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Thursday: Food Not Bombs Leiden Propaganda + FNB - 04.11.2008 21:40
When: Thursday 6th Nov 19:00 Vegan Voku 20:00 FNB Info + short movies 21:00? Discussion / Brainstorm Where: Multipleks, Leiden  FNB Leiden Thursday a new collective will be created in Leiden: Food Not Bombs. Do you feel like participating then come and join in! Everyone is welcome. We will first have the normal eating cafe followed with some general info on Food Not Bombs. Then finally we will discuss what way we will start this new project and see how we will set things up. About FNB: Food Not Bombs is a collective which serves vegetarian/vegan (still to make up our minds) foods to other people. The food come from markets, stores and bakeries and are collected for free. The name Food Not Bombs states our most fundamental principle: society needs to promote life, not death. Our society, and especially those in power, condones, and even promotes violence and domination, leading to terrible suffering. This affects our everyday lives through the constant threat of violent crime, domestic violence, police repression, and the threat of total annihilation from nuclear war and the use of other weapons of mass destruction. By giving away free, vegetarian food in public places Food Not Bombs brings the invisible hungry and poor into the public's eye, forcing passers-by to examine, at least for a moment, their own complicity and involvement in allowing the unaccountable global economic system that oppresses every one of us to continue. Food Not Bombs calls attention to the inherent contradictions in society's failure to provide food and housing for each of its members, while at the same time handing out hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for unconscionable wars and state violence. And remember: Food Not Bombs is protest, not charity. more info:
http://www.infoshop.org/wiki/Food_Not_Bombs Website: http://www.multipleks.org |
Lees meer over: Agenda vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | more | nn - 04.11.2008 21:43
 We act: Because FOOD is a RIGHT not a privilege! Because there is enough food for everyone to eat! Because SCARCITY is a LIE! Because a woman should not have to use her body to get a meal, or to have a place to sleep! Because when we are hungry or homeless we have the right to get what we need by panning, busking or squatting! Because POVERTY is a form of VIOLENCE not necessary or natural! Because capitalism makes food a source of profit not a source of nutrition! Because Food Grows on Trees. Because we need COMMUNITY not CONTROL! Because we need HOMES not JAILS! Because we need... FOOD NOT BOMBS
| Tof! | A. - 05.11.2008 01:29
Tof hoor Leiden! Goed bezig, misschien kom ik ook nog wel even kijken. | |
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