Novartis Exposed A.L.F. Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) - 13.04.2008 12:53
Exposed: 500 names and emailaddresses plus 250 additional names of the 3100 employees of Novartis in Austria revealed NEW: MORE COUNTRIES: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Norway  Inside HLS  Monkey Covance Lab Animal Liberation Front The A.L.F. Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) presents Novartis Austria (including Sandoz, Gebro, Hexal and other companies that are part of the evil conglomerate of Novartis) Exposed: 500 names and emailaddresses plus 250 additional names of the 3100 employees of Novartis in Austria revealed Additional bonus package: private phone numbers, names of relatives, biographical data, pictures, university degrees and much more Crimes against animals About the company Scandals Contact the A.L.F. CIA, agent Jean Vries NEW: MORE COUNTRIES: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Norway Tierbefreiungsfront Das Büro für investigative Aufklärung (BIA) der TBF präsentiert Novartis Österreich (eingeschlossen Sandoz, Gebro, Hexal und weitere Firmen des üblen Firmenkonglomerats von Novartis in Österreich) Enthüllt: 500 Namen und Emailadressen, sowie 250 zusätzliche Namen der 3100 Beschäftigten von Novartis in Österreich aufgedeckt Zusätzliches Bonuspaket: Private Telefonnummern, Namen von Verwandten, biografische Daten, Fotos, Universitätsabschlüsse und vieles mehr Verbrechen an Tieren Über die Firma Skandale Kontakt BIA der TBF, Agentin Jean Vries NEU: MEHR LÄNDER: Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark, Belgien, Niederlande, Polen, Ungarn, Tschechische Republik, Norwegen One of the reasons why: Huntingdon Life Sciences Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is one of the world's largest product testing labs. HLS is a CRO, or Contract Research Organization. As such, it does not conduct research and development, meaning it does not create its own products and does not search for cures for diseases. Rather, HLS is contracted by other companies like Novartis to conduct toxicity testing for *their* products. HLS operates two facilities in England and one in East Millstone, NJ. At any one time there are 70,000 animals imprisoned within these 3 facilities. E-Mail: Website: |