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The Castor doesn´t move United Castor Hunters - 08.11.2008 18:08
At the Moment there is a Blockade at the border of France and Germany. The German police tries to remove the activists.   German police tries to remove three activists attached to the railway track in in Berg near Woerth, Southwestern Germany, where a train transporting German nuclear waste to the Gorleben interim storage facility is awaited. German police expect thousands of demonstrators to try to block the upcoming transportation of eleven Castor rail containers of reprocessed. At the moment the police installed floodlight, because they are expecting a long constancy. |
Lees meer over: europa | aanvullingen | BI Media People | Hotte - 08.11.2008 21:36
The BI media people report 16,000 protesters at the Gorleben demonstration, the biggest number in all the 31 years the nuclear dumping has been fought.Some people are meeting in Braunschweig to visit Cecile being kept in jail there. German Rail reports delays in train traffic in north Germany caused by arson attacks on railway installations in Brandenburg and damage done to signalling equipment. Repairs would take until the late afternoon. The three activists locked to a concrete block are still stopping the CASTOR train from continuing its journey. Police have not yet succeeded to cut the demonstrators out. They’re working with electric hammer drills to try to break open the concrete. The train is still stopped in the French border station Lauterbourg, about four kilometres from the concrete block. | Castor is on its way again | Pollux - 09.11.2008 02:22
00:30 The last person has been cut loose from the rail bed. The nuclear waste transport is on its way again... | But only very slow ;-) | Hotte - 09.11.2008 02:55
A Helicopter is flying in the front to light out the railway | Best Ticker ever ! | Tic-Tac-Man - 10.11.2008 00:13
There is a blockade again !!! Read the Twitter Ticker: http://twitter.com/castor2008 Join the resistance ! | |
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