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9/11-documentaire ZERO in Europees Parlement V. - 25.02.2008 22:49
Deze dinsdagavond (26 februari 2008) zal de nieuwe Italiaanse 9/11-documentaire "Zero - An Investigation Into 9/11" vertoond worden in het Europees Parlement. Na afloop volgt een debat met o.a. de Duitse oud-minister Andreas von Bülow en de Amerikaanse professor David Ray Griffin. De bijeenkomst is alleen toegankelijk voor politici, journalisten en enkele genodigden.  ======================================================================= London, UK – 9th February 2008 Mercury Media today announced that they have acquired all world-wide distribution rights (ex Middle East, Belgium and Italy) for the HD-cam feature documentary ‘Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11’ from Italian production company Telemaco. The film, dubbed ‘The Sensation At The Rome Film Festival’ has been re-edited with an English voice-over for Berlin 2008 where it will be screened as part of the market place offerings. In addition the European Parliament will screen the film on February 26th. Zero is the first million+ Euro investigation into 9/11 and features interviews with Nobel prize winner Dario Fo, Gore Vidal, Moni Avadia and Giulietto Chiesa MEP, who is also a member of the Security and Defence Commission of the European Parliament. The film is directed by, Franco Farcassi and Francesco Trento. Trento commented…..’This film was funded through direct contributions from the public. I believe what we have achieved justifies the many thousands of individual contributions we have received. I am very proud to have created a film which will initiate a reasoned debate into this, the most monstrous terrorist attack in history’. Commenting for Mercury, Tim Sparke MD said: ‘Zero is arguably the most important film made this year. It proves conclusively that the official story of 9/11 is false and that whatever happened on that fateful day must be re-examined by an independent authority. It is our hope that the European Parliament will take up this challenge’. He added: ‘We are confident that Zero will be screened world-wide theatrically, it is a beautifully crafted film, of incredible significance. We urge buyers to come to the Berlin Screening on 13th February at Parliament to see why we make these claims’. ======================================================================= De Europese filmindustrie-première van Zero vond plaats op 13 februari jl. tijdens het internationale filmfestival in Berlijn; zie http://www.berlinale.de/en/filmmarkt/screening_schedule/datenblatt.php?film_id=20085570 De uiteindelijke documentaire wordt ook uitgebracht met Engelse ondertiteling en Engelse voice-over. Zeer binnenkort komt er ook een screening in Nederland. Meer info:
http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=13630&sid=c5abeac3ba799fc2f3fa4de6d77c535a Website: http://www.zerofilm.info/26-febbraio-2008-zero-al-parlamento-europeo/ |
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