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Nuclear opponents from seven countries met in Germany SOFA Münster, translated by Diet Simon - 06.05.2008 11:47
From 2 to 4 May about 150 anti-nuclear activists from about 40 centres in Germany as well as Russia, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, France and the Netherlands took part in the spring conference of the anti-nuclear movement in the German town of Ahaus, site of a nuclear waste dump. There was lively and passionate discussion about the state of their work and future strategies were developed. The key demand was the immediate cessation of nuclear power generation and the smashing of the market-dominating power companies. Despite numerous breakdowns, the German nuclear industry wants to take back its minimal pledges to stop production and keep operating its reactors long-term. We will not tolerate that. Nuclear power production is irresponsible and dangerous, nuclear power kills. That is documented inter alia by the [German] children’s cancer study on leukemia cases in the vicinity of nuclear power stations. The participants specifically criticised the attempts of the nuclear companies EON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall to extend the operating periods of the nuclear power stations Brunsbüttel, Biblis, Philippsburg and Neckarwestheim as well as their plans to build new nuclear power stations in several European countries. The so-called renaissance of nuclear power is a ghostly debate of the nuclear industry to secure its profit interests for decades to come. We will put up determined and cross-border resistance against that. At the centre of discussion were the catastrophic conditions of global uranium mining, the dubious financing methods of the nuclear industry and criticism of the down-playing interpretation of the nationwide children’s cancer study on leukaemia cases near nuclear power stations. The many contributions to the discussion also made clear that nuclear power is not clean, nor cheap, nor climate-friendly. These slogans of the nuclear energy corporations are mere speech bubbles aimed at pulling the public onto a pro-nuclear course. 1. Specifically the anti-nuclear conference calls for participation in demonstrations against the conference of the German Nuclear Forum in Hamburg on 26 and 27 May. 2. Actions are planned to prevent the restoration of operation of the Krümmel nuclear power station near Hamburg. After a serious breakdown in June 2007 the station is still shut down. The Krümmel station and the Brunsbüttel one also near Hamburg must not be allowed back on the grid! 3. On 20 September a Europe-wide uranium action day will be convened. Its main issues will be new uranium mining projects in Sweden, Finland and Hungary as well as uranium transports from France to Gronau [Germany] and from Gronau to Russia. Instead of enlarging the uranium enrichment plant in Gronau, it must be shut down immediately. 4. The international networking of the anti-nuclear movement is to be grown through regular meetings and joint actions. One aim is to prevent [the power companies] EON and RWE building new nuclear power stations in Finland, Bulgaria, in the Baltic states and in Great Britain. We will also support the struggle against the French nuclear power station project in Flamanville. 5. We call for a change in power production with consistent use of regenerative and decentralised energy supplies. 6. Colourful and broad resistance was also pledged against the next CASTOR transport [of nuclear waste] to Gorleben [north Germany] in the autumn and against the planned nuclear waste transports to Ahaus [central west Germany]. 7. No safe final repository is possible. That is shown especially clearly in Germany by the cases of the Asse II [flooding salt mine] and Morsleben [collapsing former iron ore mine]. We determinedly reject the final repository plans for Gorleben and Schacht Konrad because they are meant trick people to believe safe dumping is possible. That also applies to final repository plans worldwide. 8. The attending initiatives support the civil disobedience action “Jointly for the withdrawal of the US nuclear weapons from Germany” on 30 August at the Büchel air base. 9. We demand that the children’s cancer study be extended to closed down nuclear reactors and all other nuclear installations. Because the nuclear debate is currently sharp, the next nationwide anti-nuclear conference will take place already from 5 -7 September 2008 in Braunschweig [Brunswick]. Ahaus, 4 May 2008 The participants of the nationwide spring conference of the anti-nuclear power movement. German source http://www.castor.de/presse/biprmtlg/2008/quartal2/0504.html |
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