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Filmclip-Screening "Activism in (South) East Asia" no G8! - 13.05.2008 00:40
Dinsdag, 13 Mei 21:00 uur Vrankrijk, Spuistraat 216, Amsterdam  In this presentation we will show film clips and make small reports about some political movements in East and South East Asia with a special focus on Japan, to improve in general the knowledge about Japanese resistance movements where the annual G8-meeting meets the resistance against it in the beginning of July 2008. Lees meer voor details en adresgegevens. Filmclip-Screening "Activism in (South) East Asia" In this presentation we will show film clips and make small reports about some political movements in East and South East Asia with a special focus on Japan, to improve in general the knowledge about Japanese resistance movements where the annual G8-meeting meets the resistance against it in the beginning of July 2008. AMB, Nijmegen Begijnenstraat 36 (dichtbij Lange Hazelstraat) 20:30 uur Background: During an Infotour in 2007 - because of the G8-meeting in 2008 in Japan - the Infotour activists made interviews with politically active people in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and Hong Kong. Out of this material a documentary film is currently being made. We want to present short film clips and reports from the ongoing project: JAPAN * Uyoku, Gaisensha and the Yasukuni-Jinja: about the continuity of nationalism and fascism in Japan (WWII until now) * Comfort Women: enslavement of women through the Japanese Imperialist Army * Zengakuren in the `60's and Student Protests today * Nojukusha and Internet Refugees: about precarity and homeless workers in Japan * Ainu and Burakumin: about the discrimination of so called minorities in Japan * Mobilisation to the G8-Protests in Japan (2 Clips) PHILIPPINES * Guerrilla Gardening and Food not Bombs * Networking in Davao - about Grassroots Movements and NGOs * Sagada 11: political abduction and murders in the Philippines SOUTH-KOREA * The Autonomous Peace Village of Daechu-ri and other problems about military bases * Free Burma-Demonstration in Seoul HONG KONG * The fight about the Queens Pier and the Lee Tung Street: about gentrification and citizen involvement in Hongkong The presentation will be held in English. Dutch Translation possible! Website: http://a.sanpal.co.jp/no-g8/ |
Lees meer over: Agenda globalisering | aanvullingen | |