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[Amsterdam] Python crash course S.L.U.G. - 14.05.2008 19:17
During the Saturdays of May 24th and May 31st, our fellow nerd Caedes is going to give a crash course in the Python programming language. The Python language is a cross platform tool that allows you to do a lot of things. Many applications are written in it or use little pieces of python code. This is a course for people that already have an idea of what programming is (what is a loop, what is a variable and so on) but you don’t need to know anything about Python. We think that good courses are the ones that leave a curious flock behind them that can later share newbie tricks and teach each other, and we would like to have at least 10 people joining the course for it to be a success. If we are more, we are going to be able to keep playing with it and learning together even when the course finishes. If you are interested, drop us a note! slug[AT]lists.riseup.net And if you still don’t know what a variable is, you still have time to learn before the course... |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek media wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | |