Program info night Lebanon & Israel/Palestine 26 August NN - 24.08.2008 13:29
This is the program of the info night organised bij XminY -as announced before on Indymedia- that will take place on 26 August in Amsterdam, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, 7:30 PM.  The program is as follows: -A short introduction to Lebanon, followed by a short film about the war between Hezbollah and Israel in July 2006. -A speaker from a Lebanese anarchist organization will talk about the reality of the division between anti- and pro-Syrian camps in the country, the resistance against Israel and the problematics of Hezbollah, the social situation in Lebanon, the Palestinian refugees in the country, anarchism in the Arab world and more. -A short film about Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Palestine -Information about actions and repression in Israel/Palestine, illustrated by five short videos, about the occupation of Palestinian land, the 'safety wall' Israel is building in the West Bank, anarchism in Israel and more. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions, interact and enjoy a drink and music. We hope to see you there! Location: Plantage Doklaan 8-12, Amsterdam (Tram 9 from Central Station, stop Plantage Parklaan). Start: 7:30 PM Entrance: Free but donations welcome Original announcement: Website: |