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Amadeu Casella's case in english: More than 50 days on hunge Anarkista - 16.08.2008 16:57
Anarchist on hungerstrike in Spain category international | miscellaneous | news report author Monday August 11, 2008 13:15author by Anarchist Prisoner Support Report this post to the editors Amadeu Casellas is a well known anarchist prisoner. Amadeu spent already 25 years in jail, in fact he's the most veteran prisoner in Catalonia. He joined many collective protests, hunger strikes, rebellions, etc and suffered many tortures and reprisals as a direct consequence of his permanent confrontational attitude towards the system. Now Amadeu thinks that it's time to be released, but the prison authorities don't want to release him, so he decided to take a step forward again and started an indefinite hunger strike. Amadeu said that the only options are freedom or death. He's already at the sickbay of Quatre Camins prison and his health is going worse everyday. Amadeu Casellas is a well known anarchist prisoner. Amadeu spent already 25 years in jail, in fact he's the most veteran prisoner in Catalonia. He joined many collective protests, hunger strikes, rebellions, etc and suffered many tortures and reprisals as a direct consequence of his permanent confrontational attitude towards the system. Now Amadeu thinks that it's time to be released, but the prison authorities don't want to release him, so he decided to take a step forward again and started an indefinite hunger strike. Amadeu said that the only options are freedom or death. He's already at the sickbay of Quatre Camins prison and his health is going worse everyday. AMADEU CASELLAS CONTINUES IN HUNGERSTRIKE -On 3rd of August 2008 Amadeu Casellas was in his 43rd day of a hungerstrike to demand an end to his critical situation of inprisonment which has lasted more than 22 years along. 22 years paid for the struggle against the state and the expropiation of banks in the 70' s and 80' s to support workers struggles of the times. Because of the continued denials of the authorities to release him, Amadeu decided to stop eating; hunger strike being the only way for him to make his voice heard amongst those which want to see him imprsioned. After the deceit which he suffered in his last hungerstrike in April - in which the prison director made false promises to him if he gives up his strike - this time Amadeu decided to go until his ulitmate demand is met: they give him the 3rd grade deduction of his sentence or he won' t stop! On Friday, 1st of August there was a demonstration in front of the General Direction of Penitenciary Services (DGSP), who are responsible for the administration of the 3rd grade deduction of sentence, to demonstrate that Amadeu gets more and more support from the street and that the mobilisations won' t stop. There was the intention to speak face to face with the bastards, but they impeeded our entering and closed the door when the compañerxs tried to present a denunciation. Some hours later 2 compañerxs entered together with the lawyer to speak with Sr. Paco de Vicente, responsible for the classifications. In the same morning this scumbag went to visit Amadeu who was in the penitenciary hospital of Terrassa still (from Thursday on). In the conversation he explained the "agreements" that he offered to Amadeu in the morning: Transfer to a different prison (Brians II, Lleida) and revision of his case, if he stops the hungerstrike, of course... According to his words, in Brians II he could start again, with a different regime of treatment and with better posibilities to get the 3rd grade. The meaning of this game of the DGSP is obvious for us: This bastards want to leave on holidays quietly, and because of this they tried to convice Amadeu with this false promises to stop the hungerstrike. But today like yesterday we don' t trust in these words and because of that Amadeu wants to continue with the strike until they satisfy some of his claims. And we' re with him all the way !!! Today Amadeu has lost more than 23 kg, surviving basicly just with water and disolved glucose, he has a sugar niveau about 50 mg/l and they give him Valium. Today we can cooborate the infamous conditions of the penitenciary hospital of Terrassa. Firstly they didn' t allow to the compañerxs to visit him although they got an authorization of the "Cuatre Camins" prison (where Amadeu was imprisoned). Just his mother and lawyer could visit him for 30 minutes. To make a phone call after he can only use phone cards of Telefonica (spanish "Telecom") which you can' t find in Terrassa on Saturday afternoon, because these ones are only sold in tobacco-shops, closed at this time. Telefonica has the monopoly of phone-calls of the prisoners in the spanish state and you can' t find these cards near the prisons. Moreover, only persons who are authorized to comunicate can give the cards to the prisoners. In reference to the medics, they deserve an open grave. This fuckers didn' t measure Amadeu's weight before he arrived 3 days ago, and if this would be a few, in each visit they bring food and they leave it beside him (to provoke his temptation). The food is that of a person in normal conditions which means it is imposible to digest for a person who has not eaten for weeks. It' s inconceivable how they can call themselves "medics"! It isn' t necesary to speak about the prison guards, they are the same bastards as everywhere. Amadeu said that in the past days they have admitted 4 people from Quatre Camins who were poisoned by the prison-food; to one of them they had to extirpate the vesicle. There are more prisoners in the infirmary of the prison; they treat them like shit and they give them shit to eat! And still there are people who say what a nice life they have inside the prisons with 3 times food a day, yeah! Finally tp say that altough his health worsens steadily, Amadeu doesn' t lose his humor and his morale to continue his struggle is very high . He demands to us to be calmed and to do everything to pressure the DGSP and to the court of justice nº 2 in Manressa. We make a call of solidarity with Amadeu, pressuring both centers of power, through faxes, phone-calls, visits, concentrations, actions... whatever you want. And generally we also call to press all representations of the spanish torture-state around the world! LOUDER THAN THEIR SILENCE - CRIES IN THE STREETS ! LOUDER THAN THEIR DIRTY GAME - DIRECT ACTIONS! FREE AMADEU CASELLAS NOW ! GENERAL ADDRESS OF PENITENCIARY SERVICES (DGSP) Albert Battle i Bastard C/ Aragó, 332. Barcelona Tel. 0034-93 214 01 00 Fax:0034-93 214 01 56 COURT OF JUSTICE Nº 2 (MANRESA) C/ Alfons XII, nº 7 Jueza Erika López Gracia Tel. 0034-93 872 82 77 Fax: 0034-93 872 71 05 There are models of a protest-fax in:
http://www.klinamen.org/article4814.html More info about Amadeu Casellas (in spanish):
http://www.lahaine.org/index.php?blog=2&p=32018 To write letters to Amadeu: AMADEU CASELLAS RAMÓN HOSPITAL DE TERRASSA, MODUL PENITENCIARI. CTRA. TORREBONICA, s/n C.P. 08227 TERRASSA (BCN) SPAIN Related Link: http://www.325collective.com * en català i espanyol ja està al newswire. Ya está en el newswire en catalán y español. *font: indymedia.ie Website: http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/349087/index.php |
Lees meer over: europa | aanvullingen | interview with Amadeu | A - 21.08.2008 12:00
Interview with Amadeu Casellas Ramón The Catalonian anarchist prisoner Amadeu Casellas Ramón has been on hunger strike for 60 days to demand a solution to his critical situation of imprisonment, already lasting for more than 22 years. He has paid for 22 years for struggling against the state, for bank expropriations carried out in the 70s and 80s to help finance the workers' struggles of that time. Due to the authorities' continuous refusal to give him a release date and the horrible conditions prisoners in the Quatre Camins prison are subjected to, Amadeu made the decision to go on hunger strike as a way to confront the prison authorities. After being lied to by the director of the prison during his last hunger strike in April, Amadeu has decided that this hunger strike will be to the ultimate consequences: if the prison authorities don't grant him an open regime (this is equivalent to day work release, where the prisoner signs out and goes to work during the day, returning to the prison in the evening), or a lessening of his sentence, he will continue the hunger strike. La Haine.org, an anti capitalist media from Spain, has published an interview with Amadeu in his 58 day of hunger strike. Lahaine - During your long time of imprisonment you have done dozens of hunger strikes and collective protests against prisons and abuses. What made you do it once again? Amadeu- The reason why I went on hunger strike again is because the prison treatment teams (which are the ones who can recommend your freedom or probation) constantly lie about me in their reports and consequently I have no chance to apply for freedom under probation. I also petition for a judicial decision to limit my imprisonment time, which is something that I have right to do according to the old and new penal codes in Spanish laws. What are the basic demands that you make with the hunger strike? - Decrease of my imprisonment time and a chance to be released on probation A few weeks ago, the judge decided to refuse the decrease of your imprisonment time and we want to know your opinion about it. - It's an illegal and fascist resolution based on my revolutionary background both inside and outside the prison walls We think that a struggle inside a prison needs a lot of support from the streets because it is the only way to make the voices of the prisoners loud. what is your opinion about it? Was it something that you were aware of before starting a protest? - Currently I do count a lot more on the support of people outside than on support coming from inmates. Basically because inmates are too scared about getting reprisals, that is why it is so important for me to spread the campaign for my freedom outside prison walls. Our society is getting worse and worse everyday: passivity, individuality, indifference, apathy... prisons are just a reflection of society. How do you manage with that lack of comradeship and unity inside the prisons? - As you said, prisons are just a reflection of society and a long time ago all of us were united in the same fight but not anymore. Fear of reprisals, legal and illegal drugs have destroyed any kind of compromise and collective spirit to fight and struggle for our rights Have prisons changed a lot during the last three decades? - Just in that they are healthier with better diet, but in all other respects they are still places of authority, fascism and arrogance, just the same as 30 years ago. The problem is that they are so well made up; they try to keep a good image for prisons. Are you determined to go on until....? - I'm determined to go on until the end.... Who are directly responsible for your situation? - Politicians whether they are rightwing or leftwing, judges because of their hypocrisy, Penitentiary Services of Catalonia, and the bosses of the prison because they just believe what the treatment teams say in their reports. You told us that one friend of yours, Juan Alfonso Casquero spent 70 days on hunger strike and when you saw him get back from the hospital he was completely out of his mind. Could you tell us how he is now and what has happened to him? - Actually I have no idea what they done to him, but when I saw him, he was completely mad I couldn't even talk to him. I tried to find out more info but at the moment I have no further information. What do you expect from the people that are in the streets supporting you? - I ask you to continue supporting me, spreading this information as well as sending faxes to the Penitentiary Services of Catalonia, Courtroom Number 2 of Manresa and anywhere else you think you should protest. We really appreciate that you decided to answer all these questions after 58 days on hunger strike. We wish to have you back on the streets soon and close to your relatives. We will keep doing as much as we can to support you. | |
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