Guerilla Ant Army Federation Strikes Again! G.A.A.F. Crew - 06.10.2008 11:17
G.A.A.F. Proudly Presents the next party representing the 4 elementz of Hip-Hop Culture. We would like to bring together activists & street youth, and show that there is not one, but many ways to fight the system, and revolution will only be accomplished through working together! Come to the OT301 in Amsterdam the 18th of October and experience a global counterculture as it's supposed to be, without corporations and government sponsored institutions controlling the music!  Frontside Flyer  Backside Flyer We are organising the Essence of Hip-Hop Party the 18th of October @ The Overtoom 301 in Amsterdam. This will feature 12 hours of nonstop Hip-Hop (and Roots Reggae) starting with live graffiti at 17:00, vegan food from 19:00 - 21:00 @ de Peper bar and live acts from 22:00 including B-boys&girls, MCs, DJs and Human Beatbox. Entrance is 6,- and food is 4,- (if you are poor and hungry negotiation is always an option!). We hope to bring you all a wonderful day filled with what Hip-Hop is REALLY about (opposed to the sex, money, drugs & blingbling that the corporate media is force-feeding the mainstream public) & overall good vibes. Spread the word, take back the culture from corporate bizniz and rule the streets! Guerilla Ant Army Federation PEACE E-Mail: |