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Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by T Malakabeza - 13.11.2008 12:27
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM! redaccio — Thu, 06/11/2008 - 01:41 PASS IT, TRANSLATE IT, ADAPT IT, AND MAKE THE NET TREMBLE!!!(and the banks) MAKE THEM PAY THE CRISIS!!! Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM! redaccio — Thu, 06/11/2008 - 01:41 There's some initiatives at the spanish state using a method that was tried before. Here, economy has existed based on building industry so politicians and banks could speculate with the land, rising up on the media the themes of squatting and opening squatted social centres, most of them anarchist/libertarian but with people from many ideologies working together. It was all on TV and newspapers for a while because it was a problem that affected to everybody, people live with more than 30 years with their parents or have to mortage for decades. Then an email appeared calling everybody to gather at a significant place on the city they lived, so if your city didn't appear on that you had to add it and forward. The message was clear, against politicians and bank speculators. The message gathered thousands of people in many towns and cities, of different classes and ideologies, though repression was equally brutal to all. That didn't stop the demonstrations to be repeated again and again, with more messages on the internet (started per week, then one per month, etc) it happened similarly to the protests of the iraq war, without leaders. When people had to collectively decide there where to go, many times it was decided when someone sang loud to go to the parliament or whatever and people began singing with him/her. Repression was put on the news, and because of arbitrary arrests and police theaters the first assembly was made, where people from all ideologies (even contrary) held the meetings to help for the arrested people's trials, like anarchist, republican, communist... many of them tried to gain power and control "the masses" on their own benefit. The movement was divided when elections came and there was people believing that handling and negotiating with power there would have been some change. Many others made campaign for active abstention. Then government made a ministry of houses, people simulated to believe the lie or something and now we are in the same situation but with economic crisis. There are still existing webpages of that, which can be considered a huge ephimeral movement or momentum with mobilizations made by many different people with the same problem. The webpages were created after, so they are quite publicitary, but they have all the info about haw many mobilizations in how many places and how many people. It is:
http://www.vdevivienda.net/ So what? -well, precisely the economic crisis will affect the housing sector which is currently going down. Some days ago, another e-mail began to circulate on the internet, with the same characteristics: NOTE: i had problems with the translation, i've inserted explanation notes between , cause i don't have a dictionary with me. """"""""" A new e-mail's on the internet convening gatherings/demonstrations against the crisis the 15th of november, coinciding with the international summit that pretends to make a refoundation of capitalism. Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM! The next 15th of November the world leaders will gather to prepare a new plan against the crisis. Containing United States' bank crisis has costed 700.000 million dollars!!! 5 more times of what United Nations approved to reach the Objectives of the Millenium!!! And european costs are even higher. It's a shame!!! In Spain the government is giving 100.000 million euros to the same banks that are----------to lots of families bacause they can't pay the mortgages . Months ago thousands of people went out to the streets for a vivienda digna and we were already calling attention to the dangers of the burbuja inmobiliaria . Now that it has exploted, is it US who are going to pay it? During years they've made rich themselves and now they announce sacking , salary cuts , closing of business, "giving up" the Kioto protocol... It seems clear that the big political parties govern for the banks and that big sindicates are not going to say anything. They've even been congratulated by bankers and businessmen! Only gente de a pie can denounce it. They privatize benefits and socialize losings . They think we're stupid? Are we going to permit it? Of course not. Next Saturday 15th of November at 17:00 we will get out to the streets in all cities. We have time and capacity enough to spread the word and organize ourselves. Doesn't matter if they invite Zapatero or not, we have to colarnos in that summit... PASS IT, TRANSLATE IT, ADAPT IT, AND MAKE THE NET TREMBLE!!!(and the banks) MAKE THEM PAY THE CRISIS!!! Spain:17.00h ILLES BALEARS Palma : Plaça d'Espanya ANDORRA Davant del govern CATALUNYA Barcelona: Plaça Catalunya Figueres : Plaça del Ajuntament Girona: plaça del vi Lleida: Plaça de la Paeria (També 19.30 davant de l'IEI, pça Catedral convocada per Assemblea popular anticrisi) Manresa: Plaça Joan Fuster (encara coneguda com Plaça Espanya) Reus: Plaça del Mercadal (els col·lectius locals convoquen a les 19.00 Sabadell: plaça de sant Roc Tarragona : Rambla Nova, davant l'estàtua dels despullats Tortosa: Plaça de l'Àngel Vilanova: Plaça de l'ajuntament PAIS VALENCIÀ Alacant: Alacant: Explanada de Espanya, davant la Rambla de Méndez Núñez Castelló: Plaça de la Independència (coneguda com La Farola) Elx: Plaça Baix Gandia: Plaça de l'ajuntament Torrevieja: Plaza de la constitución davant l'Ajuntament. València: Plaça ajuntament Vinaròs: Plaça de l'Ajuntament ARAGON Graus: Plaza España Huesca: Plaza Navarra Teruel: Plaza del Torico Zaragoza: Plaza del Pilar MURCIA Murcia: Glorieta de España NAFARROA Iruñea: Plaza del Castillo EUSKADI Bilbo: Centro Civico de La Bolsa (C/ Pelota - Casco Viejo) Donosti: Jardines de Alderdi Eder Gasteiz: Plaza de la Virgen Blanca LA RIOJA Logroño: delante del ayuntamiento ASTURIES Aviles: Plaza de España Gijon: Plaza del Parchís Oviedo: Plaza de la Escandelera CASTILLA Y LEON Ávila: Plaza del Chico Burgos: Plaza Mayor León: Plaza de San Marcelo Miranda de Ebro: Plaza de España Palencia: Plaza Mayor Ponferrada: Plaza Julio Lazúrtegui Salamanca: Plaza Mayor Segovia: Plaza del Azoguejo Soria: Plaza de Herradores Valladolid: Plaza Mayor Zamora: Plaza Mayor MADRID Madrid: Puerta del Sol CASTILLA LA MANCHA Albacete: Plaza del Altozano Ciudad Real: Parque del Torreon Cuenca: Plaza mayor Guadalajara: Plaza del Ayuntamiento Toledo: Plaza de Zocodover ANDALUCIA Algeciras: Plaza alta Almeria: Plaza Circular Cádiz: Plaza de San Juan de Dios Córdoba: Plaza de las Tendillas Granada: Fuente de las Batallas Huelva: Plaza del Templete Jaén: Plaza de la Constitución Málaga: Plaza de la Constitución Marchena: Plaza del ayuntamiento Sevilla: Plaza Nueva CANTABRIA Santander: Plaza del Ayuntamiento GALIZA A Coruña: Plaza de Maria Pita Lugo: Praza Maior Ourense: Plaza del Ayuntamiento Santiago de Compostela: Praza do Obradoiro Vigo: Puerta del Sol EXTREMADURA Badajoz: Plaza de San Francisco Cáceres: Plaza Mayor Fregenal de la Sierra: Plaza del ayuntamiento Mérida: Plaza de España Zafra: Plaza España PORTUGAL Lisboa: Largo do camões ISLAS CANARIAS Lanzarote: El reducto Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Parque Santa Catalina Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Plaza de la Candelaria MÉS LLUNY / MÁS LEJOS / FARER/PLUS LOIN (d'aquestes n'hi poden haver d'altres doncs evidentment no hem pogut ser exhaustius arreu del món) Paris 15.00h Place de la Bourse Washington 10.00 Judiciary Square Metro, 4th (Global Action Justice) 10.00 Dupont Circle (Anticapitalist bloc) |
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