Friday docu and more: Squatting, a history propaganda - 09.09.2008 13:36
Documentaries / Movies [Dutch with English subtitles] When: 12.09.2008 | 20.00 uur Where: Multipleks Schuttersveld 1  agenda This friday there will be some documentaries shown on squatting. We will start the evening with "de stad was van ons" about the 1975-1988. The start of squatting, the political awakening of many people till the crisis of squatting (PVK and others). Then its free for all: we can show some different other movies on squatting (maybe Table Bed Chair?), squatting actions, other countries, etc. Another interesting point might be a small discussion on the coming anti-squatting law. Of course squatting will still continue, but maybe it will be nice to have a small brainstorm about different possibilities of resistance. |