Ungdomshuset nn - 05.04.2008 23:28
April 3rd 2008: Last Thursday demonstration celebrated new youth center.  Tripod welcoming commitee /Photo: Modkraft.dk  "The love of the people - my strength" /Photo: Modkraft.dk  new ungdomshuset?? April 3rd 2008: (modkraft.dk) Last Thursday demonstration celebrated new youth center Correctly many celebrated the new youth center with large and impressive demonstration, who can appear to have been the last Thursday demonstration. According to a speaker the fight for havens in defiance of the new youth center continues. About 21:00.15 about 1.000 young arrived to Nørrebrohallen on Ydre Nørrebro after a longer tour round of Copenhagen According to it original plan was the Thursday demonstration on Thursday April 3rd to have had form of a blockade action aimed at Rådhuset, but the reports about that a new youth center was found caused the organizers on Tuesday April 1st to change the action to a large victory demonstration. klly. 17.30 one started from Vesterbro Torv and went among other things via Christiania and Folkets Hus in Nørrebro to Nørrebrohallen. The idea was to greet all the ones, that have supported the young ones in the fight for a new youth center. According to Modkraft's photographers, who followed the demonstration from start at last, there were completely up to 3.000 participants, when one started judging from Vesterbro Torv. The long roundtrip at the town however many caused to fall from along the road, why it by no means was everybody, which arrived to the party-place near Nørrebrohallen. Last Thursday demonstration? The demonstration parade had chosen to preserve the placing in four blocks with each their colour. Participants in the demonstration announce to Modkraft that atmosphere was fantastic. According to Politiken.dk one person has been arrested near Christiansborg after a fight. From the youth center page have they earlier said that you'd continue with weekly Thursday demonstrations just until a new youth center was a reality. So now thinks to be the case, and the question is therefore, to what degree afts' Thursday demonstration was the last one. $. According to one of the speeches from one demonstration car the fight doesn't however stop with the new youth center, who just is one pawn in a bigger, generally anti-capitalist fight, as if he expressed it. According to the speaker it have now to be fought further on other fronts, among other things against the international action days in the middle of April. 4-4-2008: (CNS,Copenhagen News Service) BlokR was a success! The BlokR action went off without a hitch. About 5000 people joined the demo which took nearly four hours to walk and ended in a massive street party in Nørrebro. The transformed BlokR action was held on April 3rd as planned. About 5-6000 people took part in the massive demo, that went by many of the places in Copenhagen that have supported Ungdomshuset and housed its activities for the last year or more. The route took nearly four hours to walk and every mile was severely enjoyable and festive with four speaker trucks playing everything from rock through disco to electronica. The demo was received at the square in front of Nørrebrohallen where G13 started by four tripods with banners in the colours of the four blocks, roman candles and a big banner saying simply "ungdomshuset". Even though the mood at the demo was festive the speakers kept emphasizing that the battle is not yet over and that Thursday demos will continue until we are in actual physical possession of a new house. And even after that has happened, most likely the Thursday demos will continue, because the council has still not come through on its promise of a new children's house that they took away and promised to replace about five years ago. From the speaker trucks a solidarity greeting was also sent out to the activists in Bukarest actioning against the NATO summit there. So the struggle continues. Source: the demo 5-4-08 (politiken.dk) Citizens can vote on new youth center Ungdomshusmodstander Rasmus Jarlov will document Nordvestkvarteret's opposition to a youth center in the quarter with a vote on the net. Unrealistic wishful thinking. Thus youth center opponent and conservative candidate for Københavns Borgerrepræsentation, Rasmus Jarlov describe what he calls politicians and youth center supporters' claim that the Youth center new neighbours aren't opponents of becoming neighbours to the new house on Dortheavej at Copenhagen's north west-quarters. "Politicians on the town hall and Ungdomshuset's supporters claim that there wants to not be the same degree of opposition to a youth center on Dortheavej (as against the address Frederikssundsvejens Skole, ed.). It's unrealistic wishful thinking", Rasmus Jarlov says. Vote is to show protest Together with another K candidate for Borgerrepræsentationen, Jakob Næsager, Rasmus Jarlov has therefore started an internetvote, where residents with the postal code 2400 NV can say yes or no to become neighbours to a youth center on Dortheavej. "We will have an unquestionable expression for the people's point of view, so that there do not fly rumours through the air about what the people thinks. Therefore we offer the people the chance to express, what they think of a youth center on Dortheavej", Rasmus Jarlov says. Vote no. 2 When Frederikssundsvejens Skole was in game as youth center, they two conservative local politicians and adversaries of the Youth center arranged a similar vote. Here 6.000 residents in the area voted, and four out of five proposed here opponents of that Frederikssundsvejens Skole was to house a future youth center. The vote led to at the time that the plans that the new youth center could move in at Frederikssundsvejens Skole, were dropped. Whose yes, do we bid the Youth center welcome Rasmus Jarlov expects that the new vote will show just as marked opposition to the Youth center, when it by and large is the same human beings, who stand to become neighbours to a youth center on Dortheavej. But if the vote shows that the residents are positive face to face with the Youth center this time, it's that point of view, you must right yourself in the further course. "If there are more supporters than opponents, we must bid a youth center welcome. But that doubts we very on, will happen. My clear impression from people, I talk to in the quarter, is that there is marked resistance", says Rasmus Jarlov. ( word vervolgd) (I.S.A.A.F) international strategic anarchist/autonomous forces.(sector north) |