Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany Fountainhead - 13.06.2008 22:30
An overview of intercultural undertakings in Berlin Germany.  Film Festival Poster, Berlin Germany  Film Festival Poster, Berlin Germany FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE e LETTER, Berlin/Germany May 2008 Please send replies to / Bitte senden Sie Antworten an ************************************************** THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB), Open Channel Berlin Voltastr. 5, 13355 Berlin-Wedding ***SPECIAL Edition*** MAY 29, 2008 8.00-9.30 pm/20.00-21.30 Uhr the public is cordially invited A COMPLEXION CHANGE Vision II THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin in co-operation with Offener Kanal Berlin Production & Direction Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, (co-founder/producer/director) Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre Black International Cinema Berlin Cultural Zephyr e.V. via Television, Internet, Radio in English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic present/präsentieren A COMPLEXION CHANGE - Vision II Intercultural Dialogue within a Migratory Society The future is with us, how do we respond to the inevitabilities of population change, clash or cooperation? Partial Portrait / Past, Present, Future? A relationship of Europe to the world and the human contributions to a developing Europe, at the dawn of the 21st century. EIN WANDEL IM ERSCHEINUNGSBILD - Vision II Interkultureller Dialog in einer Migrationsgesellschaft Die Zukunft ist heute. Wie reagieren wir auf die Unabwendbarkeit der Veränderung der Bevölkerung? Konflikt oder Kooperation? Teilporträt / Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft? Eine Beziehung Europas zur Welt und der Beiträge der Menschen zu einem sich entwickelnden Europa, im Anbruch des 21. Jahrhunderts. PROGRAM ************************************************** Introduction Moderator: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith Co-Founder/Producer/Director Fountainhead Tanz Theatre / Black International Cinema Berlin / THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin / Cultural Zephyr e.V. Oral Presentation "Our World Between Diversity and Coming Together" / "Unsere Welt zwischen Nhe und Distanz und zwischen Dialog und Monolog" Mahgoub Eltayeb, Sudan/Berlin Director, Sudanese Association Betriebsrat, Phoenix Pharmacutical Intermission Visual Presentation Sonjah Prinz, Germany und Esterina Petrauschke "One World Children's Musical" Kinderperformance / Part I Oral Presentation "Diverse & Together" / "Vielfältig & Gemeinsam" Sonjah Prinz Visual Presentation Sonjah Prinz, Germany und Esterina Petrauschke "One World Children's Musical" Kinderperformance / Part II Intermission Cinema Festival Impressions - XXIII. Black International Cinema Berlin 2008 Oral Presentation "Reflections" / "Überlegungen" Gary Wiggins, USA/Berlin Program Director, Music as Cultural Diplomacy Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Musical Interlude Gary Wiggins / saxophone Oral Presentation "Questions about Identity" / "Fragen zu Identitt" Mark C. Donfried, USA/Berlin Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Intermission Oral Presentation " Un Changement d'image la franaise: le multicultarisme franais et le cas des banlieues" / " A Complexion Change la francaise: French multiculturalism and the case of the suburbs" Harry Louiserre, Gaudeloupe/France/Berlin Managing Director, Classic In Black Intermission Oral Presentation "YES, WE CAN - The International Impact of Barack Obama" / "JA, WIR KÖNNEN - Barack Obama Und Sein Internationaler Einfluss" John Matip Eichler, Germany Manager, Swiss Bank Berlin Intermission Cinema "Paloma" Script & Direction: Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau, Colombia/Germany 2006 Intermission Music and Spoken Word Presentation A Complexion Change Orchestra "A Complexion Change" (An Original Composition & Oral Presentation) Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq, USA/Berlin Saxophonist/Composer & Conductor "As Long (there's a Soul there's Hope)" Jumaa Alexander Prvulovic, Germany Vocals/co-composer for "A Complexion Change" "Gather Your Men And Prepare Your Women" Yamil Borges, USA/Berlin Spoken Word Jeremy Green, UK/Berlin Piano Ramani Krishna, India/Berlin Bass Rico McClaren, USA/Berlin Drums Guitar Crusher, USA/Berlin Guitar & Vocals Translations Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau, Colombia/Berlin Mahgoub Eltayeb, Sudan/Berlin Lola Zuckermann, France/Berlin Anke Broszio, Berlin Radio Rolf Gnsrich, Berlin Catering Saltmann & Company Barbara Saltmann, Jamaica/Berlin Editors Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith/The Collegium, U.S.A./Berlin Angela Kramer/The Collegium, Berlin Marion Kramer/The Collegium, Berlin Technicians Cordula Alkert/The Collegium, Berlin Thomas M. Wendt/The Collegium, Berlin Martin Kersten/The Collegium, Berlin Tom Penman/The Collegium, Scotland/Berlin For further information & photographic impressions, please visit THE COLLEGIUM website. ************************************************** "Diverse & Together" A COMPLEXION CHANGE XXIII. BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN Warsaw/Poland & USA 2008 May 8-12, 2008 Moviemento Cinema Kottbusser Damm 22 10967 Berlin, Kreuzberg Production & Direction: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin Cultural Zephyr e.V. in association with Classic in Black Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in co-operation with Foundation Diversity Forum, Warsaw/Poland ____________________________________________________________________ FILM & SEMINAR PROGRAM XXIII. BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA Berlin/Germany, Warsaw/Poland & USA 2008 Tickets: 7,00 Euro / Reduced: 6,00 Euro (students) Young People's Program: 3,00 Euro ************************************************** THURSDAY - MAY 8 10 am/10 Uhr YOUNG PEOPLE'S PROGRAM - Cinema Around the World! Introduction/Einfhrung Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre SHARED HISTORY Director: Felicia D. Furman Documentary, Color, 57 min. USA 2005 English 5 pm/17 Uhr OPENING CEREMONY Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith co-founder/publisher/producer/director: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/ THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. Harry Louiserre Managing Director, Classic In Black Mark C. Donfried Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Gary Wiggins Project Manager, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy John Matip Eichler Manager, Swiss Bank Berlin Barbara Saltmann Vorstand, Caribbean United European Society e.V. Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq Saxophonist/Composer 6 pm/18 Uhr ILLEGAL TENDER (European Premiere) Director: Franc. Reyes Producer: John Singleton Narrative, Color, 108 min. USA 2007 English and Spanish with English subtitles 8 pm/20 Uhr SHARED HISTORY Director: Felicia D. Furman Documentary, Color, 57 min. USA 2005 English THE POWER OF ART - WOMEN'S VOICES IN AFRICA Director: Claudine Pommier Documentary, Color, 51 min. Canada 2007 English and French with English subtitles 10 pm/22 Uhr REVOLUTION '67 Director: Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno Documentary, Color, 90 min. USA 2007 English ************************************************** FRIDAY - MAY 9 10 am/10 Uhr YOUNG PEOPLES PROGRAM - Cinema Around the World! Introduction/Einfhrung Fountainhead Tanz Theatre THE POWER OF ART - WOMEN'S VOICES IN AFRICA Director: Claudine Pommier Documentary, Color, 51 min. Canada 2007 English and French with English subtitles 4 pm/16 Uhr Music Seminar Harry Louiserre David Brewer Lily Halim 6 pm/18 Uhr FARA BIRIQUI / FIGHTING WOMEN Director: Fatoumata Coulibaly Documentary, Color, 26 min. Mali 2007 French and Bambara with French subtitles DE WEG NAAR MEKKA / THE ROAD TO MECCA Director: Johannes Bucher Documentary, Color, 40 min. Belgium 2007 English, Dutch, Arabic, French with English subtitles MODELS OF SUCCESS Director: Art L. Jones Documentary, Color, 24 min. Bahrain 2006/2007 English 8 pm/20 Uhr PAINTED SMILES Director: Frank E. Jackson, Jr. Narrative, Color, 95 min. USA 2007 English 10 pm/22 Uhr MUHTADI Director: Elspeth Duncan & Frances-Anne Solomon Documentary, Color, 24 min. Canada 2007 English HOW DO I LOOK Director: Wolfgang Busch Documentary, Color, 80 min. USA 1995-2006 English 12 am/24 Uhr ILLEGAL TENDER Director: Franc. Reyes Producer: John Singleton Narrative, Color, 108 min. USA 2007 English and Spanish with English subtitles ************************************************** SATURDAY - MAY 10 4 pm/16 Uhr Seminar A COMPLEXION CHANGE Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq Gary Wiggins Alexander Provulivic (Jumaa) Yamil Borgas 6 pm/18 Uhr I. SURF NOIR, II. TU SOLUS SANCTUS Directors: Suyen Mosley & Marsha Terry Documentary, Color/B/W, 7 min. USA 2007 English ART MOVES - Adilia on Staircase Director: Michael Douglas Hawk Experimental, Color, 10 min. Germany 2006 no dialogue MOVEMENT (R)EVOLUTION AFRICA Directors: Joan Frosch & Alla Kovgan Documentary, Color, 65 min. USA 2007 English and French, Portuguese, Wolof, Japanese with English subtitles 8 pm/20 Uhr ALGENY: THE GENETIC FACTOR Director: Andrew Burroughs Narrative, Color, 96 min. USA 2006/2007 English 10 pm/22 Uhr THE SOUL SEARCHERS: THREE STORIES Director: Jeffrey C. Wray Narrative, Color, 50 min. USA 2008 English THROWN AWAY / THO`WAYZ Director: Jeff W. Jaggers II Documentary, Color/B/W, 57 min. USA 2007 English 12 am/24 Uhr HONOR FORD SMITH: HONOR-BOUND Director: Jay Prychidny Documentary, Color, 24 min. Canada 2006 English BLUEPRINT Director: Kirk Shannon-Butts Narrative, Color, 75 min. USA 2006 English ************************************************** SUNDAY - MAY 11 4 pm/16 Uhr Reading/Lesung "Kreuzberg Musing" Rolf Gnsrich and Friends During the festival, Rolf Gnsrich presents excerpts from his 13 year radio program, Okbeat, articles published in the news magazine, Prenzlberger Ansichten, and from his stage performances, accompanied by BeTonWerker. Rolf Gnsrich prsentiert whrend des Festivals Ausschnitte aus 13 Jahren seines Radioprogramms Okbeat, seiner Artikel bei der Monatszeitschrift Prenzlberger Ansichten und von seinen Bhnenauftritten, begleitet von BeTonWerker. 6 pm/18 Uhr LE FURA DE KOLOKANI / BAMANAN WEDDING CEREMONY Director: Baba Kan Documentary, Color, 26 min. Mali 2008 French and Bamanan with French subtitles PRISON D'ARGENT Director: Harbert Maga Narrative, Color, 16 min. Mali 2001 French BURU GARRA / HILLY RIVER Director: Shriprakash Documentary, Color, 29 min. India 2007 English and Hindi with English subtitles TARA WOODS - MACOMERE FIFI Directors: Andrea Stewart & Frances-Anne Solomon Documentary, Color, 24 min. Canada 2007 English 8 pm/20 Uhr A WINTER TALE Director: Frances-Anne Solomon Narrative, Color, 100 min. Canada 2007 English 10 pm/22 Uhr SIPHON / SYMPHONY Director: Farid Mirkhani Experimental, Color, 12 min. Iran Persian with English subtitles I USED TO LOVE HER Director: Mark Harris Narrative, Color, 90 min. USA 2008 English 12 am/24 Uhr BY POPULAR DEMAND Director: Colin Sinclair Narrative, Color, 45 min. Germany 2008 English HOW DO I LOOK Director: Wolfgang Busch Documentary, Color, 80 min. USA 1995-2006 English ************************************************** MONDAY - MAY 12 4 pm/16 Uhr Communication Workshop "LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX!" transcendent, transformative, transgender Interactive conversation regarding cross-frontier sex, conducted by sexpert Dr. Laura Mritt Gesprchsrunde zu grenzberschreitendem Sex mit Sexpertin Dr. Laura Mritt 6 pm/18 Uhr DU DARFST Director: Peter Henselder Experimental, Color, 16 min. Germany 2006 German POP FOUL Director: Moon Molson Narrative, Color, 20 min. USA 2007 English RAPGALSENE - WORD POWER FROM SENEGAL Director: Lukas May Documentary, Color, 57 min. Senegal/Germany 2007 French and Wolof with English subtitles 8 pm/20 Uhr LA PEINTURE DE TERRE / MUD PAINTING Director: Baba Kan Documentary, Color, 26 min. Mali 2005 French and Bamanan with French subtitles BLACK ON BLACK Director: Damon Russell Narrative, Color, 10,5 min. USA 2007 English DON'T HATE: STRIPPERS FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT Director: Jimmy A. Bell Documentary, Color, 71 min. USA 2007 English 10 pm/22 Uhr A WINTER TALE Director: Frances-Anne Solomon Narrative, Color, 100 min. Canada 2007 English ************************************************** FILM DESCRIPTIONS & FURTHER INFORMATION XXIII. Black International Cinema Berlin/Germany, Warsaw/Poland & U.S.A. 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AACHRONYM A Blog regarding Global African Arts with a focus on art-equity and cultural patrimony issues. Notable Person: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith / Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB), Open Channel Berlin ***LIVE Edition*** MAY 18, 2008 9.00-10.00 pm/21.00-22.00 Uhr RE-BROADCAST MAY 25, 2008 9.00-10.00 pm/21.00-22.00 Uhr CINEMA "Paloma" Script & Direction: Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau, Columbia/Germany 2006 STATE OF AFFAIRS Barbara Saltmann Board of Directors, Caribbean United European Society e.V., Jamaica Ramon Lopez Carrasco Filmmaker/Masseur ARTS CALENDAR SyncreArtProductions Production, Artistic Direction & Choreography: Mark Headley Choreography: Matthew Thomas Dancers: Silviana Sosa, Claudia Cocozza, Antje Gentsch, Claire Carthew ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountainhead® at XXII. BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN 2007 FESTIVAL IMPRESSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * Sundays 9-10 pm / 21-22 Uhr Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB), Open Channel Berlin THE COLLEGIUM TRAILER THE COLLEGIUM Television Program is televised in Berlin, Magdeburg and Wolfsburg. THE COLLEGIUM Fernsehmagazin wird in Berlin, Magdeburg und Wolfsburg ausgestrahlt. produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/ Cultural Zephyr e.V. BERLIN Every Sunday/jeden Sonntag 9.00-10.00 pm 21.00-22.00 Uhr Offener Kanal Berlin Voltastr. 5 13355 Berlin-Wedding presenting / präsentiert wird Cinema / State of Affairs / Arts Calendar Filme / Diskussion / Kunstkalender for program information, please contact: Programminformationen bitte unter: 0049 (0)30-782 16 21 0049 (0)30-75 46 09 46 THE COLLEGIUM MAGDEBURG First Thursday in every month Jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat 6.00 - 7.00 pm 18.00 - 19.00 Uhr THE COLLEGIUM WOLFSBURG TV 38 for program schedule, please consult website THE COLLEGIUM Television Program Berlin Upcoming *Live* Editions 2008 JUNE 22 JULY 20 AUGUST 17 SEPTEMBER 21 OCTOBER 19 NOVEMBER 16 DECEMBER 14 at 9.00 p.m. / 21.00 Uhr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN THE COLLEGIUM - FORUM & TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN CULTURAL ZEPHYR e.V. MISSION STATEMENT We are an international, intercultural community of persons engaged in achieving increasing understanding and cooperation between individuals and groups in support of democratic procedures and the elimination of violence, religious, ethnic and gender persecution, youth exploitation, homophobia and racial hatred through the process of art, education, culture and dialogue. Wir sind eine internationale, interkulturelle Gemeinschaft von Menschen mit dem Engagement für ein besseres Verständnis und wachsende Kooperation zwischen Individuen und Gruppen, mit Unterstützung des demokratischen Prozesses und der Beseitigung von Gewalt, Verfolgung aufgrund religiöser, ethnischer und geschlechtlicher Zugehörigkeit, Kindes- und Jugendmissbrauch, Homosexuellen-Feindlichkeit und von Rassenhass, durch die Mittel der Kunst, der Bildung, der Kultur und des Dialogs. Nous sommes une communauté internationale et interculturelle de personnes engagées à promouvoir la compréhension et la coopération croissantes entre les individus et les groupes, à lappui des outils démocratiques et à travers lélimination de la violence, de la persécution religieuse, ethnique et sexuelle, de lexploitation de la jeunesse, de lhomophobie et de la haine raciale par le processus de lart, de léducation, de la culture et du dialogue. MOTTOS "I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure wont if I dont..." - Oscar Brown Jr. "Mankind will either find a way or make one." - C.P. Snow "Whatever you do..., be cool!" - Joseph Louis Turner "Yes, I can...!" - Sammy Davis Jr. "Yes, We can...!" - Barack Obama Copyright: Fountainhead®, May 2008 Website: |