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police station gas bombed in thessaloniki-greece gyros tsatsiki - 14.09.2008 17:07
"The organization "Cells of Fire", claimed responsibility for the incendiary attack with molotovs and gas canisters, early in the night of Saturday, against the police station of Dimokratias square, as a sign of solidarity, as they mentioned, to the arrestees of the case of Mylonas' kidnap. From the attack, excessive damages were caused to two police patrol cars, and two police motorcycles as well as 20 bikes. Also damages were caused to the guard's stand."  burned policecar video:
http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=907416 after the action the police went to a common meeting point of people in the city to arrest 30random people. according to the news of the street, everyone got released the following evening. this form of action is mostly common in athens and rarely seen in thessaloniki. read also: directactiongr.blogspot.com background infos on the kidnapping: 3 comrades arrested in big kidnapping case (Greece) On 20th of august 4 people got arrested in Greece on the accusation kidnapping with a large ransom being paid. The people arrested are Polikarpos Georgiadis, Vasilis Palaiokostas, Vagelis Hrisohoides and one other, of whom the rest of the group has taken distance from because of his behaviour. On the 21st 4 other people got arrested for also playing a smaller role in the kidnapping. The person being kidnapped some months ago concerns the president of the union for heavy industry owners (employers syndicate) Georgos Mylonas, who not long ago caused some fuss over his sayings about working harder and longer in the factories. He was released after sum of 10 million euro's was paid, arranged by his wife. Media and police claim this money was meant for freeing Vasilis' brother from prison; Nikos Palaiokostas. Pictures in the bourgeois press show the large variety of ammunition, Kalashnikovs, an RPG, explosive devices, bulletproof vests and fire brigade uniforms that were found at the arrest. Stories of the amount of money being found back change every day. Police says that a big part of the coupons were marked and at about 150 different places they found them back. The history and traditions of Vagelis, Vasilis and Polikarpos in this case, but also of many other strikes against the exploitation and slavery of people, is important for the context of this kidnapping and social rebellion in general reality. Polikarpos and Vagelis are dear comrades in the anarchist scene since many years and have been very active. Polikarpos was sent to prison before on the 16th of April 2004, accused for attempted arson with an ignitable device against the vehicle of a private security company. The police tried to charge him with attempted arson and the possession of explosive devices, but could not proof anything. He stayed in pre-detention for one year and was found guilty anyway. He got out for having served already the one year prison sentence he finally got. During his time in prison he got to know Vasilis Palaiokostas. The bourgeois media accused him a the time of being a bank robber as well, and from this point of view it fits them well to claim these days that Vasilis had "selected Polikarpos for a conspiracy in setting his brother, Nikos, free from prison". These two brothers are well known "legends" in the country for decades. Since the fall of the Ottoman empire in 1821 Greece knows a very popular and great tradition of social and class robberies, as a respond to poverty and exploitation. These people would take back the money of the rich, the authorities, the exploiters, and usually hide in villages, with the help of the people; they would refuse to help the police and protect them from the authorities. The rebels always had strong connections with the people and provided for their communities for instance in forms of financial support for education, medication and protection on their turn from the police. In this reality, the two brothers Vasilis and Nikos, and still many others, who grew up in a very poor family, couldn't take any longer the exploitation and slavery of themselves as well as of the people around them in this society, and thus have been living their lives as social rebels for the last 30 years. They made tens of bank robberies, car thefts and escapes from prison, but never had fancy clothes, drove expensive cars or lived in luxury houses. Indeed have once thrown the money back on the floor of the bank, because that little amount wasn't what they needed. Everything was always send to where it was needed and shared with the people who protected them, hided them and still won't say a word to the police about their comrades. During all these years they've been underground, while being traced by the police from time to time as well, either resulting in a successful escape by stolen cars, or unfortunate prison time. Always escaped from it however, with the loving and spectacular help of the other brother. Throughout the 80's they did many robberies, until Nikos ended up in prison in 1988, but was released from it by his brother only a few days later, by throwing a rope over the wall of the prison outside. Two years later, in February 1990 he was arrested again. One month later Vasilis was unluckily caught with a friend, while trying to rescue his brother. This was supposedly the first time they were both in prison at the same time. In December 1990 though, Nikos escapes from Korydallos prison in Athens after a huge uprising in the prison, cops have then been looking for him for the next 16 years, until they caught him by accident when he was in a car crash in 2006. He has not been out ever since. In 1991 Vasilis manages to escape from Halkida prison. In 1992 he robs a bank. In 1995 they rob a bank together in Athens. In December 1995 they're being accused of having kidnapped the president of a "halvas" factory, Haitoglou. They supposedly let him go after four days and 750.000 euro's ransom. The minister of public order send out a warrant, on tv, radio and posters, with their picture and a reward of also exactly 750.000 euro's. In 1996 Vasilis was traced by the cops in Korfu, but managed to escape from them by taking a car. Two years later the same situation appeared in Yanitsa, and again in May 1999. In 2003 Nikos makes a spectacular escape with a helicopter. In 2006 Nikos robbed a bank in Veria by bicycle and got away because the masses of police out there were completely preoccupied with the protection president visiting the streets of Veria at that very moment. In September of that year he had the car accident and got locked up again after many years of living on the run and in hiding. The police found out about the identity and whereabouts of the group because the fourth men, was spending large sums of cash money on luxury cars in Crete. Also because Georgos Mylonas had stated to the police that during his kidnapping he had heard airplanes flying over very frequently. With the arrest of the man in Crete they found out he rented a house in Souroti, a quiet area near Thessaloniki, close to the airport. Police claims that with 14 special force cops, and 10 civil cops (it's very likely there were way more), they surrounded the house in Souroti. Both Vasilis and Polikarpos were arrested there, where they had also kept Mylonas and the artillery. On the 22nd of August they've all been brought to the prosecutor, who gave them 3 days to prepare the defense, and will decide over the continuing of their pre-trial detention. they face 9 charges (3 felonies, 6 misdemeanors). After the trial he was dragged by two big elite troop cops to the press, eager to take a picture of Greece's most wanted, and proudly showed them what they caught; the nightmare of every system that imposes law, control and punishment on the people. |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | translations of claims | Asymmetrical Threat - 15.09.2008 22:05
* Attack against the police station of dimokratias square (Thessaloniki, 13/9/2008) According to the mass-media: "During the dawn of Saturday, the police station of Dimokratias square was targeted by a group of 15 hooded persons. According to the police announcement, around 15 persons, riding motor-bikes, hurled molotov cocktails and stones at the building of the police station, on Dodekanisou street. They caused damages at the building' entrance, two police patrol cars, one vehicle and 15 motorbikes." and also: "The organization "Cells of Fire", claimed responsibility for the incendiary attack with molotovs and gas canisters, early in the night of Saturday, against the police station of Dimokratias square, as a sign of solidarity, as they mentioned, to the arrestees of the case of Mylonas' kidnap. From the attack, excessive damages were caused to two police patrol cars, and two police motorcycles as well as 20 bikes. Also damages were caused to the guard's stand." Note: related video and photos: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=907416 Here is a translation of a communique sent to directactiongr@yahoo.gr: The days pass so indifferently. They seem like rings of an endless chain of burden and compromise. Work-home, home-work. We live constantly kept hostages. Hostages of the law, the employers, the lowered eyes and the submissive affirmatives. We don't want to be forgotten working a whole life for the bosses. We don't care for workers rights and unpaid over-work. We don't stand for better slavery conditions. We are determined to escape from work camps by any cost. Better live an hour as a wolf than a life as a sheep. Too often what we say resounds like an echo in total void. But there are some rare moments of beauty and rebellion when some comrades together with disobedient wolves, send us back a rebellious signal. Two months ago, an armed companionship kidnapped the president of northern Greece industrialists, G. Mylonas, demanding ransom to let him "free". The reasons were pretty apparent. Every day in our work our time is kidnapped, our mood, our creativity, our desire, our freedom too. Some decided to strike back and become do-ers instead of victims. Thus, a gang of disobedients chose to "kidnap" a real kidnapper. The selection of the industrialist G. Mylonas couldn't be random. President of NGI, a millionaire with a modern profile and bad aesthetics. This is why police and reporters started a manhunt to spot the preys that denied their roles. In the era of armed silence and the lawful manhunts, we will always be on the side of those hunted. This is what the comrades P. Georgiadis and V. Hrisohoidis did, offering on a noble scale their solidarity to the hunted fugitive V. Paleokostas, accused by the authorities to be the "mastermind" behind Mylonas' kidnap. An action of solidarity that left a fadeless fiery mark on the ugliness of your world and your truth that kneels in front of "everyone mind his behalf". We are next to all the hunted because we too have felt the breaths of their prosecutors. We remember the noble effort of Sorin Matei to escape his prosecutors and his set-up death-trap, we took delight in the shooting skills of K. Passaris and the requiem of his prison guards, we shared laughts for the helicopter prison escape of V. Paleokostas and the humiliation of the police. We remain next to them and invite them to improvise new rebellions together. There will always be a place for them among us. On the decision we took to attack every law, order, silence and neutrality we chose last night to set afire the police station of dodekanisou street sending fraternal salutations to the comrade revolutionary P. Georgiadis and a signal of solidarity to his comrades and friends V. Hrisohoidis, V. Paleokostas and G. Haralambidis. Nothing has ended yet, and you know we are serious. You 'll soon hear more of us. PS1 The adorable mr. Mylonas would better think again of his panegyric announcements on the police's success. It's simple thinking suggesting since we could hit his defenders, it couldn't be that hard to target him again. PS2 We would also like to remind mr. Mylonas that he owes us 20 million euros more. Everything continues... CONSPIRACY OF CELLS OF FIRE THESSALONIKI COMMANDO "ASYMMETRICAL THREAT" Series of attacks and communique (Chania, 19/8-5/9/2008) A translation of a communique sent via e-mail and also reported at:
http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=905666 We claim responsibility for the two government vehicles (one of them was a jeep with ministry of culture signs) on Daskalogianni street on 19/8, the attack with stones and paints against an ELTA (post office) on Anapafseos street on 25/8 (eventhough we didn't come up to the damages we were planning, but these things also happen), breaking the glass windows of a subsidiary of "Ethniki Asfalistiki" private insurance company on Kydonias street on 4/9, attacking with stones against the offices of "Diethnis Enosis" insurance company on Margouniou street and breaking up 2 OTE (telecommunications) vehicles outside their offices on Loutrou street on 5/9, in Chania. Most of these attacks were hidden by the police and the local media. We think the selection of the targets reflects our willfulness. For us, anything of the state, from the vehicles to the shinny glasswindows of every government building (from the murderous and repressive institutions as the army and the police to the most apparently neutral service) is a target and needs to be destroyed. As for the insurance companies, the legalisez pimp they are together with the state, in order to cover the supposed "possible needs" of the citizens, is considered as nearly self-evident matter, growing them unperturbed rich. It's about time they start covering some real damages, these ones of their own. There is n't any special occasion for these actions, at least not in the way those that have learnt to think according to what the state and media present as "news", may think. Every moment is a wonderful opportunity to attack and destroy what destroys you. Provincial towns are not a "cease-fire zone" of a war raging in the metropolis. The choise to attack finds its way to spread everywhere and always, as long as there are people determined to carry it out. We tried to bring out some of our targets. But the enemy is everywhere inside the city, in every structure and every expression of the authoritarian world. Bur firstly and mainly, it lies in the generalized apathy and inertia of the social majority, accustomed to "mind their work", thus consenting to the dominant structures and plannings. Faithfull to the lines of the revolutionary war, we pass into counter-attack and rocking the boat of a town sinking in security and loyalism... We illegaly return a piece of the legal and institutionalised violence we receive every day. We dedicate these strikes to our imprisoned anarchist comrades Giannis Dimitrakis, Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis, Vaggelis Botzatzis and Polykarpos Georgiadis. If freedom, resistance and dignity is a crime, then we are accomplices in that crime. Each day of their being captive passes, will find us stronger and more determined. We 'll see you again. "Night Compensation" Incendiary attack against an office of the industrialist G. Mylonas (Thessaloniki, 4/9/2008) From the mass-media: "Limited material damages were caused by the gas canisters set, Thursday afternoon, unknown persons outside the entrance of the office of the industrialist G. Mylonas, located on the 7nth floor of a building on 1, Dimokratias square, in Thessaloniki. The fire brigade mobilized 4 vehicles and 8 men that put out the fire. According th them, no one was in the office by that time. It is noted that in June, the president -at the time- of northern Greece industrialists- G. Mylonas was kidnapped. For that kidnap V. Paleokostas is accused with a group of persons. During their transfer a group of anti-authoritarians gathered chanting slogans in solidarity." A translation of a claim sent via e-mail: I want to go to my aim. I walk my way. I will surpass jumping over the hesitations and those walking slowly. Let my way be their destruction Nietzsche After the "little adventure" of the president of northern Greece industrialists, the revolutionary Polykarpos Georgiadis and the comrades and friends of his, Vaggelis Hrisohoidis and Vassilis Paleokostas are arrested accused of his kidnapping. What each of us is and claims, is n't defined by any journalist but by the role each one of us selects inside the social machinery. For a long time now, we listened to Mylonas (before and after his kidnapping) mentioning the tough times for the industrialists' incomes. We are digusted. IT'S TIME WE SPEAK OUT LOUD. Negators of a mediocre society and a miserable life we are offered, we take the first step to the offensive. We make it clear for Mylonas, and his alikes, and everyone that maintains this world of servants and their bosses that the keystones of the empire, despite their apparent fortification remain fragile. Mylonas adventure is n't over yet. On the opposite, it just started... Simply because this gentleman didn't stop for a minute to be a target among others. The arson against his offices during the day, noon, in a police occupied city (because of Karamanlis arrival) in a well guarded building is dedicated to the three imprisoned for the case of his kidnapping. "Innocents" or "guilty", well known in the revolutionary circles or not, they have the world of Negation on their side. And as for us, that our only passion is the destruction and annihilation of the existent in its totality -practically and morally- we will continue to do what Polykarpos agitated in his letter's secont postscript. What we have been doing for a long time now. Revolutionary action, uncompromised and continuous attack against every symbol, building, value, face of the authoritarian society is an one way only. Hostilities shall continue, original negations and revolutionary selections will undermine the always flammable social institution. CHAOS IS ON OUR SIDE THE WAR RAGES WE 'LL BE BACK SOON! CONSPIRACY OF CELLS OF FIRE THESSALONIKI CELL "ASYMMETRICAL THREAT" | |
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