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Campaign to ban sweetener aspartame gaining global groundl Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, - 31.08.2008 21:20
Mission Possible International teaming up with Phoenix Environmental Institute to ban aspartame globally. Sept 5th through 7th Aspartame Awareness Weekend worldwide  News Title: Campaign to ban synthetic sweetener aspartame gaining global ground To read the entire story, visit http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory.aspx?ID=57967. A resolution to rescind approval of aspartame, written by Stephen Fox and Betty Martini, D.Hum, founder of Mission Possible International (MPI), was submitted to all members of the South Africa parliament August 9th by the Phoenix Environmental Institute (PEI). The organization also lodged a complaint with the country's Department of Health and its Advertising Standards Authority. Contact info for PEI: Khadija Sharife, kalebron@gmail.com The original resolution (Hawaii Senate Concurrent Resolution 191) is a genteel legislative mandate and request of the FDA to rescind aspartame approval. It resulted from difficulties faced by the original ban bill, which were brought by Corporate Lobbyists. Attempts to obtain a legislative ban on the known neurotoxic, non-nutritive food additive in New Mexico almost succeeded in 2006 and, 47 members of the UK parliament signed an "Early Day Motion" in favor of an aspartame ban in Jan, 2006. A petition on aspartame was submitted to the New Zealand government with over 8,000 signatures on July 23, 2008. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE0807/S00152.htm Public awareness regarding the dangers of consuming products containing aspartame is growing. To help generate the critical mass necessary to criminalize the trafficking of aspartame in countries throughout the world, MPI has teamed up with PEI to distribute vital facts on aspartame for the global banning of this known neurotoxin. Several aspartame awareness documents, free for downloading, are available at www.mpwhi.com. Also available is The Artificially Sweetened Times-a compelling, 24-page booklet dedicated to teaching people about the dangers of aspartame. The Artificially Sweetened Times can be found at www.proliberty.com/observer/asptimes.htm. Aspartame Awareness weekend The weekend of September 5 - 7 is Aspartame Awareness Weekend for 2008. The international emphasis this year is to provide restaurant managers with "aspartame facts" so they are encouraged to remove aspartame voluntarily (Equal/NutraSweet/E951/Canderel, etc.) as a sweetener option from their restaurant tables. There are safe alternatives. "Just Like Sugar" has restaurant packets available in a natural sweetener of chicory, orange peel, Vitamin C and Calcium which is safe for diabetics, whereas aspartame and sucralose (Splenda) are deadly. Be warned about Neotame from ASP manufacturers which has now been approved. Aspartame is an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with virtually all drugs and vaccines due to damage to the mitochondria or life of the cell. Aspartame is currently added to drugs prescribed to treat the problems it causes as well as many children's vitamins. For instance, "headache" is number one on the FDA list of 92 symptoms of aspartame poisoning. When chronic headache sufferers seek medical care they may be given Maxalt by Merck; Maxalt contains aspartame. Aspartame interacts with L-dopa and can trigger Parkinson's Disease. Yet, Parcopa, a drug prescribed to Parkinson's sufferers, has aspartame in it and Parcopa manufacturer Schwarz Pharmaceutical refuses to remove it. www.wnho.net/schwarz_pharma_letter.htm Four different types of seizures are noted on the FDA list of 92 symptoms of aspartame poisoning. A drug commonly prescribed to treat seizures, Dilantin, manufactured by Pfizer, has been reformulated and has caused a tremendous amount of publicity because epileptics taking this drug are experiencing more seizures, loss of equilibrium, vision problems, glaucoma and even sexual dysfunction, all of which are well-known symptoms that aspartame victims suffer. A campaign to determine conclusively that the new Dilantin formula contains aspartame is currently underway as are preparations to file a class action lawsuit against Pfizer. Epileptics, whose sudden increase of seizures coincide with taking the reformulated Dilantin, a larger capsule that is white with a red stripe, are encouraged to contact Dr. Glenn Mabson of the Epileptic Foundation of Maui at www.epilepticfoundationmaui.org Ketocal, a supplement drink, is a common component of the ketogenic diet, a high-fat/low carbohydrate dietary regimen primarily prescribed to epileptic children. Ketocal contains aspartame www.shsna.com/ca_english/pages/ketocal.htm The model aspartame ban resolution is currently being translated into several languages. See the resolution at www.wnho.net/aspartame_war_in_hawaii_continues.htm If you're interested in translating the resolution into your language or pursuing an aspartame ban, contact Dr. Betty Martini of MPI. You can also subscribe to the Aspartame Information List on www.mpwhi.com to stay current with worldwide efforts to ban the neurotoxic, carcinogenic drug aspartame. Resources include the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic by H. J. Roberts, M.D., www.sunsentpress.com and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., www.russellblaylockmd.com An aspartame documentary, "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World", www.soundandfury.tv explains how Don Rumsfeld got this toxin on the market through political chicanery, and includes aspartame experts and victims. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com, www.wnho.net Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame Aspartame Information List, www.mpwhi.com E-Mail: bettym19@mindspring.com Website: http://www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho.net |
Lees meer over: Agenda europa gentechnologie globalisering media natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Melding hoax | Joris Bosmans - 31.08.2008 22:24
De beweringen van Betty Martini zijn al ettelijke keren onderuit gehaald. De kettingmail die al jaren circuleert en waarin aspartaam verantwoordelijk gesteld wordt voor zowat iedere ziekte die je kan bedenken is ontmaskerd als een gigantische berg leugens en verzinsels. Aspartaam is intussen één van de meest onderzochte stoffen uit de geschiedenis en de veiligheid ervan is al honderden keren bewezen. Qua geloofwaardigheid scoort dit artikel dus niet al te best. Voor een paar artikels die gebaseerd zijn op harde wetenschappelijke feiten in plaats van paranoia:
http://www.skepsis.nl/aspartaam.html | Wetenschappelijke feiten | Joris Bosmans - 01.09.2008 22:33
Greenfacts is lang niet de enige bron, vrijwel ieder kritisch onderzoek komt tot dezelfde conclusie. Ik heb zelf een achtergrond in biochemie en heb het over deze affaire al met verschillende artsen en voedingsdeskundigen gehad en ze zijn het er allemaal over eens: aspartaam is onschadelijk, tenzij je aan fenylketonurie lijdt (wat ook op de verpakking vermeld staat). | wel degelijk wetenschappelijk | Hans Bronkhorst - 02.09.2008 14:30
Het is zeker niet waar dat alle serieuze onderzoeken zeggen dat er niets met Aspartaam aan de hand is. Door de voedselindustrie gesponderde onderzoeken claimen inderdaad dat aspartaam volledig veilig is. Onderzoeken die echter door onafhankelijke onderzoekers - lees: niet betaald door de voedselindustrie - zijn gedaan geven hele andere resultaten. Recentelijk onderzoek door het gerenommeerde Italiaanse Ramazzini-instituut dat is gespecialiseerd in onderzoek naar kanker heeft bijvoorbeeld aangetoond dat aspartaam wel degelijk een kankerverwekkende stof is (www.ramazzini.it/fondazione/blogDetail.asp?id=21). Probleem met aspartaam is dat er in Nederland geen onderzoek naar is gedaan. Wanneer je Nederlandse onderzoekers benadert over dit onderzoek zoeken ze in een wetenschappelijke database naar artikelen over dit onderwerp en dan stellen ze dat aspartaam het meest onderzochte stofje is en dan ook veilig. In de VS heb ik onderzoekers gesproken die zelf de werking van aspartaam hebben onderzocht. En zij zijn zeer verontrust over aspartaam. Als je niet wenst te geloven dat deze groep onderzoekers een punt hebben is dat prima, maar je kunt het niet als een 'hoax' afdoen. Er is voldoende wetenschappelijk onderbouwd bewijsmateriaal dat erop wijst dat het gebruik van aspartaam schadelijk kan zijn. | |
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