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Petition against the ethnic filing of the Rroms in Italy EveryOne Group/La Voix des Rroms - 29.06.2008 09:09
We say NO to to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers.  Filling of a Roma girl in Auschwitz Sign the petition against any ethnic filing of the Rroms We say NO to to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers. PETITION To: Italian and European authorities and Human Rights bodies Promoters: La Voix des Rroms - Gruppo EveryOne SAY NO to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record The Home Minister of Italy and member of North League, Roberto Maroni, announced recently that he intends recording the fingerprints of Rroms located in Italy. In the most cynical way, he justifies this measure by the need to protect the children! This proposal has been widely criticized by Italian politicians, culture’s personnalities, by civil society, the Council of Europe and the European Commission, but Mr. Maroni continues despite everything to defend his proposal. Berlusconi government is criticized in Europe and in democratic world for its persecution policies towards the Rroms. In its 27th June editorial, The Independent qualified this behaviour a «spasm of cruelty» and the party of Mr. Maroni as a « notoriously xenophobic » one. The editorial ends with this lapidary statement : « Every act of popular violence against foreigners, every instance of official discrimination against the Roma, diminishes the country's claim to be regarded as a civilised nation.» We fully agree and say NO to this proposal, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers. Sign the petition against any ethnic filing of the Rroms and prevent the return of the brown plague:
http://www.petitiononline.com/08041971/petition.html For further information: EveryOne Group (+ 39) 331-3585406 www.everyonegroup.com :: info@everyonegroup.com E-Mail: info@everyonegroup.com Website: http://www.everyonegroup.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | |