drove 25 times In all seven cars have been set on fire in Copenhagen, four on Ågade in Nørrebro. Two 17-year have been arrested for fire raising near Nørrebrohallen, while a 13-year-old is detained for fire raising at Alderosgade. In all Købehavns Brandvæsen has moved out at present time 25 times. In a case the firemen were met by stone throws. Burning container at staircase At several other towns in the whole country, the troubles are continued with U-mindsket strength. In Taastrup there have been eight fires, Glostrup has experienced three fires, while Birkerød hasn'ted a fire. At the arcades in Brønshøj a burning container was pushed into a habitation staircase, but a clever resident managed to push it out, before the situation evolved. Young stole petrol In Hillerød the police ostensibly prevented another fire raising. A group of younger men stole 40 litres of petrol from a gas station on Herredsvej, but they were stopped, before the petrol was taken into use. "We of the cars managed to two stop and arrested three people in pursuance of the police law, because we estimate that they'd make trouble. Two at 25 and one in 20 years", officer on duty at North Zealand's police, Henrik Hattel informs. Apart from the fire raisings there has in more places been vandalism. That has hurt a school for instance in Utterslev, where a the two-figure number of windows is destroyed. Twelve fires in Gellerup In Århus the police have arrested five people of other ethnic origin too for instance fire raising and violence against poleity. The restlessness concenteres itself in the Gellerup-park, where there have been twelve fire raisings. One at the home society's office. "It is young people all the way down for children in the 12-year age, which make the trouble", deputy commissioner Lars Ozon says. There still are spread-out fires in the area, and århusianic police transfer with an added patrolling in the area. School in Odense tried ignited In Odensebydelen Vollsmose the police have arrested two 16-year, which are aimed for fire raising at Humlehaveskolen on Vollsmose All . There were two hearths, where they put fire at the school, says officer on duty Lar's Fredensborg for Ritzau. The police in Odense reported about four fixed fires to that in cars and containers. The police manage except new staff The vandalism and fire raisings have however not caused the individual police precincts to take contact with the State Police's coordinating staff. The unity has been established today in consequence of the trouble in the whole country. The staff can move crew and resources among the police precincts, if they estimate necessary in order to fight the troubles. "But we haven't had requests for assistance. The police have been able to take care of it locally without coming on the heels", Chief Constable Michael Højer says for Ritzau. source www.modkraft.dk www.politiken.dk | up | dtp - 16.02.2008 17:38
 16 feb 08 08.23 Marked of fires the night in the whole country Residents on Amager had to be evacuated at night, when a car fire spread. As late as one night with fires in the whole country. And it was near going wrong seriously on Amager in Copenhagen. Here the residents were evacuated in a property on Hjulmagerstien, after the flames licked out menacingly of a property. The fire started in a large number of cars, which stopped parked close to the building. But the fire got hold of the porch roof and moved next against the property. At least eight cars burnt. Several broke windows "It is rather violent. The heat from the flames broke more windows, thus we evacuated the residents", after-research leader Niels Bogs-Grarup from Københavns Politi told, when he inspected the damages to the property. Nobody put something more. According to the police there is predominant probability for that the fire is put on and has relation to the last days' mobile with street fires and fire raisings. Nobody was early on Saturday morning under arrest in the case. At level with the other evenings The State Police will estimate the troubles on national basis on Friday at to be at level with the previous evenings, but however tack in Copenhagen. And precisely at the State Police one established a coordinating staff on Friday for national surveillance to assist the police precincts. The staff is commissioned to move crew and resources between the police precincts, if they estimate necessary in order to fight the troubles. "But we haven't had requests for assistance. The police have been able to take care of it locally without coming on the heels", Chief Constable Michael Højer from the State Police says for Ritzau. Several arrests There were fire raisings in Slagelse and in Korsør, where they threw stones towards fire-crew. In Kalundborg two boys were in 14 and 17 years arrested to stab fire to a carport on Klosterhavevej. At Copenhagen's west-part of the country the police registered a total number of 35 fixed fires, while Københavns Politi informed about about 20 fixed fires in cars and to that many fires in containers and street fires. Six people were arrested in Copenhagen and charged in connection with fire raisings. Two young men were arrested in Birkerød north of Copenhagen and on a charge of attempts at arson against a school. And in Odense the police arrested two 16-year, which are aimed for fire raising at school. And in Brabrand near Århus four were arrested to throw stone towards one of the police's group cars from a footbridge over Edwin Rahrsvej. The arrested ones had petrol and maroons on themselves, the police inform. In Århus there were a total number of 15 fixed fires. Two of them were aimed at an auto-trade and a cooperative housing society office, but the fire didn't get hold. 16 feb 08 10.00 28 cars burnt down in Copenhagen Five young are under arrest for fire raising and will be called for arrested at preliminary examinations. 28 cars were burnt down in the Copenhagen night to today, when young for sixth night i-pulls elected petrol as means of to express their anger and frustrations. At the capital there also were 35 container fires, 14 smaller fires on the streets as well as five smaller building-fires, the central chief guard informs in Københavns Politi, Jakob Kristensen. Five young were arrested for fire raising and will be called for arrested at preliminary examinations. In Århus more were arrested to throw stone towards the police's group cars, and there also happened arrests in connection with fires in Kalundborg. In Odense two 16-year were arrested for would put fire at a school. 16 feb 08 11.02 The police: Look after the schools at night Both police and school headmasters encourage extra attention about local schools. Four have already been exposed to fire and vandalism Both in Funen and Zealand have local schools the last pairs of nights been devastated by young. At night young fire put to both the Kajerød-school in Birkerød and Humlehaveskolen in Vollsmose. At the same time was a double-digit number of diamonds destroyed at the local primary school in Utterslev near Copenhagen. On Thursday large parts of Værebroskolen in Bagsværd burnt to the ground. Request: Keep the eyes open That now causes the police to come with a request: "We encourage ordinary citizens keeping the eyes open and raising the alarm, if they see suspicious people", Henrik Rasmussen says officer on duty in Nordsjællands Politi after the fire raising at the Kajerød-school yesterday evening. Six young men between 17 and 21 years are under arrest in the case and on a charge of attempts at arson. The young ones mainly have another ethnic background than Danish, but two of them are ethnic Danes. The police: U wise motive In Funen two young are under arrest after the night's fire at Humlehaveskolen in Vollsmose. The two were revealed by the school's surveillance cameras. Why they'd burn the schools down, still is blurred for the police. "We still are interrogating the young ones, and they have to for a judge later today", explains Hans Frederiksen, who is a chief guard at Fyns Politi. The young men are respectively 17 and 19 years, and one is more former pupil at the school. The fire didn't manage to evolve seriously, when the school's fire alarms quickly brought the fire-fighting service to the place. Still damage by smokes will cost the school dearly. School headmaster: Pathetic boys with drug problems School headmaster Olav Rabølle Nielsen on Humlehaveskolen in Vollsmose has watched the video recordings with the two arsonists. He knows one of the three young men. "It is an unadapted young man, as if were a pupil here on the school and went around at the walks like a zombie, because he smoked as much hash", the school headmaster reports. "We sent him on in a project, where he either didn't meet up and subsequently he has been a tour of prison for robbery". Olav Rabølle Nielsen thinks generally generally that the nights have been calm in Vollsmose, where both parents and the local imam went on the street yesterday evening in order to get the boys home. "There aren't a lot of partisan or all-Qaida over this. It's some pathetic boys with drug problems", prove the school headmaster. "And there has to be only one single little boy with a box of matches". The police are according to both Fyns Politi and Nordsjællands Politi still extra attentive and will have increased man power. 16 feb 08 12.08 Police insist on 29 young the prison after fires After the night's troubles the country's judges are in a hurry. After the sixth night with Brande and stone throws in several places in the country judges have now to decide whether there is reason to arrest a total number of 29 arrested. Most drills on the Copenhagen west-part of the country. Several of the cases are about attempts at putting fire at schools. They stole petrol from a Hydro-Texaco tank In Birkerød stayed six young yesterday evening, after there had been stolen petrol from a Hydro-Texaco tank, and all are aimed to will inform against the Kajerød-school in fire. On the ground more Molotov cocktails were found, officer on duty Henrik Rasmussen from Nordsjællands Politi informs. Two of the six have Danish background by the way. Three others are for examination at the police, because they had bought petrol and filled thumps with it in Hillerød. The investigators examine whether they intended to start fire. 28 cars in fire and 35 container fires At the capital fire Till was put 28 cars, just as there 35 container fires were, 14 smaller fires on the streets as well as five smaller building-fires, informs the central chief guard in Københavns Politi, Jakob Kristensen. Here are five just now produced at preliminary examinations. On Amager the situation was evolving menacingly, when a large number of cars on Hjulmagerstien was beaten in fire. The fire got hold of the porch roof on a property. "It is rather violent. The heat from the flames broke more windows, thus we evacuated the residents", after-research leader Niels Bogs-Grarup from Københavns Politi told, when he inspected the damages to the property. A large number of fires in Gellerup In Århus an accuser insists on four young jailed after a large number of fires in Gellerup, and in Holbæk a judge has to decide whether a 16-year shell is jailed for fire in Kalundborg. School manager: It's some poor boys In Odense two were arrested for in 17 and 19 years would put fire at Humlehaveskolen. School manager Olav Nielsen says to TV2 Funen that he knows the arrested ones. $. "It is some poor boys, who smoke a lot of hash, and that has earlier been in prison. One is more former pupil at Humlehaveskolen, whom we however couldn't contain. They are difficult to communicate with", Olav Nielsen says. Also fires in Hjørring put on In Hjørring there were early Saturday morning two fixed fires. In Nørregade obscure perpetrators threw about quarter-ly over three one pallet on top of a car near a floor property and put more fire. In addition the restauration the Svane-grove was beaten in fire. It was a success however to fight the flames, but the place stayed strong smoke- and soot-damaged. Whether these occurrences have relation to the other episodes around in the country, Nordjyllands Politi was afraid to on Saturday say with safety. At the Copenhagen west-part of the country there were during the night 45 fires, and just as in Copenhagen there were containers, fires on the street as well as cars. Two smaller fires at schools in Ballerup were turned off, before it was developed into something bigger. A total number of 11 arrested are produced for a judge in Glostrup, the police informed. ps doe je werk is goed NOS en zet eens echte politiek onafhankelijke onderzoeksjournalisten in....en dan bedoel ik geen bagger als peter R de vries.......ciao. source- politiken.dk
| cool down | freedom - 18.02.2008 01:51
17 feb 08 13.10 Københavns Brandvæsen moved out 38 times The motive to the fires may be everything from Muhammed-design plans for boredom in the winter vacation, superintendent thinks. Burnt down schools, buses and cars. The night was still one night in Denmark announced by flames from young boys' fire raisings. The State Police has registered 24 Brandes spread over the country's police precincts, while the reports at the local police precincts point to more small fires in containers, sheds and cars. For a long time on 200 sqm burnt down Only Københavns Brandvæsen reports about 38 alarm turn-outs from Saturday evening to Sunday morning. Many schools have been postponed, and worst it hurt the Tingbjerg-school in Nørrebro, where one for a long time on about 200 sqm is burnt down. The fire is considered fixed, even though Sunday morning not yet was any arrested in the case. Several presumed arsonists arrested It's in return on a national basis, where the police from Copenhagen's west-part of the country have arrested four in connection with fire raisings on sheds, cars and buses. Also in Funen and in Århus there is arrested for arson - the explanations from the arrested ones differ widely. "It is difficult to prove the motives to it. Some people say that it's the Muhammed-drawings or the expulsions of the two Tunisian men. Others say just that they are bored in their winter vacation", superintendent Amrik Chadha from the police in Århus explains. School fires expressions for defeats When the young ones burn down schools, may it be, because the school has great symbol value, integration adviser thinks. Fourteen schools have the last nights been devastated by young troublemakers, who with Molotov cocktails or know break-ins have set fire to them. The reason for that the young ones turn their anger against precisely the schools, may be that they have a great symbol value. That thinks integration adviser Manu Sareen. "The schools are a symbol on the society for the young ones. $. It's there, they can hit the society - maybe even on one of the places where it's weakest", he explains. Selected off from the majority Many of the young troublemakers feel according to the integration adviser chosen from of the Danes. "For many of the young ones the schools are synonymous with the majority", Manu Sareen thinks. "Consequently the schools symbolize something, they not oneself are a part of". School frustrations Frustrations over self-owned schooling may also be contributory to that some young choose to set fire to the local school. "The school is this place where many of the boys manage worst and have their defeats", integration adviser Manu Sareen explains. And school manager Joy Frimann Hansen from Tingbjerg Skole, which at night was partly burnt down, give him correctly. "The young ones, who have done it, are maybe somebody, who is frustrated over their schooling", says she. Also the police acknowledge that a bad school hours may have something with the school-nedbrændings to do. "It is difficult to give an explanation that schools are hit. Everybody has frequented school; some people have good experiences from there, others have bad", Chief Constable Michael Højer from the State Police's coordinating staff said on Saturday. The young are in case not murderous School headmaster Olav Rabølle Nielsen at Humlehaveskolen in Vollsmose, who the night before Saturday was tried burnt down, think that the schools' out-of-the-way position may also be a reason. "By burning schools down you can exercise vandalism without risk of be discovered", he says. And that the colleague Joy Frimann Hansen from Tingbjerg gives school him right in. "Schools will still often lie over tonight and the night-hours. And then it's at a place and time, where nobody can come to harm. They can maybe not find more containers to burn down, and reach somebody burn down one school, infect it", she thinks. For the young ones do not wish that somebody has to come to harm. That school headmaster Olav Rabølle Nielsen is convinced of: "When there aren't children at a school, there is no risk of personal injury, if one burns it down. These young people isn't murderous". Fourteen school devastated Since the troubles last weekend started, have fourteen schools been devastated. At night burnt parts of the Tingbjerg-school down, after some young had ignited fire. Also Sdr. Parkskolen in Ringsted, the Hundige-school near Copenhagen, the School near Rønnebær All� in Elsinore and Teknisk Skole in Odense was next. Young lit fire by either throwing molotovcocktais through the windows or breaking in. All places the fire was turned off, before it managed to spread. earlier on the week it has gone across Humlehaveskolen in Vollsmose, the Kajerød-school in Birkerød and Utterslev school at Copenhagen's north west-quarters. Thursday evening burnt parts of Værebroskolen in Bagsværd to the ground.
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