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Manifesto "Dyudrok" Artyom Suslov - 28.10.2008 21:55
We - the movement "Pop-Revolution" want to introduce you with a new direction in art and new philosophy - Dyudrok. The point is that it's not just a declaration. We have a clear plan promotion of these principles. We know how to do that people have moved to other realities! We - the movement "Pop-Revolution" want to introduce you with a new direction in art and new philosophy - Dyudrok. The point is that it's not just a declaration. We have a clear plan promotion of these principles. We know how to do that people have moved to other realities! Manifesto "Dyudrok" (New Experimental Art) 1. In connection with the so-called global crisis art movement "POP-REVOLUTION" (with the partial assistance of ART-REVOLUTION) and the artist Artyom Suslov as well as several other free artists decided to create and implement the concept of promotion of new art "Dyudrok." The essence of this art is to re-establish the own way of avant-garde and surrealism. Dyudrok included any avant-garde and modern art with blurred boundaries of genres and unlimited fantasy of the author. At the moment, the world economic system as well as world political system infringe on the majority of rights, freedoms, opportunities and even hopes of man. In this regard, decreasing the creative capacity of most people because it decreases the level and scope of vision as well as the hope of translating its into reality. At the time of the current crisis, a simple man forgets about high ideals, he dreams at a low level. Dyudrok must to protect people from objective reality. We believe - the objective reality that is at this level of crisis can and should move to second place. We have the right to push it into second place if we give to the man a new reality, which will carry the title of "objective". what is now "objective" will take second place, or just disappear for a man. Accordingly, we believe that everyone, regardless of his religious beliefs, his status in the society, and regardless of the sanctions, which in future could be taken against the "Dyudrok" has the right to go to the new reality at any time, partially or completely . 2. In our view, any human rights organization and any commission or authority that to deal with human rights have the obligation to protect the right of every adult in the transition, partial or complete, in a different reality. 3. If the man who entirely gone in a different reality according with the laws of this reality can no longer be capable - this is his personal decision as the new reality does not contradict the existing laws and not causing harm to anyone. Neither does the campaign leading cause harm. No one is obliged to support the individual's life in old reality when he left a letter of advice (note) with the signatures of witnesses. 4. The departure of a reality, as well as assistance in this, not an injury to humans, because the only thing involved in this process - the human imagination. But imagination does not belong to the bodi, as well as the experiments of the imagination is not harmful for the rights of mental functions. Accordingly, there is no room for any regulations on the intentional infliction of harm or death to humans. Also note that imagination is fully subject to his master. 5. Relatives and friends of man who passed away in a different reality have the right to challenge the decision through the courts or through the human rights organizations and and demand to return him to the reality in which they are located. In doing so, c. 5 is partly contrary to the core - 1 item, and further debate on this soil can be resolved only in the mutual agreement of the parties. 6. As Dyudrok is not limited with anything and depends only on the human imagination, it does not conflict with any law and religious customs. 7. For the same reason (not limited and opportunity giving own properties) Dyudrok and concept its development and its veneration is not any organization or religion nor the political movement. Because Dyudrok do not have its own symbols and beliefs. The author of the Manifesto is Artyom Suslov. Art - Movement "POP-REVOLUTION" |
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