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ymere office attacked nn - 07.11.2008 16:18
windows smashed and paintbombed of Ymere office on the night of nov. 5th, 2008 windows were smashed and paintbombs thrown inside and outside of the Ymere office at Mauritskade. There were still unreplaced windows from when they were thrown in a few weeks ago. We made so that they would have to replace them all. There is no attempt on our part to make a very deep political explanation of this action. It is in direct response to their visit and distruction of the recently squatted apartments in Van boetzelaerstraat. It is clear that our enemies have decided to continuously show violence against ourselves and our spaces, carrying out the cities gentrification plans enforced by the police. Symbolic resistance doesn't actually effect the people in charge behind our displacement and the city's gentrification. WE would like to propose that spectacular battles (that will never be won) against riot cops during evictions should be in combination with direct actions against the poeple and companies that want to have control over and buy out our lives and spaces. THIS IS PERSONAL. YOU COME VISIT US WE COME VISIT YOU. BRING THE WAR TO THEIR HOMES!!!! |
aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | well!!?? | takemall - 08.11.2008 00:54
well i agree with the action which was done but i must say people should reflect about the use of the word "war" in a situation where there is not even a real conflict yet. also i think people should think about in how far their action was not symbolic only. for the rest have fun and go on!!!! | |
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