No to development ! Agustín García Calvo / Renderén review - 16.03.2008 11:38
New anarchistic review. Colectivo Renderén (Galiza)  The regime we are suiffering (from the beginning of History, but in an arrogant, shameless way from the late 60's) is the Regime of Money. In this regime, the State (the States and other institutions of the Order) is fully under the yoke of Capital, in such a way you can't imagine a politician, of any colour, trying to put any kind of obstacle or delay to the law of accelerated money movement, or stop believing that in the tromorrow there's the TV, the automobile and all the weapons this movement may need. Those who cant's see, feel this is just like it seems. They just don't want to see, this is, because they're linked to the private companies of their lives, serving the Capital movement and they think it's just thanks to that submission that they can sustain their lives, in other words, their future, in which the Regime changed their lives. The Regime is just unsustainable, unbearable, intolerable for the people. Those who don't feel it and still think it's possible to live under the condemnation of working to move money, buying to move money, using entertainment to move money, have nothing to do in this attempt to uncover the lie of the Regime: The necessity of its develompent and future. "Sustainable Development" means “to continue the development of the Capital” (its companies, States, Banks, Media) sustainable for the Capital itself (fortunateley, even the servants of the Capital are starting to have their doubts about this), because when it comes to people, the Develompent and the Regime that needs it is just unsustainable, like a government of death. Any actions, ideas and good intentions from some groups opposed to the Power that help make the Development more susteinable are collaborating with the Power and betraying the people and the possibilities of life without future: This can make one individual happy, the satisfied servant who put his life in money, much or little, The Capital will distribute it as a salary; but for what we still have of living people of commmon reasons it is clearly a betrayal. Not speaking about Sustainable Development, not using the vocabulary of the regime and its media is the most elemental advice I can give to my friends. MONOGRÁFICO "A FALACIA DA SUSTENTABILIDADE" CON: Jogo Agustín García Calvo Adri Alberto Domínguez Otto Más Rebeca Baceiredo Roi Ferreiro Aurelia Smith Remixio Fernández Seara Pedro García Olivo Grupo de Axitación Social Reganosademolizón kalvellido Diego Ameixeiras Kardo Kosta Enrique López Grupo Estrume e Borralha Bouzas Eliseo Fernández Mª Xesús Díaz Vento Morteira Rafa Becerra Santiago Alba Rico Paulo Hortak Derradeira cidade Renderén colectivo apartado de correos nº 457 32080 OURENSE / GALIZA E-Mail: Website: |