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Solidarity week against anti-terrorist' repression in France solidarite sans frontiers - 31.05.2008 07:24
he translation of this call is coming late but any actions are welcome, even after the action week.  Ivan, Bruno and Damien got arrested on january 19th 2008 on the way to the demonstration against the detention centre of Vincennes (near Paris). They were carrying home made smoke powder and bent nails (to slash tyres). At the police station, they refused the finger print identification and DNA taking. Ivan and Bruno are jailed, Damien is under judiciary control. Two other persons got arrested on january 23rd by a border patrol, during a road control near Vierzon (France countryside). In their car, they found chlorate (to make smoke powder), youth jail's map and sabotage guides. They're imprisoned under the anti-terrorist jurisdiction. The police's incrimination is "intention to attack a youth jail" and, for one of them, an "attempt to sabotage a police car". Now, the five persons are under judiciary investigation for "possession and carriage of explosive or incendiary material" and "criminal association with terrorist goals". Four of them are locked in since january. The anti-terrorist jurisdiction can keep them in jail many months more... Since december 2007, there are massive mutinies in detention centres and wild strikes leaded by hundreds of migrant workers. It reminds us that exploitation and imprisonment are related. Solidarity is not only made of money and material care, it's also made of acts of resistance and fights against the State and capitalism. As well, solidarity can be an extension and an intensification of the social struggle. Some solidarity actions already took place in France (in Paris, Dijon, Grenoble, Toulouse, Rennes, etc.): smoke candles and smoke canisters burned during demonstrations, solidarity gatherings, banners, graffiti, blocades, disruption of a radio program, direct actions against buildings related with deportations, etc. During this week, we want to multiply the solidarity acts, and to let them know that we won't stop so soon... Solidarity with the two of Vierzon, with Bruno, Ivan, Damien and all the others! Freedom for all the prisoners, with or without ID! Freedom for everybody! Every action reports, texts, pictures, or anything made for this solidarity week can be sent to:
souti1culpees38@riseup.net |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | nederlandse vertaling plus de datum | abc - 01.06.2008 15:36
Week van solidariteit zonder grenzen 9 tot 16 juni 2008 Op 19 januari 2008 werden Ivan, Bruno en Damien aangehouden terwijl ze onderweg waren naar de betoging aan het gesloten asielcentrum in Vincennes (vlakbij Parijs). Ze hadden artisanale rookbommen en verwrongen nagels (kraaiepoten) bijzich. Ze werden meegenomen naar het politiekantoor waar ze identificatie via vingerafdrukken en DNA weigerden. Twee werden opgesloten in de gevangenis, de derde staat onder juridisch toezicht. Op 23 januari werden twee andere mensen aangehouden door de douane tijdens een wegcontrole vlakbij Vierzon. In de koffer van hun auto vindt de politie chloraat, plannen van een jeugdgevangenis (EPM) en sabotagehandleidingen. Ze worden opgesloten onder speciale jurisdictie: het anti-terrorisme. De flikken beschuldigen hen ervan een EPM te hebben willen aanvallen en voor één van hen, een poging tot sabotage van een politievoertuig. Alle vijf staan momenteel onder onderzoek voor "bezit en transport van explosief of brandbaar materiaal" en "criminele associatie met terroristische doeleinden". Vier van hen zitten al vier maanden in de gevangenis. Het preventief aanhoudingsbevel voor twee onder hen werd onlangs verlengd met vier maanden door de anti-terrorisme rechters terwijl voor er voor één van hen reeds een preventief aanhoudingsbevel van één jaar is. Van de recente opstanden in de asielcentra tot de staking tijdens dewelke honderden sans-papiers de werkplaatsen bezet hebben, herinnert allen eraan dat uitbuiting en opsluiting verbonden zijn. Niet alleen door de uitbouw van arbeid in de gevangenis of van het alsmaaar grotere gevangenisaspect van de uitbuitingsomstandigheden, maar ook omdat de opsluiting (van sans-papiers, jongeren, diegnenen die proberen overleven buiten de loonarbeid of elke binnenlandse vijand) één van de dreigingen is toelaat dat alsmaar ellendigere uitbuitingsomstandigheden aanvaard worden. De noodzakelijke solidariteit met de gevangenen kan niet exclusief materieel zijn. Ze bestaat ook uit alle strijden, alle daden en alle verzet die zich kanten tegen de normale gang van zaken van Staat en Kapitaal, en hen aanvallen. Solidariteit betekent ook een uitbreiding en intensifiëring van de revolte... Of het nu gaat over rookbommen die aangestoken worden in Dijon, Grenoble, Toulouse en Parijs; spandoeken die ontrold worden; organen die te maken hebben met deportaties die aangevallen worden; graffiti's en straatblokkades of een radio-uitzending die verstoord wordt: er vonden zowat overal reeds vele solidariteitsacties plaats. Het idee van een solidariteitsweek van 9 tot 16 juni is om tijdens deze periode verschillende solidaire acties te intensifiëren die zich kunnen verspreiden en misschien daar niet zullen stoppen... Solidariteit met de twee van Vierzon, met Bruno, Ivan, Damien en de anderen! Vrijheid voor alle gevangenen, met of zonder papieren! Vrijheid voor allen! Elke praktische bijdrage aan de solidariteitsweek zonder grenzen kan ook opgestuurd worden naar:
solidarite_sans_frontieres@riseup.net [Vertaald van http://paris.indymedia.org/article.php3?id_article=100155] | A letter from Ivan and Bruno. | NN - 10.06.2008 01:16
Hello to all the friends, to all the people who haven't accepted the situation that we live: the occupation of the streets and towns by the police, evictions, raids, arrests, daily difficulties, dispossession of our lives. This situation that pushes us to give away a big part of our lives to all kind of bosses, to those who decide of our destinies, to the power upon us. When we side with the revolt, we do it for all these reasons. We do it to take back power on our lives, we do it for the freedom of living. We've been arrested on January 19th. Two of us are in jail, while the third is under a judiciary control (he was passing by and was guilty of knowing us). We were carrying a smoke-bomb that we had done by mixing chlorate, sugar and flour. Burnt, this mix releases an important amount of smoke. We wanted to use it at the end of the demonstration that was going that day towards Vincenne's detention center for migrants. Our aim: to be visible from the locked-in sans-papiers, knowing that the police would try to prevent us from approaching the centre. We also had firecrackers to make noise and bent nails (to burst tyres) that could be put along the road to prevent cars from passing. For cops and justice, this excuse was found: we had the material to make a nailbomb. This is what we are charged of: - possession and carriage, in organised gang, of explosive or incendiary material, or components of explosive or incendiary material, with the goal to organise a destruction, or agression on people; - criminal association with the goal to commit destruction using fire, explosive material, or any other way which could create a danger for people, in organised gang; - refusal to give fingerprints or be photographed during an ID check; - refusal to submit to the biologic taking aimed at the DNA identification of people suspected of crime; It's quite frightening. So much for the facts. Let's add a bit of anysis to it. The way we're being treated is surely not related to what we had with us or to what we wanted to do with it. The state is criminalizing revolts and tries to kill any « non-aligned » dissidence. It is our very ideas and ways to struggle (outside of political parties, trade unions, or any other organisation of this kind) that are being targeted... Facing anger that it doesn't manage to supervise or integrate, the State points out and isolates an enemy within. The police and the secret service files are building « profiles ». In our case, it is the « anarcho-autonomous » figure that's being used, which authorites relate to terrorism. They need to build a threat to create consensus within the population, to strenghten their control and legitimate repression. That's why we are in jail. This is the solution the State chooses, to deal with illegalisms and so called « risky populations ». Now, the motto is « lock in more and longer ». More and more efficient controls. Scaring punishements are here to make us know that we should stay put on the place given. This atmosphere guarantees for those who have or take advantage of power, a society in which everybody is aware that we can't cross the lines which have been drawn for us, which are surrounding us, which are compressing us; not without paying an high price. We struggle with migrants, because we know that it is the same police that is controling, that it is the same boss who is exploiting, that these are the same walls imprisoning. The day we tried to go to the demonstration, we wanted to shout « Freedom » in echo with the prisoniers, to show that we were many to hear them revolting these last months. We wanted to light a smoke candle, to try to get as close as we could from the prison gates, to shout « no more detention centers », to show our determination to live free. This struggle, in which we can see ourselves, is a common ground to build complicities; it is a way to express our own revolt. We don't consider ourselves like « victims of repression ». There is no fair repression, no fair imprisonment. There is just repression, and its fonction of control, its role in maintaining established orders: the power of those who possess against the dispossessed. When everobody walks in line, it's easier to strike those who go out of it. We hope that we are many, wishing to own our lifes fully, sharing this desire to build and interweave solidarities which will +give birth to upcoming revolts. Bruno and Ivan, from the jails of Fresnes and Villepinte (close to Paris), april 2008.
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