No G8 || G8 AKATU!! - Euskal Herria * Basque Country G8 akatu! Euskal Herria - 02.07.2008 16:46
Presentation of the platform against g8 of the Basque Country  presentation CAPITALISM: ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE AND THE HARD-WORKING CLASS!! In Japan the chiefs of state and government of the principal economic world powers led by the USA are going to decide on global policies that they go from the environment, the immigration up to the world distribution of the richness. With the economic crisis and the global famine like backdrop they prepare a new offensive of neoliberal reforms against the popular world caps with the aim to give a new return of nut in his politics; that of the repression, the exploitation, the violation of the conquered rights, and that of the perpetuation of the hunger and the war in order to support his hegemony and the rates of benefit of his big companies. To another side of the barricade, and fighting because another world is possible, we are the hard-working class, the student body, the women, the young persons and the immigrant discriminated and exploited persons. The fight against the imperialistic impositions is not an abstract fight, is the fight of the student body opposite to the imposition of Bolonia, is the fight of the youth for the housing, the fight of the class hired by not privatization of the health, is the fight against the patriarchy one and the heterosexism, against the sexist violence and the increase of the poverty and his feminization, against the scarcity of the life, against the impositions in the energetic model and of transport and infrastructures, against not recognition of our culture and identity, against the advance of the fascism, the racism and the repression and is the fight internationalist of solidarity with all those peoples who for daring to exercise his sovereignty have to support the blockade, the interference and the war. We call to the whole popular movement and to Anticapitalist, Antifascist and antipatriarchal citizenship from the Basque Country to coming together on July 5, international day of action against the summit of the G8, in the manifestation that will depart at 20:00 from the Arriaga square (Bilbao). The whole people joined to face the politics of the imposition, the hunger and the war and to object our option for the democracy, the well-being, the peace and the solidarity; every group of the popular movement with the recoveries that it works in day after day and all coordinated to advance in the way of the popular power opposite to the power of the capital. E-Mail: Website: |