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New Uranium Transport to Russia Laka - 21.02.2008 00:16
Dear friends! Early this week new Russia-wagons were sighted at the enrichment plant in Gronau. We therefore expect the next uranium waste transport to start sometime after 27 Feb. We will try to gather more information about the exact transport date. More information on www.urantransport.de. Meanwhile the last transport and its spectacular 7-hour-stop close to Gronau is still causing ripples. It turned out that the special climbers' team of the Federal Police was part of the elite anti-terror-unit GSG9. This unit is the equivalent of the British SAS and is normally only used if there is a serious threat to the national security. In 1977 they stormed a plane in Mogadischu - in 2008 they try to abseil a single French activist singing and whistling 7 m above a lonesome railway line. Times have changed! The GSG9 can only become active if the Federal Ministry of the Interior gives their OK. This shows how much trouble the local police force had with this kind of protest. It might also explain why it took Urenco much longer than expected to start loading the next waste train. Anyway: You can start thinking about fresh protests against the next uranium waste shipment. We do have a really good chance to stop the export of uranium waste from Germany and the Netherlands to Russia completely if we keep up the pressure on Urenco. Nuke-free greetings SOFA Muenster (www.sofa-ms.de) Binnenkort volgt een Nederlandstalige oproep over het komende axiekamp van 1 t/m 4 mei even over de grens bij Ahaus (Laka) E-Mail: info@laka.org Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de |
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