A Latin American left turn? Problems and prospects Transnational Institute - 10.03.2008 11:14
Lecture by *Dr.Atilio A. Boron*, political sociologist and director of PLED, Programa Latinoamericano de Educación a Distancia en Ciencias Sociales in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has been Professor of Political Science at the MIT, Columbia, UNAM (México) and, from 1997 to 2006, Executive Secretary of CLACSO, the Latin American Council of Social Sciences. Time: 6.30-8.30pm, Thursday 13 March Location: Seminar Room, Transnational Institute, 25 De Wittenstraat, Amsterdam Entrance free. Refreshments will be provided. Directions and map Transnational Institute:
http://www.tni.org/detail_page.phtml?&text10=contact more information: contact Andrea Sturkenboom, andrea@tni.org Selected articles by Atilio Boron: Globalisation: a Latin American perspective
http://bibliotecavirtual.clacso.org.ar/ar/libros/brasil/cpda/estudos/onze/boron11.htm After the Sacking: Latin American Capitalism at the Beginning of the xxi Century
http://bibliotecavirtual.clacso.org.ar/ar/libros/sursur/politics/Boron.rtf Sobre mercados y utopías
http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=57053 More articles in Spanish:
http://www.rebelion.org/mostrar.php?tipo=5&id=Atilio%20Bor%F3n&inicio=0 E-Mail: andrea@tni.org Website: http://www.tni.org |