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Amadeu Casellas quits hunger strike nn - 07.09.2008 12:38
Amadeu Casellas quit hunger strike after dealing with penitentiary institution to get commitments:  Libertad! Yesterday 05/09/2008 at 14:30 I decided to quite the hunger strike that I was holding since 22/06/2008. I did it after dealing with the Sindic de Greuges from Catalonia (official charge to civil rights defence), concretely with Ignasi Garcia i Clavel which is the Director of Public Security and social relations.I did also quitted because of my health. I want to tanks for all the support that I got because I know that without it, a deal with them wouldn’t have been possible. I want also tanks to my mum and specially to my lawyer because even when she was ill she was always there for me, together with his partner. Also tanks to CNT specially CNT-Manresa from where I’m member. I am also grateful to the support platform from Osona. To my friends, Maulets from Vic and my cousin (…) and all the organizations pro-human rights and against torture, to my comrades, anarchist groups from Spain and worldwide and all people that wrote me letters and postcards because it was what gave me strength to go on. I don’t continue with the list because it could be too long, but once again I tanks to you all because your support and solidarity made possible this deal with the Sindic de Greuges . I have to say that I trust a lot in the Sindic because we know each other very well since long time ago. I hope that in a short time we all can celebrate my release. As you probably guess I have to remain at hospital for a while and later a bit more of time in the sickbay from the prison. So I’ll try to inform about me through my relatives, friends or myself. Salud y Anarquía. Amadeu Spanish Amadeu Casellas Ramón, Hospital de Terrassa-Comunicado: Ayer, día 05/09/2008, a las 14.30 he dejado la huelga de hambre que venía manteniendo desde el pasado día 22/06/2008, tras alcanzar un acuerdo con el Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya, en concreto con Ignasi Garcia i Clavel, Director de Seguridad Pública y Relaciones sociales, también por mi estado de salud. Quiero dar las gracias al apoyo recibido sin el cual este acuerdo no hubiera sido posible, a mi madre, también y muy especialmente a mi abogada, que aún y estando con un delicado estado de salud ha estado en todo momento, junto a su compañero, a mi lado. También a la CNT, en especial a los de Manresa donde estoy afiliado. También agradezco todo el apoyo recibido desde la Plataforma de la comarca de Osona. A mis amigos/as, a los Maulets de Vic, a mi prima, (…), a todas las asociaciones de derechos humanos y contra la tortura, a mis compañeros, grupos anarquistas de todo el estado español y del extranjero, y a todas las personas que con sus cartas y postales me habeis dado ánimos y fuerzas cuando flaqueaban. No sigo con la lista porque es muy larga, pero os doy las gracias a todxs por vuestro apoyo y solidaridad ya que sin él no hubiera sido posible llegar a este acuerdo con el Síndic de Greuges, que merece toda mi confianza porque, entre otras cosas, nos conocemos desde hace muchos años. Espero que en un plazo corto podamos celebrar mi salida. Como os podeís imaginar aún tengo que estar unos días en el hospital y después en la enfermería. Por lo que a través mío o de las personas más cercanas os iré informando. Salud y Anarquía, Amadeu Italian AMADEU CASELLAS ABBANDONA LO SCIOPERO DELLA FAME DOPO AVER RAGGIUNTO IL SUO OBBIETTIVO In seguito alle pressioni ricevute, il Difensore del Popolo ha realizzato pratiche tra le distinte amministrazioni e ha incontrato oggi Amadeu per offrirgli una soluzione: un permesso da usufruire nel momento in cui sia in grado di abbandonare l’ospedale dove si trova ricoverato e il carcere attenuato come passo previo per la concessione del terzo grado (semilibertà). Di fronte a questa offerta Amadeu ha deciso di abbanonare lo sciopero della fame dopo 70 giorni di astinenza dal cibo. Ringraziamo tutti/e per la solidarietà e la mobilitazione! \ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | more clear | nn - 07.09.2008 12:42
A bit more clear about why Amadeus quit his hungerstrike: After a hunger strike which lasted 76 days, the anarchist prisoner Amadeu Casellas won his demands for the privileges he had been denied, supervised freedom under the 3rd degree. The reports publicised by the Catalan ministry of Justice early yesterday evening that he had abandoned his protest were finally qualified at 10pm last night by his support groups that he had in fact won his demands & that the solidarity campaign will continue to highlight his case with protest actions today to support a visit by his mother & a parliamentary representative. As soon as medical staff think him fit he will be granted two 48 hour periods outside prison followed by the right to work outside the prison and return there only to sleep (the 3º degree). We know Freedom has no degrees. But this is what he has fought for. Naturally the support groups & family send thanks to the international community of anarchist groups, anarchosyndicalists, Catalan & Basque nationalists, human rights groups, prisoner solidarity networks & individuals who showed their support. more information (catalan & castillian langauge) statement on BCN indymedia
http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/350518/index.php La Haine
http://www.lahaine.org/index.php?p=32669 Catalan Independence platform newswire
http://www.vilaweb.cat/www/noticia?p_idcmp=2987679 a las barriacades
http://www.alasbarricadas.org/noticias/?q=node/8328 | |
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