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The US elections and the Middle East crisis Transnational Institute - 23.10.2008 12:45
A prospect for change? The world is anxiously waiting to see who will be the next US president and what will be the new administration's foreign policy. Will the occupation of Iraq continue? Will there be a turn away from the current policy towards Iran or will the aggressive threats escalate? Just a day after the election results emerge, Phyllis Bennis, a veteran analyst of US foreign policy, will examine the history of the current U.S. wars and crises, and assess the prospects for change that may - or may not - open with the arrival of the new administration. Bennis has just published new primers on the Iraq war and the US-Iran crisis. Written in an easy-to-read "frequently asked questions" format, ENDING THE IRAQ WAR discusses the issues that have determined the course of the war, and provides a set of strategies for ending the US-led occupation and allowing Iraqis to reclaim their own country to build their own peace in Iraq and the region. UNDERSTANDING THE US-IRAN CRISIS: A PRIMER examines the history of U.S.-Iran relations, and calls for replacing the current U.S. policy of aggression toward Iran with alternative strategies for defusing the crisis. "This important analysis deals with the facts-- and not the deception and fear-mongering -- of the Bush administration's verbal, thus far, war against Iran. Can anyone read this book and still support an attack on Iran?" -- Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker, on 'Understanding the US-Iran Crisis: A Primer' Both just-published books are for sale at the venue! Phyllis Bennis is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. and the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. She is a long-time analyst of U.S. policy in the Middle East, particularly regarding the Iraq war and Israel-Palestine conflict. She is the author of another book in this series, UNDERSTANDING THE PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT: A PRIMER. For more information, contact Andrea Sturkenboom
andrea@tni.org or call +31 20 6626608 E-Mail: andrea@tni.org Website: http://www.tni.org |
Lees meer over: globalisering wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | Public Lecture | Transnational Institute - 26.10.2008 10:13
Public lecture DATE: Thursday 6 November 2008 VENUE: ABC Treehouse, Voetboogstraat 11, Amsterdam door open 20h00, start 20h30 Free admission English spoken
E-Mail: andrea@tni.org Website: http://www.tni.org | |
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