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Against all Artyom Suslov - 10.03.2008 03:00
Movement POP-EVOLUTION requires from organizers of Eurovision 2008 selection to cancel the results of the selection tour. Two weeks earlier, Movement POP-EVOLUTION filed a lawsuit in a court in Moscow. Movement POP-EVOLUTION requires from organizers of Eurovision 2008 selection to cancel the results of the selection tour. Two weeks earlier, Movement POP-EVOLUTION filed a lawsuit in a court in Moscow. Recalling that the qualifying round was held March 9 in a live broadcast on the television channel "Russia". The young movement is considered that as necessary step for honest Eurovision. POP-EVOLUTION require to repeat selection tour with the following requirements: submit to the contest Alternative music projects, a retrial vote with the presentation of its protocol and put in the list of candidates line "Against All". The leader of the movement POP-REVOLUTION Artem Suslov proposed alternative concourse - the project of First International Alternative Forum to be held in the territory of St. Petersburg and the Principality of Sealand (platform in the North Sea in a few miles from the shores of Great Britain). The Festival, as well as its broadcasting in one of the TV channels will be held on the same day and time that Eurovision 2008 contest in Belgrade. Website: http://pirateparty.ru/ |
Lees meer over: Agenda kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | |