Vrijdag info & docu: Dierenrechten Propaganda - 19.09.2008 14:12
Documentaire & info Wanneer: 19.09.2008 | 20.00 uur Spreker: Anti Dierproeven Coalitie Documentaire: Behind the Mask Waar: Multipleks, Schuttersveld 1, Leiden  behind the mask  http://www.stopdierproeven.org Ook deze vrijdag weer een propaganda avond in Leiden met deze keer als thema: Dierenrechten. De avond zal beginnen met een spreker van de Anti Dierproeven Coalitie die wat zal vertellen over de verschillende actie's op het gebied van dierenrechten. zie: http://www.stopdierproeven.org/ Hierna zal er de documentaire: 'Behind the Mask' worden vertoond. Hierin wordt een beeld geschetst van ALF en de repressie vanuit de staat. zie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behind_the_Mask_(ALF) "Behind the Mask is a 72-minute controversial documentary that focuses on the Animal Liberation Front, direct action, and the current repressive, so-called free governments to which activists are victim. It is produced and directed by Shannon Keith, an animal rights lawyer in America who started her own production company in 2004 with the aim of bringing animal liberation issues to mainstream media. Using real undercover and underground video, "Behind the Mask" explores the world of those people who choose to break the law for a better cause... for the liberation and freedom of animals. While learning about specific individuals in the movement, the viewer is taken on a journey into the world of animal exploitation as well. Throughout the film Shannon Keith captures the hearts and souls of people involved in the struggle for Animal Liberation. Judge for yourselves if these men and women really are, as the government would lead you to believe, a terrorist threat to our country today. Well known long-term British activists such as Keith Mann, John Curtin and Ronnie Lee are amongst those who are interviewed and who give excellent accounts of their personal experiences. Other individuals of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the globe, tell their tales of liberation, incarceration, sacrifice and determination, while exclusive underground footage reveals heart-thumping action sure to leave you wondering... who are these people Behind The Mask? " "If not you, who? If not now, when?" Website: http://www.multipleks.org/ |