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BOYCOTT SAND BLASTED JEANS/COMPANİES  kot taslama BOYCOTT SAND BLASTED JEANS/COMPANİES There is noody who do not know the murders of jeans companiesd in sand-blasting sector. Sandblasting workers participated in news, so that TV channels increased their raitings. They participated in newspapers pages by pages, so that newspapers were sold more and more. At present everyone has a knowledge about them(ill workers) but there is no change in their lives. İt would be idiocy to think that the state-government would do something about this murders. We know that the only important thing for them is export, gross national product, and the dollars, euros that would fill the bosses's pockets. In any case are not the bosses and governers members of the same gang? Now the workers are not available to work in any work so that they can not bring even a bread to their families, even they can not buy their pills-medicimes. And they are not able to take their rights in front of courts because they did not have social insurance that's why they can't prove that they worked in these factories and got this ilness because of working there. Now it is time to show our solidarity. It is time to show that we are not hopeless-atloss against exploiters, murderers, We have to show solidarity because we are all under the pressure of the same system. We can show that it is not so easy to play with people's health and lives and then say "we started a new system that does not injure human health" thereby to shirk. But how? By not buying sand-blasted or any other jeans further no products from these companies. And by making this attitude widespread. İf we can succeed this, hereafter they will see that it is not so easy to put human life-health under danger just for more dollars, euros. And they will have to think thousand more times in order to do somethimg like this. Be sure that they will not want to lose their green dollars. Don't Sell/Don't Buy Sand-Blasted Jeans, Join BOYCOTT!
http://kottaslama.org/php/kt/wp/?paged=24 www.kotaslama.org |
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