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Ecotopia kamp Turkije wordt ontruimd EYFA - 22.08.2008 15:47
Zojuist te horen gekregen dat het Ecotopia kamp in Sinop, Turkije, ontruimd gaat worden door de plaatselijke Jandarma. Het kamp zou afgesloten worden met een demo tegen de nieuwe nucleaire krachtcentrale die men daar wil gaan bouwen. De demo stond gepland voor zaterdag a.s. Onduidelijk is of deze nu nog doorgang vindt.  Ver voor allerlei klimaatkampen was er 'Ecotopia'. Ooit begonnen in 1989 in Duitsland als een horizontaal DIY kamp waar mensen bijelkaar kwamen rond tal van thema's. Sindsdien al weer 20 jaar op een rij georganiseerd door EYFA vanuit Amsterdam in samenwerking met lokale groepen (zie voor een overzicht http://eyfa.org/projects/ecotopia). In 2004 nog in Nederland, en deze zomer werden de tenten opgeslagen in Sinop Turkije op uitnodiging van de Turkse groep Ekolojik. Aan de Zwarte Zee wil de Turkse overheid een nucleaire krachtcentrale bouwen. Het idee is dan dat er tot aan 2012 nog zo'n twee tot vier centrales bijkomen in Turkije. Het kamp fungeerde daarom ook als uitvalsbasis voor acties tegen de nieuwe centrale. Er waren verschillende kleine acties. Afgelopen woensdag waren er nog zes arrestanten. Een groepje van zes mensen stond met een spandoek voor het Atoom-agentschap in Sinop. Dit deden ze in shifts van een half uur waarbij ze steeds werden afgewisseld door een ander groepje. Voor een demo langer dan een half uur is namelijk een vergunning nodig en de plaatselijk smeris gaat hier nogal hard op. Maar deze oplossing werd ook niet gewaardeerd. De arrestanten zijn die dag nog vrijgelaten maar verdere acties werden niet toegestaan. Die lagen nog wel in de planning en het kamp was in voorbereiding op een demo voor zaterdag a.s. Op last van de gouverneur van de regio wordt het kamp nu dus maar ontruimd. Omdat de Turkse smeris meestal weinig zachtzinnig te werk gaat bij enige weerstand probeert men nu zoveel mogelijk alles in overleg te doen. Maar een eerste bus vertrekt pas weer zondag uit die streek dus men probeert het wat te rekken. Onduidelijk is of men toch nog voor een demo gaat morgen. Zie voor achtergrond:
http://ecotopiagathering.org en de fietskaravaan vanuit Sofia naar Sinop:
http://www.ecotopiabiketour.net Website: http://www.eyfa.org |
aanvullingen | situatie op den moment | Ecotopius - 23.08.2008 08:56
Tot nu toe geen ontruiming, maar heel veel undercover politie op het terrein. Wij gaan door! | Police threatens Ecotopia camp with eviction | Ecotopius - 23.08.2008 10:10
In the moment, the participants of the 20th Ecotopia international environmentalist gathering at Sarikum nature reserve, Sinop, on the Turkish Black Sea coast, are awaiting and preparing for forceful eviction of their camp site by the Jandarma (Turkish Police), which are already present with undercover agents and several cars. The 70 participants from over 30 countries will peacefully resist this unjustified raid. The offical reason for the announced eviction was the announcement of the intention to take part in the weekly permitted press conference of the local anti-nuclear initiative SİNYAD (Sinop Nükleersiz Kent ve Yaşam Derneği). Approximately 10 armed officers, ordered by the governor of Sinop, had already raided the camp on Friday to threaten forceful eviction if the site was not emptied within 3 hours. Later, this deadline was postponed to the next morning. Two days before, six participants of the camp together with local activists were arrested during an action in front of the office of the Turkish Nuclear Energy Agency (TAEK) in Sinop. After only ten minutes of spreading flyers and holding a banner, they were physically aggressed by undercover police without any prior warning. They were held in a police station for several hours and fined for not obeying police orders. Police have also shown supression towards locals of Gerze town who approached the Ecotopia gathering to request solidarity against the Thermal Coal Plant planned for construction in their town. “We are shocked by the behaviour of the police and local authorities who did not allow any peaceful protest to happen. They have also been constantly threatening participants of the camp and denying them, as well as locals, the right to publically express their opinion. Now they have cancelled the camp just because we announced that we would like to take part in an officially permitted anti-nuclear protest. This is not what we consider to be freedom of speech! ”, says Lenka Kukurova, representative of European Youth for Action (EYFA), the network that supports the Ecotopia gatherings. The protests are directed against the plans to build a Nuclear Technology Centre in the Sinop region. The 20th international Ecotopia gathering is taking place in Turkey this year, to support local movements to keep Turkey free of nuclear power. Participants of the camp are members of environmentalist movements worldwide. They want to draw attention to the fact that nuclear energy is dangerous, polluting and expensive. Instead of investing in nuclear technology, Turkey should use its great potential for solar and wind power, as well as increasing energy efficiency. E-Mail: ecotopia@eyfa.org Website: http://eyfa.org | faxen en bellen | EYFA - 23.08.2008 14:10
To whom it may concern, We have been informed that the Ecotopia meeting being held at Sarikum nature reserve in Sinop, which was announced and received approval of its permit many months ago, is now undergoing a period of intense police suppression. This event is legitimate and legal, and we are demanding that the pressure is released. We will keep ourselves informed on how this situation develops and will follow up on this request if necessary. Name/organization: Country: Signature: CONTACTS: *Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sinop Valilig(i ( Governership of Sinop)* Tel : 0(368) 261 15 00 - Faks: 0368 261 15 02 - 261 55 05 - e-posta: * valilik@sinop.gov.tr* *Türkiye Cumhuriyeti **I.çis,leri Bakanl?g(? (Ministry of Internal Affairs) * Telefon: +90 (312 )425 72 14 Faks: + 90 (312) 418 12 60 E-posta: * basin@icisleri.gov.tr* *Türkiye Cumhuriyeti D?s,is,leri Bakanl?g(? (M. of External Affairs) *Telefon: (0312) 292 10 00 *Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Adalet Bakanl?g(? (M. of Justice)* Telefon: 0312 417 77 70 Fax: 0312 419 33 70 *Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Çevre ve Orman Bakanl?g(? (M. of Nature and Forest)* Telefon: (0312) 207 50 00 *Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanl?g(? (M. of Energy and Natural Resources)* Telefon: (312) 212 64 20 Fax: (312) 223 40 84 **
| 30 arrestanten bij Die-in actie | EYFA - 23.08.2008 17:23
Turkish police arrests 30 activists for peaceful anti-nuclear protest *Sinop (Turkey), 23rd of August 2008*. *This afternoon, Turkish police arrested 30 international and local Turkish activists who took part in a peaceful "die-in" action in front of the house of the governor of Sinop. The police arrested also people that were just observing or standing nearby. * The protests are directed against the plans to build a Nuclear Technology Centre in the Sinop region. Participants are members of environmentalist movements worldwide. They want to draw attention to the fact that nuclear energy is dangerous, polluting and expensive. Instead of investing in nuclear technology, Turkey should use its great potential for solar and wind power, as well as increasing energy efficiency. "The Turkish state seems very afraid of people learning how dangerous nuclear power is. That is why authorities do not tolerate any protest, especially when foreigners are involved. We are seriously concerned about the denial of freedom of speech in Turkey. ", says Niklas Hartmann from Germany.
| @ the die-in | EYFA - 23.08.2008 18:20
   onduidelijk is nog wat er met de arrestanten gaat gebeuren. Meer nieuws volgt. | people still under arrest | mocksita - 23.08.2008 22:54
   The 32 arrested people are sitting at the police station still. There is no official statement of arrest or custody. When embassies asked for information on arrestants police actually denied to have taken people into custody(...). The group has been split into smaller groups and taken to hospital for the compulsory check on torture and is now back at the station. They have been refused access to their lawyer, a certified translator and to contact their embassy and even access to food and water. Rumours have it that our lawyer was told by the police that people didn't want to see him. People have been asked to sign papers in Turkish without translation. Before the promised release they will have to see a prosecutor, even though they are not formally arrested. 23.20h: first group of 6 people got released, probably because they signed the papers. We'll deal with it now. To be continued...
| seems everybody is free | Ecotopius - 24.08.2008 01:25
Everybody followed by undercover police all the time. Several people picked from the street that had nothing to do with the action! Finally, nobody has seen the prosecuter, but everybody out now. Police wanted to deport us from town back to camp site before everybody was released. Situation was really threatening. People now staying with trade unions. More tomorrow. | update | EYFA - 25.08.2008 14:11
Het kamp is dus uiteindelijk niet ontruimd. De smeris wilde dat zaterdagochtend doen maar mensen wisten dit nog te rekken. Vervolgens dus die actie en de arrestaties en toen was het alweer zondag, de laatste dag van het kamp. Wat laatste mensen zijn nu het kamp aan het opruimen en worden verder met rust gelaten. Een klein clubje is naar Istanbul vertrokken om vanuit daar pers te doen. Het schijnt nogal wat teweeg te hebben gebracht - radio, TV, voorpagina's van kranten. Het kamp en de actie worden gekoppeld aan eerdere uitspraken van de Turkse premier Erdogan waarin hij stelde helemaal voor het milieu te gaan. Deze regering heeft dan wel weer plannen voor de bouw van 3 tot 5 kerncentrales in de komende paar jaar. Dus er is aardig wat debat. Eventually the camp wasn't evicted. The cops planned to do that last Saturday morning but people were able to stretch it. Then followed the action and the arrests and soon it was Sunday, the last day of the camp. Some last people are cleaning up the camp now and seem to be left alone by the cops. A small group left for Istanbul and is doing press work there. Appears that it created quite a stir - radio, TV, front pages of newspapers. The camp and the action are linked to previous statements by the prime minister Erdogan in which he claimed to be an 'environmentalist'. This government has plans though to build 3 to 5 nuclear power plants in the coming years. So there is quite some debate. | verslag van deelnemer | Bram - 25.08.2008 20:25
Bericht van deelnemer aan Ecotopia Biketour (de jaarlijkse internationale fietstocht naar het Ecotopia-kamp): dear people dont worry about us, everyone are fine. in fact, some of BT [Bike Tour] and ecotopia people are leaving istanbul tonight.. you probably know that after symbolic protest and arresting on wednesday there were another massive action and arresting again on saturday. 33 of ecotopia and BT people were captured, and total of 50 or so ecotopiand were keept under custody for until 2 AM inside one street in sinop. i have never experienced anything similar.. but this couple of arrestings we experienced payed in incredible and unexpected way. we turned turkey upside down overnite. we are on tv, in all newspapers, including covers and full page interviews with us.. primeminister and president responded to actions and we send them replies via newspapers. :)))) we did what turkish people were not allowed to do.. it is amazing.. we are heroes of the day.. i think this is the greatest impact of ecotopia ever, (...) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!! i guess we send some links soon! TOMORROW: 10.30 press conference at place or greenpeace in istanbul downtown (istikal caddesi, kallavi sokak nr.1)
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