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Boycott Israel to help concretely Palestinian resistance L'altra Lombardia - SU LA TESTA - 13.03.2008 12:24
Gaza-Palestine: the crimes of the imperialist Zionism against Palestinian people go on. Israel wants to destroy definitely the Gaza Strip. Boycott next May Turin Book Fair and its sponsors. The Turin Book Fair's committee wants to pay homage to Israel in the 60th anniversary of its birth. They have invited Israel as guest of honour even if Egypt was the guest of honour already chosen for this year. This committee ignores, in a hypocritical way, that this anniversary represents the catastrophe for Palestinian people, the Nakba. Boycott constantly and actively all economic, cultural and political activities of Israeli government. Boycott actively all societies, all Italian and European institution and all multinational companies having and developing trade relations with Zionist state. Israel is an imperialist state illegally occupying the Palestinian territory with the USA and UE support. In the last week more than 100 palestinians have died from IOF's attacks in the Gaza strip, 70% were civilians, tens of whom were children. The IOF's invasion of the Gaza Strip is the umpteenth criminal aggression to the Palestinian people and their territory. This operation is aimed at destroying resistance, the legitimate govern elected by free elections and his right instances for independence. IOF's violence exerted on the Palestinian civilians recalls to mind the Nazists' violence and barbarity the Hebrews themselves suffered. Israeli government wants to settle the "Palestinian question" by destroying Hamas and his brigades with Abu Mazen's complicity. For this reason Israel pretends that Hamas government in Gaza is jeopardizing its integrity by firing Qassam rockets on the border settlements. Israel justifies all violence and bombings on civilians as "war to terrorism", supporting in this by international mass media and all sorts of political government. All mass media in Italy are informing on the Gaza Strip and Occupied Territories situation in a shameful way. The attacked (the Palestinians) become the attacking and the Israeli are represented as victims. 21 Palestinian children killed in less than one week is not a piece of news, but the death of 4 Israeli in 3 years in the border settlements is changed in a hideous terroristic act. Actually Israeli government and the USA, with the active complicity of EU, want to solve the "Palestinian question" by creating an 'entity' with no autonomy, assigning it a small part of territory without continuity. This has nothing to do with an independent state and much with the South Africa's Apartheid before Mandela. They want to create a sort of reserves inside Israel, many concentration camps under Israel authority, with no state autonomy, coordinated by a quisling government eventually headed by Abu Mazen. This project and this aim can be fulfilled by destroying Hamas, his brigades and his legitimate government and all resistance factions included those ones close to Fatah. This normalization is nothing else but an ethnic cleansing. Israeli government is trying every way to undermine Palestinian people's life conditions in order to force them to leave their country. Israel and its ally USA aim actually at displacing all Arabs from Palestine. ¢ Palestinian people have resisted for 60 years suffering death, destroying, humiliation, failure, betrayal, but till when? International and humanitarian law is in favour of Palestinian people and yet they are never fully supported by international community and they are considered and treated like a B-series people. The unbearable situation that Palestinian people have suffered for 60 years is the "real moral question" and all of us are called to solve it by accomplishing "resisting acts". We must trust in our "resisting acts" in support of Palestinian people and persist in them because these people's destiny is also in our hands. Are we able to prevent Italy from doing trade agreements with Israel? In a short time absolutely not, but we can create the conditions for it . Let's begin not to buy some products or not to go where these products are sold. If we consider the past, who had thought 30 years ago that Mandela would become the South Africa's President? Let's begin to propagate news about Italy-Israel trade relations. Italy is one of Israel's 5 most important trade partners in the EU; it is one of the most important EU markets for Israeli exports with 11% together with Netherlands; the other partners are France (10%), Germany (21%) and UK (18%); Italian exports to Israel reached new record last year and Israeli exports to Italy are increasing too. Israel is one of the most important exporter in the world for military equipments with 10% in 2007; Israel's imports include military equipment, investment goods, rough diamonds , fuel, consumer goods; Israel imports 4,8% of its total imports from Italy. We must say, in addition, that Italy is the only country in Europe where no demonstration in support of Gaza took place in coordination with the other European countries and in Italy the 'Boycott Israel Campaign' has stopped in a sudden, but elsewhere it has gained strength in the last 3 years. The situation is dramatic, that's why whoever wants to support concretely Palestinian resistance and Palestinian cause in Italy he has to make a definite choice. Who is giving up or minimizing the boycott of Turin Book Fair: 1.. accepts the Zionists' and moderate leftists' blackmail who want to level anti-Semitic racism and the struggle against Zionism and its politics of aggression and occupation; 2.. endorses the confusion of whom compares fighting the Israeli government and its military forces to a racist policy against the Jewish religion. The reason for boycotting the Turin Book Fair lies in the 60-year Israeli occupation policy and Israeli disdain for UN resolutions and international and humanitarian laws. NO to ambiguity! NO to the moral blackmail of the holocaust! We say it with serenity: we are not afraid of Jewish community's expected accusations because we have fought the Fascists' and the Nazis' reviving all along . We can not stand the silence and the consent for Israeli crimes anymore! Enough is enough! Mobilize everywhere to reveal and stop Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip and in the Occupied Territories. Support resistance in Palestine and in all countries where people are fighting imperialism Break the siege in Gaza Tear down the Apartheid Wall Free Palestine Milan (Italy), 2nd March 2008 L'altra Lombardia - SU LA TESTA Who we are
http://www.laltralombardia.it/public/docs/whoweare.html L'altra Lombardia - SU LA TESTA political cultural association Central site Milan e-mail : laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it website: www.laltralombardia.it ************************************************************ Our new release: "Lebanon and Palestine: two peoples fighting imperialism" Read the documentary film description
http://www.laltralombardia.it/public/docs/lebdescription.html To order the DVD: laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it ************************************************************ E-Mail: laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it Website: http://www.laltralombardia.it |
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