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[Roma] antifascists beat nazi-fascists attack antifamonitor - 31.10.2008 06:42
The morning begins with a garrison of mass promoted by Cobas and attended by thousands of school students, who had directed the Senate with a parade by the party pyramid, Ostiense zone.  xxx  xxx A siege peaceful and festive, including signs calling for the Senate and sleep rhythm slogan taken directly from the curves football. One out: 'We pay the national crisis, in recent days become the leitmotif sound of students in revolt. At 11, the situation becomes critical for the arrival of trucks to block student organization linked to the fascist bastards Casa Pound, who wants to win back the lead in deploying a service protesting the order of some students' too elderly. The network of high school students tries to defend the garrison with a "cordon" around 15 children who are immediately attacked and beaten with sticks, belts and bottles. Three young people were admitted to the hospital Holy Spirit for several wounds to the head; to 16 were questioned in the local Trevi and transferred from there to identify and possibly a complaint at large, not unknown offense. Among the direct testimony of aggression, stands out that of the Republic of journalist Curzio Maltese, sent in place to monitor the protest, which will make available to investigators. "I was grounded I hit with bottles, surrounding and helmets - said one of the two injured -. We were loaded with violence, some of carabiners that were used as a weapon Instruments. " "We were in front - adds a student - but they strongly wanted to win the first row. At about 12.30, arriving in the square another piece of university and school students who have decided to give strong man to sit in front of the Senate. Piazza Navona is invaded by thousands of people, but inexplicably, the Digos allows the truck to block student to remain in place in training military helmets, sticks with Italian flags rolled, belts displayed a mo 'challenge in front of television cameras and tourists. The students are asking the leaders to Piazza police to remove the provocative, but nothing moves. Suddenly, the advance of fascist triggers the reaction of students to protect the cortege. The pictures, turn from all the television crew, speak for themselves. Only after several minutes of clashes, the police and carabinieri interventions and decide to stop militants Block, which are loaded. Fourteen of them are brought to the police and reported for violence, resistance and harbor weapons. Immediate reactions from the student: "Following the charge by the group of extreme right - says Roberto Iovino, national coordinator dell'Uds - two students at Piazza Navona have reported severe trauma to the head and a boy shows a torn ear. It is scandalous behavior of the security forces not intervened to restore a peaceful situation. " "Since when has not arrived at the crash - said the hot secretary general of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani - there was a substantial indifference of the police. fascist bastards |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | ?? | x - 02.11.2008 02:03
Kan iemand in goed engels en/of Nederlands uitleggen wat er nou precies gebeurt is? | zover ik heb begrepen | aNNtifa - 02.11.2008 16:01
De "studenten" vereniging verbonden aan de extreem-rechtse/fascistische gekraakte vrijplaatsen in Rome (ja die bestaan en zijn een groot probleem) proberen al een geruime tijd een plek te veroveren in de grote protestacties tegen de hervormingen in het onderwijs die italie nu al een tijd in zijn greep houden. Bij een blokade actie/demonstratie probeerden ze onder begeleiding van een geluidswagen en een blok gekleed in motorhelmen en bewapend met knuppels een plek in de demo te veroveren. Na een aantal aanvallen op mensen die daar bezwaar tegenmaakten (waaronder een groep middelbare scholieren) zijn ze op hun beurt zelf aangevallen door linkse studenten/autonomen. pas na een fikse vechtpartij kwam de massal aanwezige politie tussenbeide en heeft de fascisten weggestuurd en 30 fascho's en 2 linkse demonstranten gearresteerd (met name omdat de nazi's ook een aantal hoge politieofficieren klappen hadden gegeven). Veel van de extreem-rechtse "studenten" waren trouwens (net als bij de NSV in vlaanderen) de 30 al ruim gepasserd. de progressieve/linkse studentengroepen hebben bezworen de pogingen tot infitratie van extreem-rechts te blijven blokeren. | In Italia.... | Kreutzfeldt - 03.11.2008 01:50
Vergeet niet dat er een lange 'traditie' is van neo-fascistische groeperingen tegen linkse demonstranten en vice-versa. Al sinds de jaren zestig en zeventig en de 'jaren van lood' wat een halve activistische burgeroorlog was. Een interessant detail is natuurlijk dat de huidige regering een hoop ex- en crypto fascisten in de coalitie heeft. Minister Gianfranco Fini van de Alleanza Nazionale was ooit secretaris van de M.S.I., de directe politieke opvolger van Benito Mussolini en consorten. Vandaag de dag is hij een nette politicus en waarschijnlijk één van de regisseurs van het geweld tijdens de G8 in Genua in 2001. In goede Italiaanse traditie zal dat echter nooit bewezen worden. Kleinere radicale splintergroepen, zoals de Fiamma Tricolore, Forza Nuova e.a. staan altijd klaar om hun patriotische plicht te vervullen. De teevee beelden van de straatgevechten waren vrij heftig, en negatief tegenover zowel de fascos als antifa studenten in berichtgeving, daar zowel de RAI staatstelevisie op het moment, als de grootste commerciele zenders in handen van Berslusconi zijn. Het is overigens belangrijk zich te realiseren dat het fascisme van de oude stempel natuurlijk een van oorsprong Italiaanse ideologie is, en niet die van van een bezettingsmacht (zoals 'de Duitsers'). Vele mensen in Italie zijn traditioneel niet per sé tegen fascisme als er altijd wel een opa of oud-oom is die een nostalgisch verhaal heeft. | heftig... | nn - 03.11.2008 14:21
The italian student protests continue to grow and has become a strong alliance between parents to compulsory-school pupils, doctoral students and university students - groups who all suffer from the new reform and the cuts in public education. Even among senior compulsory school pupils a protest movement is growing in solidarity with the other students, despite that they are not (yet) affected by the new reforms. For the younger kids the cuts and reforms mean that there will only be 4 hour education a day and that the parents must take care of their kids afternoon. Today 30 october the big unions, CGIL, CISL and UIL, will hold a general strike for the entire school sector. There's daily student demonstrations and ockupations of university institutions against the cuts and privatizations under the slogan "we won't pay your crisis" Yesterday 29 october 8000 students demonstrated in Bologna, 5000 held a symbolic mourning manifestation over the education in Padua, on San Marco in Venice 1500 students gathered and as many also gathered in the neigbouring city of Mestre. In Milan 5000 university students and senior compulsory school pupils blocked various train stations and the entire inner city traffic. In Rome secen different demonstrations came together outside the senate. Berlusconi has declared that he won't bend, that the privatizations and cuts will be carried out. He has however backed from the order about storming the ockupied universities with police. Other elements in the right however continue to demand harder tactics against the protest movement. Italys former preosdent and life-time seenator Franscesco Cossiga have a controversial interview in the larger daylies where he compared the situation with 1977. "Remove the police from the streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with provocateurs prepared for anythng, and let the demonstrators be for some weeks, smash shops, burn cars and ravage the streets. Then, when we have the public opinion on our side the sound of the ambulances will drown the sirens of the police- and carabinier vans", said Franscesco Cossiga to Quotidiano nazionale. Neo-fascist groups have taken him on his words. The right-wing extremist house occupation movement Casa Pound and their student organization Blocco Studentesco have since monday tried to infiltrate the student demonstrations and they have used the movements slogan "we won't pay your crisis". During yesterdays demonstration in Rome Casa Pound appeared with their own sound van. Three 16 year old students were beaten by the neo fascists who placed themselves at the front of the demonstration on Piazza Navone. When the demonstration block from the uniersity Sapienza came to the plae they drove out the fascists from the demonstration and smashed their van. 30 persons from Casa Pound and three left-wing activits were arrested during the clashes. Movies:
http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=osxWdmQUQTw Pictures:
http://roma.repubblica.it/multimedia/home/3466932/1 | |
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