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60th founding anniversary of Democratic Republic of Korea National Democratic Front of the Philippines - 17.09.2008 06:42
Message on the occasion of the 60th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea    Comrade Kim Jong Il General Secretary Workers' Party of Korea Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea Dear Comrade Kim Jong Il, The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), including the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA) and 15 other allied revolutionary organizations, extends its most heartfelt congratulations to you and the heroic people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on the auspicious occasion of the 60th founding anniversary of the DPRK. We join you and the people of DPRK in recollecting the immortal feats of Comrade President Kim Il Sung, such as: * Founding the people's revolutionary government in the guerrilla bases amidst the flames of the anti-Japanese struggle; * Leading the people's revolutionary government after the liberation; * Laying down the line of building the country for founding a democratic people's republic suited to the desire of the Korean people; * Leading the founding of the Provisional People's Committee of North Korea in February 1947; * Organizing the Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Public Organizations in North and South Korea in Pyongyang In April 1948 at a time when the US imperialists and their stooges intensified their schemes to divide the nation; * Proclaiming the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on September 9, 1948. The Filipino people who have been waging a 40-year-old armed revolutionary struggle against US imperialism and local reactionaries, to achieve national sovereignty and genuine democracy, join you in celebrating the great historical event of the Founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The NDFP congratulates you, the Workers' Party of Korea and the people of the DPRK for defeating the war of aggression of US imperialism and firmly upholding and defending your national sovereignty and territorial integrity against numerous malicious schemes of US imperialism and its cohorts. At a time when the world's peoples valiantly struggle against the imperialist wars of aggression and plunder, the firm and unwavering stand of the DPRK to uphold and defend its national sovereignty is a source of inspiration to the revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces in the Philippines and throughout the world. Long Live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! Long live the great legacy and indelible memory of Comrade Kim Il Sung! Long live the Workers' Party of Korea! Long live the international solidarity of the world's peoples! On behalf of the National Council of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines: LUIS G. JALANDONI NDFP Chief International Representative Member, NDFP National Executive Committee National Council National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) September 09, 2008 Related articles:
http://indymedia.org.nz/newswire/display/42112/index.php |
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