Open day on Positivenest( Uiterwaardenstr.) Mgriks - 22.06.2008 22:28
Open day on positivenest The open day on the Uiterwaarden straat was successful, but not completely. It happened small misunderstanding. Cafe in English means place where in peace you can drink tee, coffee etc. In dutch that's also place where you drink beer and watch football matches. Not surprisingly some off our old neighbours was against the idea to make cafe for the neighbourhood in the squatted place. They sent us letter that they are not interested about our idea, and they would not come to the event. Pity, because we could clear this funny misunderstanding and talk about any ones expectations, what we did witch those who come. All our visitors where enthusiastic about our ideas and where asking to go on witch the project. The pastor from the Lutheran church, just next to us even suggested to make our activity in the church ( great space for not so loud events ). We will see what the future will bring on the next open day. For sure we will try to support our neighbourhood and not to bother them. For now seems people like us, that we squatted that's place and we are very happy about it and we will work on it to keep like this. Our neighbours could be our strongest and most sufficient barricade and is nice to give them nice example from our side. Here is polish version on squatters, ecologic info pages for Amsterdam( not only) tu znajdziesz polska wersje na squatterskich ekologicznych, informacyjnych stronach dla Amsterdamu ( i nie tylko ): This is the link to nice relation from this day on blog about organic, vegan, and fair trade food, activism and Amstedam: E-Mail: Website: |