MOVE9 misschien eindelijk vrij Carla - 09.03.2008 12:20
Hieronder een kort stukje over de MOVE, waarvan er nu bijna 30 jaar 8 leden, eerst 9, maar een van hen is in de gevangenis overleden, gevangen zitten. Er komt volgende maand eindelijk een hoorzitting om hen vrij te laten. Meer informatie over hen oa op en op de onderstaande link. Je kan de petitie vinden op Hi everybody, After thirty years in prison, the MOVE Nine are finally eligible for parole. Family members and supporters are asking all of those who support their release to sign the online petition and send letters to the parole board urging their liberation. Hearings will be held early in April, so time is short. The petition, a sample letter, and background interviews with those close to the case can be found at MOVE has consistently maintained an internationalist outlook in their continuing struggle against prisons and the imprisonment of life, and MOVE members including Pam and Ramona Africa have extensively toured Europe discussing the encroachment of the the "criminal justice" system on everyday life, and gathering support for death-row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. On August 8, 1978, Philadelphia police ended a year-long siege of the MOVE family's home in Powelton Village, Philadelphia, with a full-scale military assault on the building and the adults and children inside. At the end of the day, police officer James Ramp had died, and MOVE members Janine, Debbie, Janet, Merle, Delbert, Mike, Phil, Eddie, and Chuck Africa were convicted of 3rd degree murder, conspiracy, and multiple counts of attempted murder and aggravated assault. Each was given a sentence of 30-100 years. Merle Africa has already died in prison, but the remaining eight now have their first chance for release after thirty years of continuing their political and social education work from behind bars. Debbie Africa was pregnant with her son, Mike Jr., when she was arrested, and gave birth in prison; she has been in prison for her son's entire life. The presiding judge has publicly stated that he did not have the faintest idea who had killed Officer Ramp, but that he had sentenced MOVE as a family. Many consider their continued imprisonment -- long after the 10-15 years that are the standard sentence for third-degree murder -- to be politically motivated. New interviews with Mike Africa, Jr., Ramona Africa, and Linn Washington, Jr., accessible at show little-known sides to this story. Please pass on this information to all those who support the reunification of these prisoners with their children, grandchildren, and family. Thank you for your help and support. In peace, ZQ Website: |