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THE MOST DEVIOUS AND DECEPTIVE MEANS TO KEEP CERTAIN GROUPS OF AMERICANS IN US PRISONS, IS TO NOT OFFER THEM LEGITIMATE HC RIGHTS TO OUR US FEDERAL COURTS ! THIS LEGAL HORROR OF THE MANNY GONZALES CASE, ONLY POINTS OUT JUST ONE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY ALL MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS DESERVE EQUAL AND JUST OPPORTUNITIES WITH PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL TO OUR FEDERAL COURT OF APPEALS. **THERE ARE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER LEGAL CASES NATIONWIDE THAT ALSO DESERVE TO BE PROPERLY REPRESENTED TO OUR US FEDERAL COURTS OF APPEAL! *****FOR OUR US CONGRESS TO CONTINUE TO DENY LEGITIMATE HC RIGHTS TO OUR FEDERAL COURTS FOR POORER AMERICANS AND OUR US SUPREME COURT AWARD ENEMY COMBATANTS FEDERAL APPEAL LAWYERS AND THEIR RIGHTS TO HC IN OUR US FEDERAL COURTS,MAKES A PICTURE PERFECT MOVIE SCRIPT OF AMERICAN INJUSTICE FOR MICHAEL MOORE OR SPIKE LEE TO PURSUE !!! **What we have here in this Manny Gonzales criminal case is a jury,judge and DA taking care of their communities safety from gangs in a typical vigilante hang them high process.The presiding judge tells both attorneys(defense and prosecutor)prior the trial that this specific case is not gang related and advises the DA to instruct their witnesses not to mention or insinuate gang association information to the jury. ** At this point in this trial the presiding judge is aware of and and protective of the defendants rights to a fair trial,knowing darn well that if a LA jury is lead to believe (rightly or wrongly)that a defendant is affiliated with a gang that a fair trial is almost impossible. What happens next when this DA decides to use gang association (over the presiding judges orders and objections)on this jury is really quite devious.LA judges are allowing these type of unjust trials to continue knowing these defendants can appeal for a new trial from prison after they lose their jury trials. ** Local DA's know this local judicial system will not dismiss a jury due to DA's using gang association with defendants and they have a free hand to play their jury to the max.This play acting between the presiding judge pretending to protect the defendants right to a fair trial and the devious DA who wants to protect our society by taking justice into their own hands,is a little what Manny Gonzales and his public defender had to deal with. ** Any judge that allows a rogue DA to disobey their specific orders on misleading their jury into believing the defendant is either a gang member or the specific crime is gang related should have the common sense and decency to dismiss the jury and call for a new trial. ** This kid Manny Gonzales tried as an adult needed this judge not just to set the guidelines in the beginning of the trial with this rogue DA, but also to continue to protect the defendant with his right to a fair trial throughout the entire trial. When this presiding judge allowed this trial to continue, the jury believed both the DA and the judge that Manny Gonzales was a gang member and this specific shooting incident was not related to his affiliation with gang activity. **Every night during this two week trial this jury went home and had the opportunity to watch gang violence reported on the nightly news.How could anyone think that Manny Gonzales and his public defender in tow could defeat a presiding judge,rogue DA and a inflamed jury with nightly exposure to gang TV violence? *** If anyone deserves a call for GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME A NEW TRIAL Manny Gonzales Does !! YAHOO & GOOGLE MANNY GONZALES THE KID THAT EVERYONE FORGOT IN THE CA PRISON SYSTEM ! **IT IS A JUDICIAL RIDE OF ONES LIFE ! lawyersforpooramericans@yahoo.com |
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