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Help stop catastrophic gold mine on Sulawesi Reinhard Behrend - 27.03.2008 02:39
Help stop the catastrophic part-Australian gold mine on Sulawesi The Toka Tindung Goldmine planned by the Australian-Indonesian enterprise PT Meares Soputan Mining (MSM) in North Sulawesi is threatening to become a social and ecological catastrophe for the local people. Endangered are farming, fishing and nature tourism in the ecologically unique Lembeh Strait. The project involves corruption and massive intimidation of the local people. The 1998 environmental compatibility study, prerequisite to the operation, was withdrawn two years ago by the Indonesian environment ministry. Despite the original order by the ministry and the provincial governor to stop work until a new study is in, MSM has just kept on with construction in disregard of government orders. A road and a port, for heavy transports during construction of the mine and for its ultimate operation have been built without permits. Contrary to its promise to use only the newest and environment-sparing technology, the gold mining company has now acquired a used processing plant from El Tambo/Chile, to be used in Toka Tindung. Fearing economic decline, local people and the provincial government reject the gold mine. But the politically influential mayor of Manado City in the region nopw supports the mine. You can try to help change his mind with a prepared letter available at http://www.regenwald.org/protestaktion.php?id=247 (at the bottom, in the white box with blue text). The German Save the Rainforest group will collect signatures and pass them on to the local environment group AMMALTA, that has been fighting the project for years. They’re also appealing for donations to be able to keep up the fight. HerrFrauFamilieFirma = Mr/Ms/Family/Firm Vorname: Given name Nachname: Surname Firma: Email: Straße:Hausnr - Street, house number PLZ: Postcode Ort: Town Staat: Country Informationen auf diesem Computer speichern – Store information on this (your) computer Reinhard Behrend Rettet den Regenwald e.V. Friedhofsweg 28 22337 Hamburg Tel. 0011 49 40 – 410 3804
http://www.regenwald.org |
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