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 | English Translation | SNIX - 23.07.2008 16:07
Prochoice picket. All come!. Like every month, there is a picket against the fundamentalist womens’ rights abusers of “schreeuw om leven” from 09:45 to 12:00 on the square at Strevelsweg 700, Rotterdam (near underground station Zuidplein. COME if you believe in the right to safe abortion). On the square antichoice christian fundamentalists have been spreading propaganda every first working day of the month since 2005. They mainly approach young women and give them brochures with womb echographs, embryos and baby’s. They lie to people telling them that ``the clicic murders children`. We think this is disgraceful that a women’s right is criminalised. In countries where abortion is illegal many women die because of unsafe abortions. The UN declaration of human rights and other international treaties guarantee the right to abortion. TAKE PART IN THE PROCHOICE ACTIONS EVERY FIRST WORKING DAY OF THE MONTH more info email anti-sgp@gmx.net, website www.sgpnee.nl
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