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A*dam: It Was Our City (Squat Doc) in Cavia David - 19.05.2008 19:17
De Staatliedenbuurt Donderdag 22 mei 20.30 uur: De stad was van ons / It Was Our City (1996, NL, Joost Seelen, 105 min)   Ingezonden brief met handige tips 'De stad was van ons' ontrafelt de geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse kraakbeweging (1975 - 1988) door middel van interviews met krakers van het eerste uur, voor wie de politieke strijd belangrijker was dan het creëren van woonruimte. Daartegenover staan de krakers voor wie de politieke ideologie pas op de tweede plaats kwam. Spanningen tussen de 'harde kern' en de latere krakers leidden tot een spiraal van geweld en intimidatie. The squatting history of Amsterdam has been through its high and lows. In a time when political parties are calling to make kraken illegal it’s important to look back at its history and influence in Amsterdam. De stad was van ons does this in a confrontational way as it also shows some of the darker sides of events in the eighties. Interviews with main contributors and others show the political opinions of some individuals created a chilling atmosphere in which the use of violence was allowed against other squatters. But it also shows how many buildings were saved from demolition and converted to social housing and communal spaces. Erik Duivenvoorden who researched the film and is working in the Staatslieden archive at the IISG will be present at the screening for questions and debate. Subtitled in English! Start at 20.30, 4 euros for a ticket. E-Mail: info@filmhuiscavia.nl Website: http://www.filmhuiscavia.nl |
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