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Bucharest: Razzia im Convergence Center ! Aaron - 02.04.2008 18:17
Anyone who tries to get out of the building is taking the risk of being arrested The manager of the space where the event is taking place forbids the access , even though the place was rented, legally .The whole area is surrounded by the Police and journalists. In the morning, someone tried to get out of the building and immediately he got surrounded by the police men. The person went back in the building to avoid getting arrested.  NOTE: This is not a collective statement, but rather an individual eyewitness report from an indymedia journalist who was involved with the anti-NATO mobilizations in Bucharest. Breaking News – Mass Arrest of demonstrators in Bucharest Bucharest, Romania, April 2, 2008 (Please see www.contra-doxa.com for more background info on the NATO summit in Bucharest, as well as the anti-NATO convergence) At approximately 12:30pm today, hundreds of police descended on the convergence center of the anti-NATO gathering in Bucharest. At this point, some organizers on the scene estimate that 46 arrests in all have been made. All the arrests were made inside the convergence center. There was no demonstration happening. Many of the police were wearing ski masks, and were very hostile to journalists trying to access the scene. The convergence center was located near the center of Bucharest, which is hosting a NATO summit that just got underway today. It was located in an industrial space which the anti-NATO demonstrators had legally rented. According to the police, there were accusations that some protestors used aggression against one of the guards near the site. By 3:15pm, 3 large paddy wagons had already left the site, carring demonstrators inside. Some other protestors and media were gathered on the other side of the street, chanting to release the demonstrators. A police spokesperson gave a few statements to the media in Romanian. (I don't speak Romanian, but the following info was losely translated for me by a Romanian speaker) According to the spokesperson, the police found anti-NATO banners and some paint inside the convergence center. There was nothing illegal. He stated that the protestors were not terrorists, and that they had been taken to the police station to have their identities verryfied. Among the group of people arrested were local activists as well as foreigners. The spokesperson also stated that this police intervention is not against the national consitution of Romania, and that liberty of expression is guaranteed. At this point (5:10pm Bucharest time), all the protestors are still being detained. One organizer has stated that a few were badly beaten. It should be noted that these arrests were made before any organized actions against the NATO summit had taken place, and also in a context where the authorities have stated they would not tolerate any opposition to NATO during the summit. The local corporate media has also been in a frenzy about "dangerous anarchists" who are going to descend on the city and break store windows. One TV news report on Realitatea TV yesterday morning encouraged viewers to throw rocks at any demonstrators that they see on the streets. Hopefully we can have a more complete report soon. Keep checking www.contra-doxa.com or romania.indymedia.org for more info. I will also try to upload photos and video I took. --Aaron The People are in the Policedepartment 10. Phone number: ++ 40 21 311 20 21 plus 24212 or 24213 or 24252. Verhaftete wurden zuvor auch auf das Polizeirevier 11 und 23 gebracht. Phone Number of Policedepartment 11 vor: ++ 40 21 32 17 212 and tipe 4 for going further This situation is extremely dangerous for everyone who want to express just a disagreement about NATO. From months ago mainstream media start acampaign against anarchists and secret services started the operation against us. If something bad happens to Romanian activists we hope to some international solidarity, the situation is almost desperate because we are closely watched by the police, arrests are happening every day in Bucharest, we don’t have lawyers to help us, our e-mail address are broken, phones are intercepted and some of our fiends and comrades seems to have the opinion that the situation is not so bad… For further informations:
http://romania.indymedia.org/en/ Video:
http://www.mediafax.ro/social/militanti-anti-nato-germani-ridicati-de-mascati-din-fata-fabricii-timpuri-noi.html?1688;2509126#comments |
Lees meer over: militarisme | aanvullingen | arrestanten vrij | Stop NAVO! - 03.04.2008 10:31
Alle arrestanten van gisteren zijn kennelijk vannacht vrij gekomen. Nog in de avond was er een spontane solidariteitsdemo in Berlijn: http://de.indymedia.org/2008/04/212246.shtml | Botschaft | Tip - 03.04.2008 23:56
Embassy of Romania in the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Romanian Embassy in Netherlands, Holland) Address: 55, Catsheuvel, 2517 KA DEN HAAG | |
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