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Uranium waste transport tonight !! SOFA Muenster - 05.03.2008 18:31
At 7 pm tonight a new uranium waste transport from Gronau to Russia via Hengelo-Almelo-Amersfoort-Rotterdam will start. The train is ready to go and a pllice helicopter is already on the scene! The train should pass Hengelo at about 11 pm - 1 am. Last time in January the uranium train was stopped for seven hours by police after a French activist was hanging above the railway line (www.anti-atom-aktuell.de). Afterwards a row between police and the railway company Deutsche Bahn occured. DB wanted compensation for the anti-terror-elite-group GSG9, while police denied the GSG9 was on the scene at all. In St Petersburg the uranium ship MV Schouwenbank had to wait six days in front of the harbour for reasons as yet unclear. But in St Petersburg there have been lots of protests, too (www.bellona.org). Current news on the transport on www.urantransport.de E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de |
Lees meer over: europa natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Uranium train on Dutch border !! | SOFA Muenster - 05.03.2008 22:44
The uranium waste train has arrived at about 22.05 in Bad Bentheim on the Dutch border. It is expected that the train will pass the border at around between 11 pm and midnight. The train route is Hengelo-Almelo-Deventer-Apeldoorn-Amersfoort-Utrecht-Rotterdam. In Burgsteinfurt, Muenster, Emsdetten and Rheine there were vigils along the railway line. In Muenster 15 people were inside the main station and measured the radioactivity of the depleted uranium hexafluoride. The result was 1.62 Mikrosievert at a distance of 3 m. This was ten times higher than the normal background radiation. In January we measured 0.38 Mikrosievert from the bridge in Gronau (roughly the same distance, but from above). It seems that the radiation was much higher today! In Rotterdam the uranium waste will be loaded on a ship tomorrow and on Friday. Last time Greenpeace managed to stop the loading for two hours after their ship came into the harbour. In St. Petersburg the Wagenborg-ship had to wait six days OUTSIDE the harbour (www.bellona.org). The international protests against the export of uranium waste to Russia will go on!!! More news on www.urantransport.de E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de | Protests in Almelo ! | SOFA Muenster - 06.03.2008 00:01
Tonight there was also a spontaneous demonstration in Almelo against the uranium waste transport! And it turned out that the MV Schouwenbank is probably taking again the UF6 from Rotterdam to St. Petersburg. And a small correction: In Muenster 1.64 Mikrosievert were measured (before it was 0.12 Mikrosievert). So it was more than 13 times higher than the natural background radiation! E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de | |
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